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Old 05-26-2011, 09:51 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by S O B View Post
Wh y does Israel need to expand? To make room for your ilk to move there? Have you seen the Israeli checkpoints, that turn away ambulances, roadblocks. I give up, I type with one finger and cannot debate with a closed mind.
Still, you sound just like Saeb Erakat and Hannah Ashwama. They too refuse to look in the mirror to see they are their own roadblocks to peace.

By the way, speaking of ambulances, Palestinians have used them to smuggle weapons and to blow up, same cowardly crap they pull when they use human shields..

Than cry and complain. Your arguments haven't worked for the Palestinians in years, its smoke and mirrors of reality; what would work would be to denounce Hammas and terror and ' we Jews' would welcome you to the table with open arms. Try it, we don't bite unless provoked. We'll meet you anywhere, anytime, any place in the world when serious. For starters, just stop killing our women and children and abusing your own wives and kids by using them as human shields..

Israel is ready, the Palestinian people are not. I think Pakistan is living proof that you can aid and help all you want but it won't change the people. Change can only come from within, and that means the Palestinian people..

These are the people that want statehood and the United States to pressure Israel. This is a people worthy of statehood?? I think not. Not today.

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Old 05-26-2011, 10:06 AM   #17
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Getting personal here? Hold on I am neither Palestinian nor Arab nor a coward (quote) You want to meet me anytime, where place? (quote) I am not for HAMMAS JUST AGAINST Israel. MAYBE YOU MISSPOKE YOU WANT TO MEET THEM NOT ME ANY WHERE TIME PLACE. Sorry for the caps, one finger typing typo.
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Old 05-26-2011, 10:32 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by S O B View Post
Getting personal here? Hold on I am neither Palestinian nor Arab nor a coward (quote) You want to meet me anytime, where place? (quote) I am not for HAMMAS JUST AGAINST Israel. MAYBE YOU MISSPOKE YOU WANT TO MEET THEM NOT ME ANY WHERE TIME PLACE. Sorry for the caps, one finger typing typo.
Not to you directly, ' we' meaning Israel and ' you' meaning the Palestinians

No, I do not wish to meet you, I'm on here for the ladies. I would like the references ' We and You' above to meet and make peace, spin this back and call it personal but it is not. I have nothing personal against you and I respect your right to have a differing opinion. I've made my point, you keep skirting around the denounce Hammas issue. By no means am I calling you a coward and I think you know that.

When I say ' we and you' meet at the table it obviously refers to negotiating reps of the Israeli and Palestinians, not ' Kosher Cowboy and SOB'; we are eccie members, not official negotiators

Did you see that video I linked? No comment eh? Didn't think so.

How about Pakistan again now. We give them money and until pressured they tried to hide the killers of Daniel Pearl, an American writer. There is nothing about Pakistan to defend, except ensuring they do not use their nuclear power to attack us, western interests, Israel and for that matter India who has denounced terror and been victimized themselves by the Pakistanis. Should we still give the Pakistan billions ??

The world's most wanted man lived there and no one knew? C'mon man !!

btw way, ' man' doesn't mean you personally as to be akkused again , it is a phrase used on Monday nights in the pre-game coverage on ESPN to point out the stupid bonehead plays of the prior games; which I would liken to giving Pakistan $$..

Here is how I used coward, ' By the way, speaking of ambulances, Palestinians have used them to smuggle weapons and to blow up, same cowardly crap they pull when they use human shields..'

neither you nor your handle were referenced in the above. Not even close.
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Old 05-26-2011, 11:53 AM   #19
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Screw Pakistan, Israel, and Palestine. Yes I saw the video the people on it are despicable. Those people are like the mexicans that burn US flags kill border patrol and Texan ranchers, but come illegally and demand rights, education and welfare. Just as I know you personally didn't kill Jesus. As an athiest I care not for wars over religions fictional books (bible Koran et al). Or wars and puppet support for geological presence in an area. Kosher and S O B can be friendly but both of our world views are scewed. ( Mods, when you p0int me please inform me of the points system parameters.) The Jesus comment was funny to me because you said 'we Jews', not Israel would meet.
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Old 05-26-2011, 12:29 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by S O B View Post
Screw Pakistan, Israel, and Palestine. Yes I saw the video the people on it are despicable. Those people are like the mexicans that burn US flags kill border patrol and Texan ranchers, but come illegally and demand rights, education and welfare. Just as I know you personally didn't kill Jesus. As an athiest I care not for wars over religions fictional books (bible Koran et al). Or wars and puppet support for geological presence in an area. Kosher and S O B can be friendly but both of our world views are scewed. ( Mods, when you p0int me please inform me of the points system parameters.)
Sometimes I too wonder if the bible is fiction, both old and new testament. Our views are not screwed, they are just skewed, to one side. Many others are probably somewhere in the middle...

You've defended a point of view w/o shooting the messenger which is fine, I don't think you've done anything wrong, just argued with another guy in cyberspace...


Rabbi Kosher
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Old 05-26-2011, 12:50 PM   #21
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Shalom brother.
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Old 05-26-2011, 07:24 PM   #22
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Israel is no ally of the United States.

We have no mutual defense treaties or agreements with Israel.

Israel is not a member of any mutual defense organizations in which the US belongs.

If you are fond of Israel for whatever reason that's fine, but please consider:

1.In 1948 the State Department, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the National Security Counsel, and the CIA were all opposed to the creation of Israel.

2.Israel came into being when the US and then the USSR both recognized it at the UN, which resulted the next day in five Arab armies attacking it.

3.When the Arabs attacked the US refused to send any arms to Israel because President Truman hoped the Arabs would crush the Israelis. However Premier Stalin in the USSR ordered the Czechs to send several shiploads of arms to the Israelis, which resulted in the Arabs being defeated.

4.No US President would support Israel with any arms until after 1967, and before that Israel was an outlaw nation which obtained their arms from France and other illicit channels.

5.In 1956 the Israelis started the Suez war by attacking Egypt in collusion with the UK and France in a secret conspiracy, the "Protocol of Sevres,"
in which Israel would attack Egypt and the UK and France would invade an re-take the Suez canal under the pretext of a peace-keeping intervention. The whole plan was torpedoed when President Eisenhower told the Israelis he would aid the Arabs in an attack to crush them if they didn't withdraw. Eisenhower also threatened France and the UK, our NATO allies.*

6.The Israelis are considered a hostile nation by our intelligence services.
The Israelis are responsible for numerous serious security breaches of our national security, the most terrible of which was the running of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard, who looted US military secrets and gave them to Israeli officers who then sold them to the Soviet Union.**

7.In the 1950s and 1960s this issue was so serious that any and all Israeli intelligence interface with the US government went through the office of James Angleton, the CIA's Chief of CounterIntelligence, so as to filter any harm that might come to us from such interaction.

8.In 1967 the Israeli Defense Forces attacked a US vessel, the USS Liberty, killing and injuring many crewmen because they were collecting communications intelligence on the IDF during the six day war.

If someone wants to like Israel they are entitled to do so, but the Israelis are not the friends or allies of anyone, including the US. They are on their own, which is the way they like it.

*See Avi Shlaim, The Protocol of Sevres, 1956:Anatomy of a War Plot,
International Security [Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Center for International Studies] 73:3 (1997)


**The Judge in the Pollard case said that he "damaged the US more than any spy ever had," by permitting his information to be sold the the Soviet by his Israeli handlers. To the Israeli far right Pollard is considered a hero because he showed he was willing to betray his home country, the US, in favor of Israel. To this day Benjamin Yetanyahu continues to lobby for the release of Pollard, usually in exchange for promises to continue the "peace process."

ps....the Afghan Islamic fighters in the 1980s are constantly referred to as a "part time army" by Milt Bearden [a fellow Texan], the CIA Chief of Station in Pakistan in 1988. Bearden has since made a name for himself by "going hollywoood" and banking on his exaggerated claims of his participation in the Afhan war.
By the time Bearden came on the scene I was long gone however. I left Pakistan for the last time in 1986, and wished to never see that place again.
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Old 05-26-2011, 08:25 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by theaustinescorts View Post

2.Israel came into being when the US and then the USSR both recognized it at the UN, which resulted the next day in five Arab armies attacking it.
You mean 6

Upon independence, Israel was invaded by the armies of six Arab nations: Egypt, Syria, Transjordan (later Jordan), Lebanon, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. In addition, local Arab Palestinian forces also fought the Jewish Israelis.
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Old 05-26-2011, 10:13 PM   #24
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Gee whiz, TAE. Do you hate ALL Israelis or just the ones of Jewish descent?

BTW -- your posts seems to sound ALIKE!

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Old 05-27-2011, 06:51 AM   #25
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Hey YSSUP, I hate ALL Israelis!!! thanks to tae for his presentation of the facts. Kosher you didn't argue with that. FREE PALESTINE.
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Old 05-27-2011, 06:52 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Gee whiz, TAE. Do you hate ALL Israelis or just the ones of Jewish descent?

BTW -- your posts seems to sound ALIKE!

Yssup, maybe we should hire one of his tricks. He can than say for that at least one meal the Jews put food on his table. Let's save him a Hillel sandwich, a matzoh ball, and let him search for and be rewarded for finding the Afikomen next year. We can pay him in Israeli Kurrency !!!

At least he just spews it ( garbage) out of his mouth and isn't advocating attacks on anyone, participating in the 'events and attacks' that others in this world who share his views do; he is harmless.

but like all of us, he is entitled to his opinion no matter how we feel about him or his extreme opinions...meant as a kompliment, I think he is the most over-kualifed pimp I've ever come across on the street, the internet or from the yellow pages/alternative newspapers ( my mode of finding pussy in the 90's)

and our politics and sports preferences are night and day, we need a TAE to bring out the sanity we lack on our own !!

C'mon SOB, I see you are starting again. TAE distorts history, doesn't present facts. If you want facts look at the map of the middle east and Israel's borders and like it. Learn to live with it. That is fact and the way it will look for decades to come. And if ' we' need to take any more land like in Lebanon or elsewhere on the border where enemies set up shop we will. And there is nothing you or TAE can do about it.

Israel and the Jews never come in 2nd, throughout history we persevere and end up on top. If we settle for 2nd we cease to exist.

We can't free Palestine by the way because there isn't one nor will there be. Learn to love us, because we ain't going away.


PS: Shoot my message not me, I'll do the same..
PSS: You hate all Israelis? What about the Arab ones? What about the Christians? What about the Falashas?
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Old 05-27-2011, 07:12 AM   #27
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Sorry I misspoke. I don't hate Israelis. I loathe the state of Israel. Can you speak to the bombing-strafing of the USS Liberty? And why our president told our ships, steaming to help, to stand down???
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Old 05-27-2011, 10:06 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by S O B View Post
Hey YSSUP, I hate ALL Israelis!!! thanks to tae for his presentation of the facts. Kosher you didn't argue with that. FREE PALESTINE.
Hate is such a cathartic term. Does it make you feel better to say you HATE people, ALL people of a certain nationality, race or creed?

Do you realize that you're spewing hate venom in a community where we all take turns fucking the same people. You never know who's been there before you, bubba. Might have been an Israelite!

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Old 05-27-2011, 10:28 AM   #29
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Did you read my redaction? Israelites were the biblical? tribe, Israelis are citizens of Israel. I generally don"t share the high volume hookers ya'll pass around, and my name is not bubba.
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Old 05-27-2011, 10:57 AM   #30
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YOW! Shirley you can't be serious!
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