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Old 06-07-2011, 11:58 AM   #1
Kristen DiAngelo
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Default Censorship makes me crazy....

Ok, so this is a rant...

We as Americans pride ourselves on being modern and forward thinking and yet the puritanical values that this country was founded on still seem to be at the core of our media and politics... You see it every day...

I was reading that a polk county sheriff was cracking down on porn and actually arrested a woman (Kimberly Kupps) for producing and making videos in her own home...really? What century did he come from? And how wrong is it that he went after an individual instead of the bigger businesses that produces porn, but I guess they have legal departments and know their rights so that wouldn't be as fun...so, instead he arrests and individual...

On top of that my video clip was removed from youtube..., however, facebook and myspace, still seem to think it's okay (we'll keep our fingers crossed)...can someone explain that? It doesn't make sense...it's no more racy that what is seen on primetime tv today. So even they seem to be succumbing to the pressure...

Now I'm not comparing my video being pulled to what happened to Kimberly Kupps...but what I am saying is that daily our first amendment rights are trampled on and I think we'd become used to it...

Maybe my views are not mainstream, but I thought that one of the purposes of our government was to uphold our rights...even those of a minority when there is oppression from a majority...maybe I'm wrong, but I would love to hear your opinion...
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Old 06-07-2011, 02:03 PM   #2
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If you think that the government wants to uphold rights then all you have to do is see how many we have lost in our civil freedoms over the last twenty years. I don't want to sound like the cranky guy saying it's not like it used to be but IT"S NOT LIKE IT USED TO BE. The more control the government has over us the more freedoms we lose. Use your right to be heard and the right to vote. If you don't speak out as a free people then think how it might be when it's all lost.
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Old 06-07-2011, 03:09 PM   #3
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The First Amendment guarantees freedom of political speech, not all speech.
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Old 06-07-2011, 03:19 PM   #4
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Default Hummm....

Polk County.. Texas I assume.. that would be in the heart of the east Texas bible belt... Still a dry county if memory serves me..

Somebody trying to protect us from ourselves... thanks but No Thanks...

If you live in Polk County, remember it on election day.. However, I'm sure the local preachers and lady's groups think it is the best thing since sliced bread...
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Old 06-07-2011, 03:37 PM   #5
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Polk County Florida is just as bad.
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Old 06-07-2011, 04:44 PM   #6
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Utah(the Morman state) has the highest consumption of pornography. A theocracy is the absolute worst form of government and they would just love that in Texas, or at least that sick part of Texas. That is not a county, it is a Cancer.
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Old 06-07-2011, 05:25 PM   #7
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It was Polk County, Florida not texas
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:54 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by farmstud60 View Post
The First Amendment guarantees freedom of political speech, not all speech.
Actually, that's not so; there is no such qualifier in the amendment's language. All the "exceptions" to the First Amendment which have been created are mere interpretations interpolated by later courts.
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Old 06-07-2011, 10:59 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by KristenDiAngelo View Post
It was Polk County, Florida not texas
Bingo! Figures....
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Old 06-08-2011, 12:03 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by farmstud60 View Post
The First Amendment guarantees freedom of political speech, not all speech.
As someone else pointed out, this isn't true. However, I wouldn't claim that exceptions are "mere interpretations interpolated by later courts". Obscenity has never been protected at English common law, nor has defamatory or seditious speech. Likewise, speech that creates an imminent danger of physical harm -- such as falsely shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater -- has never enjoyed protection of the law, even before the Constitutional Amendment was adopted. It is clear from the notes taken by Madison at the Constitutional Convention that the framers intended the preexisting common law limitations on free speech to remain intact.

Indeed, if anything, Courts have substantially broadened the right to free speech beyond it's common law origins by giving First Amendment protection to 1) commercial speech; and 2) some forms of defamatory speech against public figures.
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Old 06-08-2011, 06:43 AM   #11
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That right there explains it, Not that what they did is right or that I agree with it. Polk county in Florida has a very large issue with other crimes and the lump it all together. The mentality is one crime will lead to another so the go after everyone they can
Originally Posted by KristenDiAngelo View Post
It was Polk County, Florida not texas
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Old 06-08-2011, 07:32 AM   #12
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So...does that mean that the production of pornography is a crime in the US, and it violates the law, therefore, any woman or man who produces video's is therefore breaking it? Or...is it legal to produce porn in the US?

I would assume it's okay to watch it and sell it, as you can find it in any adult video store or on the TV of just about any hotel, and I'm not sure the major chains are interested in breaking laws...

I really do wonder, if this is where we have come to. We can consume pornography produced by others....but, let us not go in the business ourselves? Are we just consumers and let others make the profit?

This all doesn't make sense to me....Somehow I get the idea that ploys such as this are merely to boost the political aspirations of someone who doesn't have time or patience to go after real crime...and besides it's easy to make headlines without looking bad, using an provider of any kind...Little resistance, and big press...good for an ailing public official...

But, please if anyone knows....is it legal or not? Do we even know what we are doing here in the US?
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Old 06-08-2011, 07:36 AM   #13
Maggie McNeill
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Originally Posted by KristenDiAngelo View Post
So...does that mean that the production of pornography is a crime in the US, and it violates the law, therefore, any woman or man who produces video's is therefore breaking it? Or...is it legal to produce porn in the US?

I would assume it's okay to watch it and sell it, as you can find it in any adult video store or on the TV of just about any hotel, and I'm not sure the major chains are interested in breaking laws...

I really do wonder, if this is where we have come to. We can consume pornography produced by others....but, let us not go in the business ourselves? Are we just consumers and let others make the profit?

This all doesn't make sense to me....Somehow I get the idea that ploys such as this are merely to boost the political aspirations of someone who doesn't have time or patience to go after real crime...and besides it's easy to make headlines without looking bad, using an provider of any kind...Little resistance, and big press...good for an ailing public official...

But, please if anyone knows....is it legal or not? Do we even know what we are doing here in the US?
"There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt." - Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
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Old 06-08-2011, 07:45 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Irish Vixen View Post
That right there explains it, Not that what they did is right or that I agree with it. Polk county in Florida has a very large issue with other crimes and the lump it all together. The mentality is one crime will lead to another so the go after everyone they can
Dear Vixen,

You are wrong. They don't lump all crimes together, only the ones they don't like (or at least don't want to admit in public that they like).

Zealots of any end of the spectrum believe that their view of the world is the only view anyone should have. And by god, if you don't agree with MY interpretation then my loving god has told me I should kill you!!!

The radical Islamists only wear different clothes than the radical bible thumpers, prohibitionists, etc.

I escaped Florida after being exiled there for a few years. Polk county FL is as bad as anywhere I've seen, but so many of them are to stupid and myopic to even understand it. Racism was preached in the churches, hatred was taught to the young children, and it was the only place I felt I was in fear for my safety because of bigotry.

It was no surprise "Reverend" David Ramsey is in Florida. I wish I was good enough with digital arts to create a photo of him looking in a mirror and his reflection wearing his arab turban. There is no difference between him and the book burners in 1930 Germany, or Iran, or anywhere else. Intollerance, haterd, and bigorty in all of them. I suspect god cringes when people like that speak in his name.
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Old 06-08-2011, 11:50 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by KristenDiAngelo View Post
So...does that mean that the production of pornography is a crime in the US, and it violates the law, therefore, any woman or man who produces video's is therefore breaking it? Or...is it legal to produce porn in the US?

I would assume it's okay to watch it and sell it, as you can find it in any adult video store or on the TV of just about any hotel, and I'm not sure the major chains are interested in breaking laws...

I really do wonder, if this is where we have come to. We can consume pornography produced by others....but, let us not go in the business ourselves? Are we just consumers and let others make the profit?

This all doesn't make sense to me....Somehow I get the idea that ploys such as this are merely to boost the political aspirations of someone who doesn't have time or patience to go after real crime...and besides it's easy to make headlines without looking bad, using an provider of any kind...Little resistance, and big press...good for an ailing public official...

But, please if anyone knows....is it legal or not? Do we even know what we are doing here in the US?
one of the 1st things I do when I am "knowingly" skirting the line ... is check out the consequences. in business for example, i sometimes contact an attorney for legal advice on an issue.

in certain areas, forget that filming yourself having sex being illegal - getting oral sex from a non-wife is illegal ... then, i try to determine from an attorney if the area in question is liable to prosecute/persecute ...

i like KNOWING that what i am doing is legal where i do it, or that in general authorities don;t care. it's a life rule that keeps my assets safe and out of jail actually. i was attempted to be sued for a business practice a decade ago by a non-local competitor. since i reside where i do, the local laws apply ... i ended up suing them for the same thing here ... and i won. our justice system makes me giggle sometimes.

remember - individuals need to fly UTR ... just saying.
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