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Old 05-06-2011, 05:48 PM   #1
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Default Virgin advice

I am a virgin in my mid 20's. I have been going through the site for a while and decided going the provider route. I understand the downfalls that might come with taking this route and am ok with them. Because of my age, lack of references, and relative fear of the the verification process I am looking for advice as to how/where I should proceed.

Here at my current options:

Go through with verification in dallas.

This will allow me to get comfortable with a provider who is willing to see me. I will have a pretty good idea as to what I can expect. If I choose this route should I meet said provider for diner or at a bar(after verification) before activities take place or just go for it?


I dont have to go through the verification process there, but its suppose to be pretty expensive. I dont think I want to spend thousands for an hour. After going through the forums there, it looks like clients are always very satisfied, am sure they run a great brothel but refuse to beleive all clients are satisfied.


I get to travel and I beleive this hobby is legal up north. I really dont know what else to say about this option. It was the one I felt most comfortable with for a while, but really dont know anymore as I would really like to stay local.

Which option should I choose? I would love to hear the option of the community.

Thanks in advance!!!
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Old 05-06-2011, 06:50 PM   #2
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Here is what may turn out to be an even better option. Don't lose your virginity to a provider, it may end up haunting you the rest of your life.

You will always have to keep it a secret, and you will have to make up a lie to tell girlfriends and, "the guys." Depending upon how comfortable you are telling lies, and how bad your tells are, the gig will get old very quick. Especially if you have obvious tells when you lie, and then people will prod you to tell the REAL story of how you lost your virginity.

Just a thought.

Whatever you do be safe, and I wish you the best in all your endeavors in life!
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Old 05-06-2011, 08:13 PM   #3
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I agree with Marla (that's scary all by itself). This shouldn't be your first.

I saw my first provider in Canada because it is legal up there. I had a good experience and have been seeing ladies ever since.
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Old 05-06-2011, 08:27 PM   #4
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I almost hate to agree with the others here, but I think I have to agree. IF you meant virgin to a provider, or if after thinking it over you still want to go this route the Dallas area has some great ladies and that would be my vote. Your first time is ok at best, or first with someone, but it does get better with practice. Another idea, the first time a provider see's someone they are a bit nervous anyway, just because we are breaking the law, all be it a misdemeaner and you need to set her at ease as well, if not she may just say no thanks out of fear for her own safety from one cops, and two some real sick and dangerous people out there wishing to do them harm.
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Old 05-06-2011, 09:05 PM   #5
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I will have to agree with everyone else. I was in your position going into my last year of college a long time ago and I finally decided to take the plunge. I went to an AMP that is no longer open and it was very mechanical, felt rush, and it wasn't all that great. And that was the service alone, not to mention the girl's attitude.

If anything I would probably suggest being open about your virginity to your lady friends because worst case scenario they know you are disease free and know you are safe and that is always appealing.
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Old 05-06-2011, 09:15 PM   #6
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Have a raffle.

Seriously, do a little more research. I'm sure you will find a lady you think is the best, the verification through P411 isn't bad at all. As for the "romance" of having a civilian first, romance is over rated. Pick the right provider, get at least two, maybe three hours MSOG and have fun!
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Old 05-06-2011, 09:40 PM   #7
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This could really be a double-edged sword. On the one hand Dallas has some great providers that you could really learn a lot from and get some experience. On the other hand, there can be the tendency to really become emotionally attached to the provider you "click" with and that is definitely not a good thing.
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Old 05-06-2011, 09:41 PM   #8
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OH one a few more thoughts, (if you decide to go with a provider) read all the reviews and info posted on her web pages you can. I would also suggest going with an older / more experienced provider and let her lead the way and ask 20 ?'s and ask her for as much advice and tips as possible. I have had RL SO's tell me they did not want to tell me how to do, they expected me to know and that it kills the mood -- I know sounds odd. Perhaps it was a sign the relationship was not a good one if basic communication was missing. You might also start out with FBSM from a lady who only provides that or from a FS provider.
IF you need help with the accronoms and abr.'s check http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fbsm and just enter key words or odd looking letters.
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Old 05-06-2011, 10:01 PM   #9
what the hell
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Each person is different so making it your first may not affect you like it would others.

If you have already made the decision that you are ok with it, I don't think you will regret it. It sounds like you have put a lot of thought into it, not a situation where it just kind of happened while you were drunk. That is more than half of it.

The older I get the more I realize things like this don't matter. This is just my opinion, I can't speak for everyone else. Everyone probably remembers their first, but are they still with them? Was it their spouse? Doubtfully. How special is that moment now? It was with someone you are not spending the rest of your life with, so what does it matter now?

We are talking about a community in which most people cheat on their significant other. I wouldn’t worry about losing your virginity.

Are you worried about a wife or girlfriend asking you about it? Don't worry about that, because I doubt she is going to tell you every detail about her prior private moments.

Chances are you are not going to find a female virgin for a soul mate in your mid to late 20’s, assuming she is close in age.

Do your friends know you are a virgin? Or have you already made up a lie? If you have, then continue with that lie.

Even if they know you are a virgin, you don't have to tell them about this. To them you are still a virgin. Either way, nobody has to know.

It isn't like you are going to have to wear a scarlet letter when you do it.

As far as lying is concerned, when was the last time you asked someone when they lost their virginity and who it was with?

I mean, really. We aren't in high school anymore.

In fact, you don't even have to lie about this experience. You got online, met a girl, it was known that it was only going to be a no strings attached situation. You both went through with it. Do you really have to tell everyone that you gave her $200?

I am not discounting the others’ opinions, I just wanted to give you a different way of looking at it.
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Old 05-06-2011, 10:29 PM   #10
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Rent a porn, buy some lube . . . That will serve you well into your 70s.
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Old 05-06-2011, 11:22 PM   #11
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Well, since you have made the decision lets make it a win win deal! I lost my virginity when I was in jr high a long time ago in a gang bang in the back seat of a 1950 Ford. you can beat that!

been thinking of all the providers (over 100) I've seen around here in the last 3 years and I would suggest you see Red Headed Julie! she is not the most beautiful but she is nice looking and would put you at ease and give you a time you will never forget. she's newbe friendly and very reasonable.just go for it.

Good Luck!
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Old 05-07-2011, 12:12 AM   #12
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First of all. Nobody needs to know how you lost your virginity. It's none of their business. They can ask all they want. You don't have to say shit. A little mystery never hurt anyone. If your future gf can't handle that too bad. There's only about 3 billion other females out there. Some with bigger implants and better suction. If I were you I would start fucking. Provider or not. Fuck away. Football players practice. Soccer players practice. Practice makes perfect. Fuck away. Virginity is really something made up. It does not exist. It is lack of experience. As soon as you lose it you will wonder what the fuck you've been waiting for. Sex does not equal Love.

You've been looking at this site. You know what you want. Do it. It will change your life for the better. More confidence. Better job. More money. I think this has probably been holding you back some. Unleash the inner you.

You know who you want to see, I would suggest a well known provider on here to get you started. You should enjoy your life while you are here. Take it for what it is. Don't get too attached and just have fun.

See two providers, that should be enough for p411 verification, that way you won't have to use your job to get verified.

I would not go the lady friend route. You don't need a pity fuck. Truth is, you could probably wine and dine a girl and get her. That is obviously NOT what you're looking for.

I saw Shelby Lynn for my first provider and that was enough for Reese Foster to see me. Got verified. Shelby doesn't usually see newbies but she was a sweetheart and I was very nice.

You don't have to go that route. Here's an idea, get two girls for your first time. You have to make up for lost time brother.
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Old 05-07-2011, 12:25 AM   #13
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Dive in and just go for it. The whole losing your virginity thing to your true love is highly overrated and outdated at best. I lost my virginity to a Tijuana street-walker many years ago and don't regret it one bit. Didn't know what I was doing, don't remember much because I was drunk, but I got it over with and the rest is history.

P411 screening is painless. Get it, find one of the many "Newbie Friendly" girls and the rest is history. Losing your virginity to a provider doesn't mean squat, she's a girl just like the rest of them.

The only thing I must warn you is that don't expect the girl who takes your virginity to become your BFF. In some way you'll remember here for the rest of your life, but be prepared to be kicked out soon as your time is up lol.

I know a girl who might be interested. PM me and I can get you in contact.
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Old 05-07-2011, 12:40 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by ThinWhiteDuke View Post
Here's an idea, get two girls for your first time. You have to make up for lost time brother.
Hell yes, my thoughts exactly! ...plus you'll have a damn good story about the TWO girls that you "met online" for your first time.

Please let us know how it goes, be well brother

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Old 05-07-2011, 02:21 AM   #15
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I have been thinking about doing this for a little over a year now. Never went through with it because a trip to reno, hotel, and fee would run me a fortune. I also didnt know about this community. As far as the emotinal attachment goes, I have though about it, but I know its just an illusion, I think once you come to grasp that concept the emotinal attachment cant have the same effect(this is all theory, I cant be sure since I have never actually been in that position). I have been to strip clubs, sober and drunk, I know those women dont actually think am awesome( I know its not the same thing, but felt I should share anyways).

I had Shelby Lynn or Kelly TnT in mind. Am leaning towards Kelly since I know she is newbie friendly and allows for MSOG, I have not read any reviews that state MSOG as an activity with Shelby.

I have not contacted either of them, as I dont want to waste there time.

thanks for all the advice and please keep it coming, cant ever have enough of it.

btw, everyone I know believes I already lost my v card. I truly felt bad about lying, but telling the truth meant having the information passed around in a hush hush manner( " dont tell anybody but I heard...") I dont know if it would bother me now but three years ago I didnt want that happening. This played itself out good for me as it has never come back up in years.
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