Originally Posted by Mazomaniac
As Mazo & Co. are often on field duty this issue has been a problem for us in the past. There's often not much else to do when you're stuck in the middle of the middle of nowhere.
To avoid both total boredom and intra-company soap operas I had to take a middle road. I didn't ban poker completely, but I did put a strict cap on stakes at .25/.50 and under. I also now hit Best Buy before we leave and grab a cache of the latest Blu-Rays and some other fun distractions to provide an alternative while we're out.
It's strict policy that we don't gamble with the locals. Too much potential for serious issues there. Management is also banned from any game. Again, the drama potential of that is just too great.
Unfortunately we occasionally head to places where a deck of cards will get you the death penalty or worse. In those instances I try to rotate people out to neighboring fun spots as much as I can. Sometimes, though, ya just gotta learn to live without hold 'em.
If I recall from the program on the NBA about half the teams have no policy ("they're grown men" etc.), a third have rules & the balance banned altogether.
I think being on the road/boredom* is a big driver. I doubt Mazo & Co has a weekly game at somebody's house when they are at home.
The problem with gambling, for some people, is the stakes need to be meaningful for it to not get boring. "Meaningful" is different for a rookie on a 10 day contract and an All-Star. Or Mazo & his crew.
*let's face it the reason a lot of guys "hobby" when they travel is they are bored