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Old 05-16-2011, 10:31 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by rpmsouth View Post
Murf, please do, I'm getting a headache.
This was a flat out kill order. The Seals are so well trained they could of wounded him and taking him back to Gitmo easily. Not sure which would've been worse, him alive and in jail forever or dead. I think dead is better, they will make a big deal for awhile and then move on, but if he were still alive they would carry on forever.
I agree with you dilbert, they can't get their story's right. I just hope Obama is out in the next election. 4 more years of them will bankrupt us, if they haven't already done it.

I'm with you 100% on all of this,however,if they would have kept him alive,the possibility of the terrorists taking a massive number of hostages to free him would have increased greatly.I do wish they had just a little more "proof" of his death,rather than accepting their word on it!!!" After all,they have been so honest and dependable over the last couple of years. By the way,I live in Illinois,where a lot of us are starting a petition to change the State Slogan from "The Land of Lincoln" to the "Most Corrupt State in the Union!" And I do apoplogize to everyone in the US because you are now seeing "Chicago Politics" on a national and international basis"
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Old 05-16-2011, 10:40 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by koolman View Post
If you are dumb enough to believe he was killed 5/1/11 then you most likely voted for Obama. Didn't release photos due to the shock value?? WTF?? they had no prob releasing the photos at Abu Ghraib did they? Get real people, the only thing giving me a headache is the monumental stupidity and the number of blind americans that increases with every election we have.

This wasn't too "SHOCKING" to show the world....

So unless the images showed 4 Seal team members balls deep in a warm bullet hole I am calling BULLSHIT!
Iam sorry bro. but Iam not sure if thats a legit pic. i've seen some pretty good head shots with brain matter exposed it doesn't look like that. More of a gapping hole if I remember.
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Old 05-16-2011, 11:04 PM   #18
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Dang guys! This isn't rotten.com! Come on!
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Old 05-17-2011, 01:36 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by acp5762 View Post
Iam sorry bro. but Iam not sure if thats a legit pic. i've seen some pretty good head shots with brain matter exposed it doesn't look like that. More of a gapping hole if I remember.

Its not a head shot, its just a busted skull, a headshot would show bone frags impalled in the skin, and cauterizing of the flesh, I have seen plenty in my days. The point is that its still a middle eastern guy with a hole in his skull, and for some reason this guy is ok to see dead, but not the huge mass murderer and man we as a nation spent a trillion dollars trying to find and kill.

Its all horseshit, when the bounty went to 25mill , a few guys I know decided to go and collect, odd thing, they were detained and put on an HSA list because "No American may leave the United States with the sole purpose of harming another human being." that is slang for.. "We dont want him dead because we wouldnt have him as an excuse to convince congress and the american people to give us billions to squander and line our pockets"

Keep believing the BS, Bin Laden was NOT wanted by the United States Government, he was wanted by Americans. The Government needed him. Right now Obama needs him dead so he can pray for a miracle relection, and from listening to some of the remarks here, I would say far too many americans have the "Slavemaster Axiety Syndrome" so lets all feel bad about something we didnt do and just hand over the nation. Jackwagons.

Obamas first official order of business when taking office? Close down the Terroist detainment center at GITMO,

http://usgovinfo.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=usgovinfo&cdn=new sissues&tm=16&gps=97_98_1185_7 63&f=00&su=p284.9.336.ip_&tt=2 &bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Closure_Of_Guantanamo_Detentio n_Facilities/

and to release 100 known or suspected terrorists, or support their release elsewhere in the world, since that day at least half have went active and the US and other nations have lost over 400 lives due to this "Official First Act" Now you want us to believe Obama wants to stop terrorism? Here is one of the released terrorists, best buddies with the man himself, Moammar Gadhafi,

So I ask, Is anyone actually that stupid? I stayed out of this thread for a while, but after watching the disgrace that is our Oval Office and those who support the actions of this administration, I can say only 2 things that I am certain of.. Obama is anti-american, and His name has no business on the same wall as someone like Roosevelt. Anyone who supports this "Not even close to a War" we are having should be shot for treason.

In the last 12years we have spent 1.2 Trillion Dollars to kill 24,000 insurgents.. so with simple math, we have spent 54 Million dollars for each Insurgent we have killed, the United States government values an American's life at aprox 3.2 million, so congratulations, your government puts a higher value on one of your enemies than they put on your entire family. Whoever said yay for Obama just said yay to your family not being worth the price of one insurgent in Iraq, remember that the next time someone wants to say how great the president is doing.

The most annoying thing is listening to uninformed people who actually cast votes in this country based on some bullshit agenda that most likely doesnt exists.
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Old 05-17-2011, 06:35 AM   #20
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I believe bin laden was killed by SEALs in the raid several weeks ago. I believe Obama ordered the raid--not Panetta and Gates as some on the crackpot right have suggested. I believe the slightly conflicting and evolving stories coming from the white house as to what happened have more to do with high level differences of opinion as to what and how much information to release to the public.

This is what I believe. If some of you consider me "dumb" as a result, so be it.
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Old 05-17-2011, 09:44 PM   #21
dilbert firestorm
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Originally Posted by koolman View Post
If you are dumb enough to believe he was killed 5/1/11 then you most likely voted for Obama. Didn't release photos due to the shock value?? WTF?? they had no prob releasing the photos at Abu Ghraib did they? Get real people, the only thing giving me a headache is the monumental stupidity and the number of blind americans that increases with every election we have.

This wasn't too "SHOCKING" to show the world....


So unless the images showed 4 Seal team members balls deep in a warm bullet hole I am calling BULLSHIT!
this link ties in what you're saying

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