Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
You know we have Internet and tv now do they even sell radios any more lol
Short answer: emotion.
Newsprint is suffering because of the Internet but TV and talk radio are doing just fine. That's because TV and talk radio can get people all riled up using the same facts and same stories. That emotional delivery of the news is what keeps viewers coming back...and what ultimately pays the bills.
The people with the most success are the people that are the most extreme (Rush, Glenn Beck) and have the most easily agitated audiences (Dittoheads, Fox News viewers, right wingnuts, and other assorted idiots). The proof of this is when you take Rush's words or Beck's words and translate them into print. That gets rid of most of their overblown 'theaTRICKS' and they just fall flat. without all of the hot air and fake crying they are just, well...lame and stupid.