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Old 05-02-2011, 06:03 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by Sonya View Post
awwwwe, thanks... now that made my monday ...
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Old 05-05-2011, 12:36 PM   #62
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Swingers Club called Lush in San Francisco....so many bodies everywhere!! I was a naughty girl in a candy store!!
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Old 05-05-2011, 05:29 PM   #63
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Default I've been Naughty


I totally highjacked this thread because it's SO good and started it on the Austin board. I did fully credit you for the idea!! Hope you're not too mad at me...we can get pretty "stuffy" and judgemental on the Austin Board.

Hey SA. Go to the Austin board and read some more great adventures. A lot of people "let their hair down".
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Old 05-06-2011, 04:30 PM   #64
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jsparrow, Looking good in austin..Naughty adventures

I have a few adventures I wanna share later I'll post a few.
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Old 05-06-2011, 08:31 PM   #65
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To get this thread back on track...........
Tower of America elevator.
way back just after Hemisphere, I got to know the elevator operator and he allowed me and a lady to use the elevator on a quite Wednesday afternoon.
The ride was about 5 minutes and I was much faster in those days.
She was only wearing a shift over nothing and I was wearing Lou Magram fuck pants. As the elevator started heading up we got nekked quickly and screwed over SA. The elevator operator told me later that her butt print stayed on the glass for three weeks because the janator wipped around the print. Damn those were fun days.
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Old 05-14-2011, 05:25 PM   #66
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I still have great memories of the time when I received an amazing BJ while crawling in traffic on Alamo Street in the middle of a very busy First Friday.

Then there also was the BJ in my parents' back yard. Too bad she was totally crazy or else that would be a much better memory.

Other than that, I have led a pretty boring sexual life. That is, except for the times when some wonderful women on this board have given me some amazing experiences.
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Old 05-15-2011, 07:15 AM   #67
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Hola DaMan.. Very nice experience
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Old 05-15-2011, 09:32 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by shooter1a View Post
...Tower of America elevator...As the elevator started heading up we got nekked quickly and screwed over SA. The elevator operator told me later that her butt print stayed on the glass for three weeks because the janator wipped around the print. Damn those were fun days.
DAY-YUM! And my as-yet unfulfilled fantasy of "doing" my ATF on the balcony of La Mansion as one of the River Tour barges passes by -- I thought that was exhibitionism!

I can just imagine all those tourists who saw the two of you going up in that elevator -- and wonder how many of them had been told by the hotel concierges that "there's so much more than the Alamo to see in San Antonio"!
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Old 05-17-2011, 12:27 PM   #69
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Met a lady at a church function. After the meeting was over we stayed behind and went into the ushers room. We started making out and we heard a noise out in the church. We peeked out and the parish priest was walking around trying all the doors to make sure everything was locked up. We couldn't get out without being seen so we locked the door from the inside and waited. He came by, tried the door and kept on going. We waited a few minutes and resumed business. Another time she was giving me a BJ while driving down the freewayin my jeep. A semi started to pass us on the right and slowed down for a minute or so to watch. Great girl. So uninhibited. Used to give me TUMA. Should have married her. Lots of other experencies with this same lady in the next few years. Then I lost track of her and I moved to Texas. Years later she tracked me down and it turned out she had been living in Hawaii and was a flight attendant now. SHe came down to visit for a few days and we had lots of laughs over the times we almost got caught. I've lost track of her again but I think she's up in Minnesota someplace.
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Old 05-17-2011, 02:56 PM   #70
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Went to Cancun after graduating college with some buddies, meet a chick from Canada at senior frogs and the next thing I knowis that I am getting a hummer in the womens room with all of the chicks outsde the stall. After about 15 minutes we take off back to my hotel but never make it to the room. Found a umbrella on the beach an decided to take up where we left off at the bar. About twenty minutes into our beach action I am pounding her Mish and I look up top see my buddies and and a group of people standing by the beach bar cheering us on, I looked at her she looked at the crowd and just said fuck me harder, I kept going until I exploded and then just started laughing my asss off.
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Old 05-17-2011, 04:29 PM   #71
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My waitress at Sullivan's in Austin. Hit it off and then excused myself from the table to meet her by the kitchen entrance. We sneaked off to the walk in refrigerator in the kitchen and I had on her back on a stack of boxed lettuce in the corner. Damn near had a heart attack when the side door opened and a hand reached in and grabbed a pie off a rack but I never did miss a stroke! LOL

We finished in about 10 then I snuck back out to the table where my friends were eating. She came back to check on everyone shortly thereafter and all was well. It was hilarious too because my friends were impressed by her service and tipped rather well.

If only they knew!!!!!!!
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Old 05-17-2011, 10:13 PM   #72
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When I was in college, I was dating a stunning redhead who was a part-time lifeguard and part time aerobics instructor. Sex with her was mindblowingly amazing. I still kick myself for not marrying her (and I did have the opportunity).

Anyway...one day she and I were fully engaged in some intense sex in her bedroom at her apartment. The woman she shared her apartment with walked straight into the bedroom. She climbed into bed (I can still hear her saying, "don't worry...I can't see anything"). I didn't know at the moment that she and my then-GF had an on-again, off-again sexual side to their friendship.

Needless to say, I lived the fantasy of every 21 year old guy. EVERYTHING that I ever dreamed of happened. Two girls going down on me, one girl going down on me while the other was sitting on my face, having both of them alternatively while the one who wasn't "connected" masturbated. Wow. It's still a "me-time" motivator for me. After nearly 20 years, I still think about it. What an amazing night that was.
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Old 05-25-2011, 05:15 PM   #73
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Default There was this one time....

Just a memory or three...

1. When in the Air Force, having sex in a KC-10, boomer area(refueling cockpit), while the plane being inspected on the flightline.

2. Doing the cousin of ex-girlfriend, while ex-girlfriend in the same bed asleep(passed out), then, the next morning, overhearing cousin telling ex-girlfriend how wonderful i felt, while they were in the bathroom! The cousin didn't know we were ex's. Revenge is so fucking HOT!http://eccie.net/images/smilies/modern/fuyou_1.gif

3. One night, while partying on Bourbon St during Mardi Gras, the lights went out, some lady next to me (didn't know who she was) pulled me into her against a wall and we just started fucking..... people passed by us, bumping together, not knowing what's going on.... the lights came back on... we quickly separated and lost each other in the crowd.

Looking back, memory#3 was dangerous! What can I say? I was young, dumb and full of luck! I have better sense now....i carry a flashlight.
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Old 03-25-2012, 11:03 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Ramos View Post
Met a lady at a church function. After the meeting was over we stayed behind and went into the ushers room. We started making out and we heard a noise out in the church. We peeked out and the parish priest was walking around trying all the doors to make sure everything was locked up. We couldn't get out without being seen so we locked the door from the inside and waited. He came by, tried the door and kept on going. We waited a few minutes and resumed business. Another time she was giving me a BJ while driving down the freewayin my jeep. A semi started to pass us on the right and slowed down for a minute or so to watch. Great girl. So uninhibited. Used to give me TUMA. Should have married her. Lots of other experencies with this same lady in the next few years. Then I lost track of her and I moved to Texas. Years later she tracked me down and it turned out she had been living in Hawaii and was a flight attendant now. SHe came down to visit for a few days and we had lots of laughs over the times we almost got caught. I've lost track of her again but I think she's up in Minnesota someplace.

Haven't been around much. Having some medical problems. Back/neck surgery. At home but have a temporary tube hanging from my neck.

But, I wanted to share this. In the story above I mentioned that I lost track of the lady. Well, a couple of weeks ago I found her again!!! On Facebook!! She had gotten married a year or so after I last saw her and uses her married name. She's retired now from Continental. But still travels around a lot. The years have been good to her. Would easily recognize her if I saw her in a crowd. She, like me, is divorced now. Anyway we're discussing a visit in the coming weeks. Don't know if my old heart will be able to take it but I'll certainly give it a try.
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Old 03-26-2012, 06:52 AM   #75
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Ramos..Hope you get better

Anyways naughty naughty mmmm...
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