There ARE various reasons why women (hobby or RW) enjoy certain sexual positions more than others. Yes, *perhaps*
men in the hobby feel the gal just wants him to cum quicker in said position. But frankly, that's NOT always the case.
Each cock is shaped differently, from different thickness/lengths, to different curves to them etc etc.
So a position a man may want to enjoy sex is, may NOT be the most comfortable position for that particular lady. BECAUSE every women's vagina is not the same size. And YES, men your cock, big or small, curved or not. Can HURT a woman.
So when she suggests a certain postion that she likes. Stop with the back handed excuses and simply allow the woman to enjoy your cock in the postion that pleases her. That IS if your about pleasing her and not causing her pain!
Example: I was with a lover, I've enjoyed his wonderful cock many times. But as a woman, our womanly parts have a mind of their own. On this particular evening, we were enjoy sex and with one thrust which was not any different than before. His cock put me in extreme pain and I doubled over and was in pain for over 6hours.
He felt really bad cause I literally couldn't move. It was just something he hit within my body at the time as again. The next time I saw was fantastic and pain free.
So if your lady tells you she wants your cock while in doggie position. Then give it to her. In fact, that's a position that allows a woman to enjoy a cock MORE, with less pain.
Originally Posted by JohnMacnab
Most of the time when I ask a provider what is her favorite position so she can do what she likes for a while during a session the answer is DOGGIE. Why is that? Someone just told me that when he asked a provider that question she told him it was so she does not have to look at the client. OMG. It just keeps getting better LOL. 