well i'm not a doubles provider, nor do i play one on TV or in hobbyland :^)
but here are my thoughts from my experiences w/ two or more women.
one of my goals when having such a consulting session is that, after all is said and done,
everyone had a deliteful time and would do it again without hesitation.
so, i plan my time to play w/ one then the other. sometimes that means ...
* we "round robin" and focus on one person until have been focused on.
* i focus on one while the other helps out, then they swap positions.
* i pour one cup while engaged and another cup manually.
* i pour both cups while engaged.
* i dont pour any cups while engaged or manually [but lots of body orgasms for me].
* i play with one woman for an hour, then invite the 2nd woman to join us for the 2nd hr and focus on her.
just focus on the fun, the stimulation, the sensations, the orgasm [ejaculatory or not], the kissing, the stroking, the enjoyment, .... the delites!!!!! and what happens happens.
if you focus on the expectations, you might experience less delites.
and of all my doubles in my real and hobby life [lots], i can think of only two that didnt meet that goal.
but that's just me. and you are you.
so, go have fun the best way you know how!!!
and if anyone gives you shit questioning why you visited two or more women, tell them....
nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!!!