Originally Posted by shorty
Was wondering how you ladies decide on the amount for an overnight or weekend rates? I've heard of some ladies charging several K for an overnight or weekend. At the same time, I've heard of some ladies giving some of the clients a break and charge alot less.
Ohhhhhh no you didn't........lol. I wouldn't have ever asked this although I definitely sometimes wonder. For the most part a large majority of the ladies I want to see never post them, and rarely do I see reviews for them of the overnight variety to back up their performance and demeanor.
I think overnights to a very small degree in certain cities varys greatly lady to lady. I used to think the ladies somewhat based this on a consensus of other ladies reviews in their area, or the agencies.....but that's not a die hard scale to go on either. Some ladies have the "inquire at time of booking" phrase on their site and I'm sure that makes for more wiggle room if needed. I think you very kindly for this thread, if not just to get their perspective....but to at least motivate ladies toward posting a section on their website for it.
Originally Posted by shorty
Guys, What warrants you to do an overnight or weekend with a provider? Is it the connection between you two,........
Never did a weekend booking so I can't speak too. Much on those. Mutual comfortability and demeanor on phone beforehand are very important to me. I mostly do 1st time overnights myself. In the case of choosing a lady, I hope she has at least a few multi hour reviews so I can guage her from anothers perspective.
And I'm sure for me the rate matters too. If I see that a lady has not posted an overnight rate ill always let her make the first offer based on my preferences and expecations. Its not so much bartering because a rate isn't there since they didn't post one, but usually we reach common ground in the middle; the conversation seems liberal at least for me.
Ladies who have posted rates helps a lot with my decision as well. I tend to gravitate more toward ladies who rate structure seems to get lower with more hours booked. If for instance her hourly rate is 300, her two hour is 600, her three hour is nine hundred, and her twelve hours is 3600.....it provides no incentive for booking more time since there seems to be no deviation in time.
Now if that same lady had the same rate structure of 300 an hour, 450 to 550 for two hours, 650 to 750ish three hours, overnight 1500plus or minus.....it would show to me their monetary incentive and maybe she caters more so to more booked time.
I also notice that at times the touring ladies are willing to accommodate with you more. Again I won't haggle rates with ladies who have them posted, but it seems certainly easier to have wiggle room when you have a track record for seeing multiple ladies for overnights. Usually if a lady overnight rate time duration is over what I prefer to pay at the time, I might reach somewhere in the middle with less time booked but still considerable enough to be an overnight. This is sometime I notice mostly touring ladies will do to provide for a safe trip monetarily. The local providers in areas are usually not as manuverable in this area, and for the most part its beccause they have a stable set of regulars.
Originally Posted by shorty
[B]good BCD activities,
Ya damn skippy.....well at least my favorite ones. Its definitely provides incentive for me if I know she has a track record for good service. The review will help with what she offer service wise, but her demeanor and work ethic toward more booked time is still to question because its considerably more time booked than most ladies reviews offers than include multiple reviews with a booked time of 2 hours or less.
Originally Posted by shorty
[B]or showing her off at a function?
I don't really seek to take providers on a function of any sort as I tend to be very discreet. Dinner dates are different as I have done those with certain ladies who have a particular look that wouldn't raise an eyebrow if someone famaliar to me saw me. Sometimes id rather not be in public especially if its my first time seeing her. Which usually for me it is.
If I tend to be ultra discreet I'm might want to just spend an intimate evening at home (or hotel) with amenities like food and stuff provided. But the initial phone call where she establishes her comfortability might gravitate me more towards doing outdoorsy things. I think just assumming all overnights must include is a tall order. For me it varies but when I don't seek one its a discreetness issue.
And for the most part.....the ladies don't really eat comfortably. They go on the dinner date and hold back....and besides good conversation they never truthfully let loose because they are expected to "provide the goods" later so to speak. So most times I might 1st time see a provider for an overnight discreetly, get rocked bcd, see her again for repeat business, then the incentive to have a dinner date and do functions is there....because I'm more comfortable with her.
Now I like ladies of all shapes and sizes, but to be blunt there are some ladies id see BCD, but wouldn't even attempt to try to have a dinner date with. To some providers that might seem crude and sexish but not ever provider has a congruent look for visible excursions.
Originally Posted by shorty
[B]When you made an inquiry about the overnight or weekend rate, did she give you a better deal than what she normally advertises?
Sometimes due to other ladies I have seen, but for the most part the ladies that have them posted keep them concrete.
Originally Posted by npita
I did a few overnights and although those were nice, I didn't really feel like the additional time was commensurate with the additional expense. The overnights were basically dinner out, some activity like watching a movie or whatever, bcd time equivalent to a 90 minute to 2 hour session, sleep and breakfast. (I never thought of an overnight as an opportunity for a marathon sex session). Given that an overnight rate would generally be equivalent to 3-4 two hour session or 2-3 three hour sessions, I couldn't really justify the additional expense of an overnight.
I agree very much so about your estimate as to what a true sexually enthused overnight entails. For me in a twelve hour span it may be 3 to 4 separate bcd time throughout the night. The key is picking the right lady who caters to that. There are many providers who consider that "work work" and don't se the incentive. Ill take a marathon session overnight over this anyday.........
Originally Posted by shorty
My only problem with an overnight is the additional time spent with the lady and get no additional BCD activities, as opposed to doing a 4hr Dinner Date. Lady doesn't have to be a sex toy the whole time during an overnight, but would like BCD activities a couple times during overnight stay.
I had the same thoughts dude, but I'm very honest with ladies in the type os sessions I want......and my references will be the first to tell those ladies as well. I have had providers take the stance "your most likely booking this large block of time because you want to fuck me" and some providers actually look at that as a bad thing.......
The key is picking ladies with the motivation to want and prefer those type of sessions. Being under 35 and a young AA guy is usually the X-factor (negatively unfortunately) for me. And usually because of that ladies get the stereotypical frame of mind of what being young (too much stamina, or too hands on) and AA (overly equipt maybe, maybe a possible problem client no matter the refs or screening) entails.
This lady gets it lol.
Originally Posted by LynnPL
Im with heidi.
I require we do a regular visit to see if we like each other enough for an overnight, 3 day, etc. I couldn't just book an overnight with a newbie.
I also give good deals if its a vacation type thing if you allow me to do some day job biz. I can do that where ever I travel too. One hand washes the other.. and hey its a vacation.. as much as Im paid to be there its still a vaca I didnt have to pay for so yes a deal is on the table.  Im here to make money but Im not greedy.
I base an overnight rate by how much "could make", I can see 2 gents and work 4 hours and make the same as an over night or more as I could pick up a third..
But id rather just see one on the overnight and take less money but still enough to worth my time.
More hours you book the cheaper it gets..
I agree with everything you said except the "like" part. I think the like part you speak of is purely subjective and dependent on factors that nost wouldn't speak for on board. I'm sure ladies for even the most hideous of clients who lack a good look can mask their disgusts for the greater good.
I'm sure ladies would like to see guys first to see if he's safe, sane, penis size (for some ladies I'm sure) demeanor,
Etc. I could understand the like. Of course if you tell a past client you like him....he will use that to boost his ego for more time. But I'm thinking your using like moreso as a way to gauge your comfortability by a number of hidden factors.
Everything else you typed I agree on. But for me booking two hours or less, is vastly different from what ill do on an overnight. In a two hour session I may be more hands on and she may be more active. it doesn't really cater to the type sessions I seek and really doesn't give her any indication (performance wise) what to expect. If 1 hour and thirty minutes of a 2 hour session was spent bcd, she might assume I would be too hands on.....when overnights require somewhat of a slower transition.
I guess I'm in the minority and take that as a clue that maybe the lady has doubt that she could accommodate overnights. But to each his or her own. Gotta respect it either way.