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Old 02-23-2010, 01:36 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
He is exactly what is wrong with our givernment.
DD - I don't know if this was a typo or if it was intentional. Either way, you've hit the nail on the head.
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Old 02-23-2010, 03:29 PM   #122
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This should be the important point for liberals in particular; our financial resources are finite (printing more money makes it less valuable not more). For every dollar we invest in some idiotic scheme that is one less dollar that can be used to help the poor. At least that has always been the argument that liberals have used against the defense budget and the space program. Bjorn Lomborg is a prize winning economist, he believes in manmade global warming. Understand? He BELIEVES in global warming. He does not believe in all this cap and trade, or carbon reductions, or other crazy ideas. He has crunched the number and has decided that it is far cheaper and likely to prepare to survive global warming (which he believes in) than to spend far more with failing results to stop global warming. http://www.lomborg.com/cool_it/ http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com...g-global-w.php
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Old 02-23-2010, 06:14 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by fritz3552 View Post
You have to go overseas for any information that does not fit into the template of the climate change believers.
Did you go overseas? I bet not. I didn't either. I was sitting on my couch in my underoos.
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Old 02-23-2010, 06:33 PM   #124
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It IS embarrassing. But the real question is left unasked. Who are the hackers? There was a crime after all...

Next, the so-called Climategate (why not Hackergate?) and all of the other little articles are distractions. The sad thing is that they work.

Inhofe? LOL He's the joke from Oklahoma. "Inhofe had previously stated that Global Warming is "the second-largest hoax ever played on the American people, after the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Separation_of_Church_and_State _in_the_United_States"]separation of church and state[/ame]."

In December 2009, Inhofe told [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNN"]CNN[/ame]’s “Situation Room” program that the [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climatic_Research_Unit"]Climatic Research Unit[/ame] e-mails show that the science behind [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change"]climate change[/ame] "has been pretty well debunked." The [ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fact_checking"]fact checking[/ame] organization Politifact concluded Inhofe's statement to be false, "Independent of CRU's data, agencies and academics all over the world are coming to essentially the same conclusion: Climate change is happening.""

D vs. R: I noticed that you only listed Republicans. And then I noticed that one of them was Newt Leroy Gincrich. Why did Newt write a book about giving tax breaks to decrease carbon emissions if he doesn't believe they are a problem? Why did he acknowledge that global warming was reality in the debate he lost to John Kerry about this issue a few years ago?

If you hate being lied to, then why are you a Republican?
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Old 02-23-2010, 06:42 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
You can never ever get him to admit that a democrat has done something wrong, tried many times even when it is obvious. Personally and as I have stated many times, both parties are full of shit, and I will point the finger at both of them.

One more thing Mr. Monger sir, I know this may be hard for you so sit down okay, ready, there are Democrats who dont believe in climate change around 25% according to the most recent poll.
That's BS. I HAVE admitted that some Democrats have done things wrong. I think the point that I made at the time (and I'll make it again) is that they do DIFFERENT bad things for DIFFERENT reasons. Besides what party they're in, Republicans just make better scandals. Democrats are boring. Some just cheat on their wives or get bribed occasionally. Republicans do freaky stuff and then botch the cover-up. That's much more juicy.

Please cite what poll you're talking about.
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Old 02-23-2010, 06:58 PM   #126
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Democrats don't like NASA? Since when?

Where's your outrage at the money that's wasted on defense projects due to pork, fraud, etc? Thank Obama for trimming the fat on that in 2009, because it was allowed to run wild under Bush. How much is it going to cost taxpayers for Bush's "slam dunk" war in Iraq that was supposed to "pay for itself" after our troops were "greeted as liberators" after they "found the WMDs"? Trillions?

Bjorn who? Never heard of him. What prize did he win? Because your second link says that he's a hack.

Am I supposed to think that you believe him now? Or do you *partially* believe him? You just believe the parts that you want, right. YOU don't believe in global warming, but you DO believe in what a guy that believes in global warming has to say about an upcoming political subject that benefits your side of the argument. LOL

Assume for a second that Mr. Lomborg is right. What is he saying? He's saying that the cheapest thing FOR HUMANS is to adapt to global warming. Where does that leave all of the non-humans (every other living thing on the Earth)? Many of them go extinct.

Originally Posted by john_galt View Post
This should be the important point for liberals in particular; our financial resources are finite (printing more money makes it less valuable not more). For every dollar we invest in some idiotic scheme that is one less dollar that can be used to help the poor. At least that has always been the argument that liberals have used against the defense budget and the space program. Bjorn Lomborg is a prize winning economist, he believes in manmade global warming. Understand? He BELIEVES in global warming. He does not believe in all this cap and trade, or carbon reductions, or other crazy ideas. He has crunched the number and has decided that it is far cheaper and likely to prepare to survive global warming (which he believes in) than to spend far more with failing results to stop global warming. http://www.lomborg.com/cool_it/ http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com...g-global-w.php
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Old 02-23-2010, 07:01 PM   #127
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Pushing through the distractions, I repeat the original question:

"Do you think the CRU should be able to replicate the hockey stick graph?"

For the uninformed, the famous hockey stick does not use raw temperature readings for the last 150 years. Instead it uses 'filtered' data. So, lets see the raw data - reasonable request, I think. Don't most scientists want other scientists to challenge their work, and get the same result? Seems reasonable. Well, after DECADES of supressing requests for the raw data, Phil Jones from the CRU has announced he threw the data away. NO KIDDING. The most symbolic and important piece of the global warming puzzle was thrown away...because they ran out of file cabinet space .

I don't care which republican wears panties and a ball gag on his spare time. Answer the question.

"Do you think the CRU should be able to replicate the hockey stick graph?"

if not - why? (and if you'll PM me, I have a few bridges to sell).
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Old 02-23-2010, 07:16 PM   #128
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I'll answer your question with a question. Is the hockey stick graph the only evidence for AGW? Because without the ONE GRAPH there is still overwhelming proof of AGW. It is almost like one pillar of a building with ten million pillars is being called into question by skeptics and they're all swearing that the roof is going to fall down.

Now you know how much data and how many papers he had over such a long time span, but you typed that he just "threw the data away". Is it really gone forever or is the data still out there? I think the article was very clear on this. It also states that he didn't know the graph was going to be seen as so important years ago.

Oh, and I think panties and a ball gag was the mega-church preacher in Alabama. He's the one they found dead of autoerotic asphyxiation with a dildo up his butt and wearing two rubber suits and a rubber mask.
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Old 02-23-2010, 07:38 PM   #129
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I'll consider the question unanswered.

Yep, its kinda important. You see, if nobody can state emphatically that temperatures have been rising during the industrial age, well, the planet hasn't been warming now has it? Reminds me of a Geico commercial.

For sale:

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Old 02-23-2010, 08:04 PM   #130
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"D vs. R: I noticed that you only listed Republicans. And then I noticed that one of them was Newt Leroy Gincrich. Why did Newt write a book about giving tax breaks to decrease carbon emissions if he doesn't believe they are a problem? Why did he acknowledge that global warming was reality in the debate he lost to John Kerry about this issue a few years ago?"

Monger I believe reading is fundemental, try this one again. I believe that he is saying that there are republicans who have also bought into the hoax, see quote.

"Prominent Republicans have signed on to the hoax - Newt, RNC Chair Steele, McCain, a reluctant nod by Bush."

Your in so much of a hurry to attack a Republican you cant even see when they are agreeing with you.
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Old 02-23-2010, 08:08 PM   #131
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"I HAVE admitted that some Democrats have done things wrong. I think the point that I made at the time (and I'll make it again) is that they do DIFFERENT bad things for DIFFERENT reasons. Besides what party they're in, Republicans just make better scandals. Democrats are boring. Some just cheat on their wives or get bribed occasionally."

Below is a list of the occasional bribe. Dont fool yourself the Dems are just as dishonest as the Rep. But like I said you will never say this, even in your statement you minimize the actions of the Dems. I will stand on my point.

Daniel David Rostenkowski – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Illinois. Indicted on 17 felony charges- pleaded guilty to two counts of misuse of public funds and sentenced to seventeen months in federal prison.

Charles Coles Diggs, Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Michigan from 1955 to 1980. Convicted on eleven counts of mail fraud and filing false payroll forms- sentenced to three years in prison.

George Rogers – Democrat – Massachusetts State House of Representatives from 1965 to 1970. Member of Massachusetts State Senate from 1975 to 1978. Convicted of bribery in 1978 and sentenced to two years in prison.

Don Siegelman – Democrat Governor Alabama – indicted in a bid-rigging scheme involving a maternity-care program. The charges accused Siegelman and his former chief of staff of helping Tuscaloosa physician Phillip Bobo rig bids. Siegelman was accused of moving $550,000 from the state education budget to the State Fire College in Tuscaloosa so Bobo could use the money to pay off a competitor for a state contract for maternity care.

John Murtha, Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania. Implicated in the Abscam sting, in which FBI agents impersonating Arab businessmen offered bribes to political figures; Murtha was cited as an unindicted co-conspirator

Raymond Lederer – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania. Implicated in the Abscam sting – convicted of bribery and sentenced to three years in prison and fined $20,000.

Harrison Arlington Williams, Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Senator from New Jersey. Implicated in the Abscam sting. Allegedly accepted an 18% interest in a titanium mine. Convicted of nine counts of bribery, conspiracy, receiving an unlawful gratuity, conflict of interest, and interstate travel in aid of racketeering. Sentenced to three years in prison and fined $50,000.

Frank Thompson, Jr. – Democrat – U.S. Representative from New Jersey. Implicated in the Abscam sting, convicted on bribery and conspiracy charges. Sentenced to three years in prison.

Michael Joseph Myers – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania. Implicated in the Abscam sting – convicted of bribery and conspiracy; sentenced to three years in prison and fined $20,000; expelled from the House of Representatives.

John Michael Murphy – Democrat – U.S. Representative from New York. Implicated in the Abscam sting. Convicted of conspiracy, conflict of interest, and accepting an illegal gratuity. Sentenced to three years in prison and fined $20,000.

John Wilson Jenrette, Jr – Democrat – U.S. Representative from South Carolina. Implicated in the Abscam sting. Convicted on bribery and conspiracy charges and sentenced to prison

Alcee Lamar Hastings – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Florida. Impeached and removed from office as federal judge in 1989 over bribery charges.

Marion Barry – Democrat – mayor of Washington, D.C. Convicted of cocaine possession after being caught on videotape smoking crack cocaine. Sentenced to six months in prison.

Mario Biaggi – Democrat – U.S. Representative from New York. Indicted on federal charges that he had accepted bribes in return for influence on federal contracts.Convicted of obstructing justice and accepting illegal gratuities. Tried in 1988 on federal racketeering charges and convicted on 15 felony counts.

Lee Alexander – Democrat – Mayor of Syracuse, N.Y. Was indicted over a $1.5 million kickback scandal. Pleaded guilty to racketeering and tax evasion charges. Served six years in prison.

Bill Campbell – Democrat – Mayor of Atlanta. Indicted and charged with fraud over claims he accepted improper payments from contractors seeking city contracts.

Frank Ballance – Democrat – Congressman North Carolina. Pleaded guilty to one charge of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and money laundering related to mishandling of money by his charitable foundation.

Hazel O’Leary – Democrat – Secretary of Energy during the Clinton Administration – O’leary took trips all over the world as Secretary with as many 50 staff members and at times rented a plane, which was used by Madonna during her concert tours.

Mary Rose Oakar – Democrat – U.S. Representative from Ohio from 1977 to 1993. Pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor charges of funneling $16,000 through fake donors.

David Giles – Democrat – candidate for U.S. Representative from Washington. Convicted in June 2000 of child rape.

Gary Siplin – Democrat state senator Florida- found guilty of third-degree grand theft of $5,000 or more, a felony, and using services of employees for his candidacy.

Its also funny to me that the two most corrupt political machines in the history of this country were democrats wth long and proven ties with organized crime. The Pendergast machine in Kansas City and the Daily machine in Chicago. Both of whom played significant roles in getting Presidents elected. Pendergast = Truman and Daily = Obama.
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Old 02-23-2010, 10:30 PM   #132
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Come on guys. Knock off the democrat / republican bashing. Most of us are one or the other so... Think about it.
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Old 02-23-2010, 11:10 PM   #133
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yes, the second source does say he is a hack but it also comfirms that he is a true believer such as yourself. Award? I'm not going to do all the looking. Google him, his all over the place and like the hack piece says they loved him until he went rogue. Yes, liberals have never really had a love for NASA or space exploration. Explain the cuts under Carter, Clinton, and now Obama.
FYI you sound really defensive and shrill now. Maybe you should pop a couple of quaaludes or take a hit. Just don't invite me to join in.

On scandals don't forget Wilbur Mills or the entire Detroit city council including Mrs. John Conyers (d). How about the stolen election of 1960 (go argue with the historians)? Mayor Daly and, hey, Senator Stephen Douglas in the 1850s. Look up under railroads, corruption, and Douglas.
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Old 02-24-2010, 05:15 AM   #134
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Don't forget William Jefferson, D-La., who, one day after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans, famously used National Guard troops (illegally) to take him to his home so that he could get $75,000 that he had stored in his freezer.

Originally Posted by Longermonger View Post
I'll answer your question with a question. Is the hockey stick graph the only evidence for AGW? Because without the ONE GRAPH there is still overwhelming proof of AGW. It is almost like one pillar of a building with ten million pillars is being called into question by skeptics and they're all swearing that the roof is going to fall down.
But, if that pillar is the load-bearing pillar - as is the case with the hockey stick graph - the entire roof WILL fall down.
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Old 02-24-2010, 06:55 AM   #135
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I think the cause of global warming is all the hot air in this thread.
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