LD we are like the pied piper of hooktards. If they are even remotely sanity challenged then even more so, it's the voices they sing to them.
Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Anyone that read the link with half a brain knows that it was a joke between London and I.  So....... what is your point?
It's simply amazing to me that you and some of your friends are so worried about what goes on in my life. I am flattered. Goodnight Wayward.
This will be my last post in this "Look at me" threAD.
We may be off a little on the count Gayomi but this is something like the sixth time you have said some version of goodbye to me, Houston and eccie in general just in this threAD. So we await your next post with baited breath, it's fun to play with you on the boards and you seem to be such a willing participant that the over/under on your next post will be set at Noon today CST.
Sure it's possible that you are a functionally correct atomically accurate woman, that has been swept off her feet by the charms of Sixxbach. It is also possible that I'm a "14 year old snotty nose fat kid stuck in his mother's basement pretending to be a HOT 21 year old black girl". You may even have seen a client at some point in the Carolinas and just come to the Houston forum to improve the eccie community. Or it could be and this is the really funny part what is behind door number two.
If you are real and it's a very big if at this point, can you imagine a way you could have presented yourself in way that would make it seem less likely? Notice how I'm kind of admitting that you are one of the voices in my head or just perhaps an alternate handle of one of them. Which of course is just silly, real providers turn down sold out tours all the time. They wouldn't make up a reason to miss work like killing off a Nigerian grandmother or anything just to earn a few thousand dollars now would they? What about the small business opportunity you are saving for?
Please don't go Naomi4u at least post one more time, if for no other reason that to make me lose my bet with Muffin Pants. LD knows you want to, take a page from EA and start another threAD if you like.