Originally Posted by **Karla**
That girl in the thin w/assets is hott!! Lol-you can tell those pics are photochopped lol-but yes I get it now, bbw is like a bigger stomach/middle(maybe not as toned?) and voluptuous is like the way Kirstie Alley looks now that she did dancing with the stars!!!
That's what I think too....Kristie Alley.....Anna Nicole....Marilyn Monroe....all goddesses ...and very voluptuous...
Originally Posted by JMcB
Dunno about those pics, I always thought that the term voluptuous was best defined also by the term "Rubenesque" : of, relating to, or suggestive of the painter Rubens or his works; especially : plump or rounded usually in a pleasing or attractive way <a Rubenesque figure> From M-W.com. I've always seen those older paintings in his style as a voluptuous woman. Most of the Thick thru chubby categories fit in my mind as voluptuous. The only BBW was the last one. BUT to be a BBW also involves a state of mind. where she will also see herself as beautiful, sexy, fun and confidant in her own skin. That makes a woman beautiful no matter her size.
On another note, the "average" pic is NOT actually from what I've seen in my travels throughout the US the one termed pudgy is more of the average and is not IMHO pudgy, just soft and cuddly :-)
Welcome, I enjoy your perpection of a woman's body...very nice....
hahehehe using Anne Nicole is a great visual for most......I could visualize you between those voluputuos legs of hers...to HOT....
Originally Posted by redrum
I think there is a limit to voluptuous where with bbw it does not stop. Here is the way I think it goes spinner, slinder, perfect,curvy, voluptuous , bbw, holy shit
I think you forgot thin....when I picture a spinner I'm thinking of the little ladies that you can carry around on your shoulder or someone that you can have stand up over you and turn her around.......hence you controlling the action of her hips
Originally Posted by sanantonioman37
My understanding is that voluptuous refers to a hour glass type figure aka Marilyn Monroe. While a bbw has more a of straight or less inward curves.
Inward curves....very intersting way to look at it...
Originally Posted by Jessy Stone
Hummm, Well I've got more meat on me then a Texas grill at a BBQ plate fundraiser. 
I know I have been described as everything from thick---BBW to beinhg an Amazon....I prefer to be called Amazon or Goddess when describing my womanly shap.e...
.....but that is in my little "world" aheheh
IMO...I feel BBW and voluptuous woman are very HOT when they get primal and we must remember for every shape that exist for woman there is a man that is made to fit her perfectly...





adj. 1. Giving, characterized by, or suggesting ample, unrestrained pleasure to the senses:
voluptuous sculptural forms; a voluptuous ripe fruit; a full, voluptuous figure.
2. a. Devoted to or indulging in sensual pleasures.
b. Directed toward or anticipating sensual pleasure:
voluptuous thoughts.
c. Arising from or contributing to the satisfaction of sensuous or sensual desires. See Synonyms at