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Old 04-25-2011, 04:24 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
damn and i'm pushing 5'9.
heheheheheheh ...:-) 5`11 here.....;.))
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Old 04-25-2011, 04:38 PM   #182
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Originally Posted by ninasastri View Post
heheheheheheh ...:-) 5`11 here.....;.))
Are you serious? WOW!
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Old 04-25-2011, 04:40 PM   #183
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Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill View Post

I also notice that the men who pay high dollar often have a higher standard of living then most achieve, as such they want to see a lady who has had access to his lifestyle and can relate. If she's successful she's had gentlemen show her the best the world has to offer. As a result when he mentions X restaurant in Tokyo, she may have been there. They can talk about common experiences, that you are far less likely to experience then her comerade who charges less, and is more accessible a desire.
That is true for the ones that charge 10 000 and up, but not for us peanuts :-). The men who book you and me and whatnot, also book the ones that charge less., Its the same social circles. And someone who charges less is not more likely to be a desire, they just have probably stricter rules than someone who cahrges more. Like service-wise. I have seen reviews of HDHs (the ones who charge same like i do 500 an hour or more) and some of them make unsafe sex practices that i would not have included when i was only 300 an hour. And i have had clients booking me to travel with them to Japan frequently, that said even more often than now where i charge significantly more.

So we all know the same restaurants. You fall trap into the same misconception like my exHDH friend once did: Also thinking that there really IS a difference. Let me tell you - there isn`t. It does not matter in terms of experience , or level of education , or fine lifestyle if you charge 300 an hour or 600. What matters is the likelihood of being able to do bareback as well :-). No offence but i know plenty of HDHs who offer bareback to clients. Why i know? I was really close friend of an american client for years who frequently engaged in bareback encounters with escorts, and i was surprised on how many of them actually did that. He told me the more you pay the more likely you are going to get it.

I could list a list of names now....wow.... :-). Or the stuff with offering anal all inclusive or CIM. I am not saying everyone does that, no offence, but the likelihood of getting that is significantly higher when you encounter escorts who don`t do that in a really professional way.

so to be honest that is the real difference. I can proof:
Look at me.
I have worked both ways, have travelled the world, am highly educated and such. and i was not more stupid when i charged 300 an hour. Just more realistic. You can probably personally dislike me , but you can`t say about me that i am stupid or uneducated :-). Or did not travel the world enough. Or have been sitting in high roler fancy restaurants not often enough :-).. (lol)

But on the other hand i encountered more than one woman that charged 500 plus in an hour and was so (sorry) damn stupid businesswise regardless of what was written on her homepage - that i could not believe it. But even though being stupid and letting guys treat her like crap (and believing she has really good relationships with them :-)....) fucking way too much for free , she still had not more money or more brain capacity than i had. But she believed of herself that she did.
She told me that her new BF would not find someone after her because she is so smart and good in bed and most escorts are not smart and not good in bed. Hello?? She did not know many escorts, so she must have been talking about her HDH friends then (oh if they knew..:-)....) but she was totally confident that she for sure is smarter and better in bed.
I wonder where such arrogance stems from?
Maybe THAT is the big fat difference, that they BELIEVE they are better.

and usually - in my experience women who charge less have significantly more money. And would never fly to clients in different cities without taking a deposit :-))). Like some HDHs do? Hello??? These are the same people who never screen, because they think email contact and wise words does it to define a character :-)).... Then get stood up by these same clients when they paid for their own flight expenses. Dear Lord. :-) So much about a brain :-). So i have to admit that businesswise those HDHs are not really my cake. Most of them are too dumb to see their own stupidity and that is annoying. Again, i am not saying all of them are like that. But i have never met someone who was significantly smarter than someone who charges 300 an hour. But i have met the "other way round" numerous times. :-).

Why do i charge more money? Because i want less business and i have gotten lazy over the years. I did my fair share in this world, financed my education and now its time for the goodies. But for business concept i see it as idiotic to charge 600 an hour and then have to get fucked up the ass, without condom and whatnot, and in the end ending up with less. :-). Again, not saying all do that, but well.... some do. And the ones that do are usually the arrogant ones who think they are smart, bcause they don`t know any better. (Or did not have me in their lives to tell them what is reality in the business and explain to them that they are not nearly as smart as they might think they are if they engage in such and such a behaviour)

The HDHs i know who charged 600 an hour had about two clients a week. ANd they never had money. Some even needed to borrow money from clients. But of course amongst their other HDH friends they would have never admitted it. I know because the client she borrowed money from has told me :-). Hehehehe.
And when you work for 300 an hour you get more clients and money. Period. If i wasted all my time for 2 clients a week i would have not gotten into that business in the first place. I am capable of making 600 dollar a week also in a regular job, sorry. So why do that job if you claim to be so smart and educated?

Probably because they aren`t? If they were all so ivy league educated then they would not need to work as escorts for the same amount of money i get paid in a real job without escorting :-)))....(lol).......You either make it right or not at all. And making it right is doing it so you have a significant amount of money at the end of the month and not a few thousand bucks :-)))). I am not saying you are amongst these. I am not either. But some HDH have no clue what they are doing. I mean seriously. No clue. Nada! And this amount of stupidity i have never seen in women charging less. Ever. I wonder why? Maybe some others have also something to say to that?

So i am quite glad i had the 300 an hour experience in my life. Saved me a lot of hassle and got me plenty of money. I don`t do this job so i get one client a week or two. Sorry. :-)) ....(lol) Or fly in other cities at my own expenses and then have clients standing me up. How damn stupid is that??
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Old 04-25-2011, 04:57 PM   #184
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Originally Posted by ninasastri View Post

Why do i charge more money? Because i want less business and i have gotten lazy over the years. I did my fair share in this world, financed my education and now its time for the goodies. But for business concept i see it as idiotic to charge 600 an hour and then have to get fucked up the ass, without condom and whatnot, and in the end ending up with less. :-). Again, not saying all do that, but well.... some do.
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Old 04-25-2011, 05:05 PM   #185
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Very good points Nina. I had brought that up a couple of pages earlier but seems like everyone really didn't want to comment on it. The more the gent pays, the more he's going to be expecting from the lady in BCD activities.
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Old 04-25-2011, 05:19 PM   #186
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I curious as to how some of these HDH able to generate business without reviews. Unless the demand is there? What amount consitutes HDH anyways? $500+? The most I've paid was $600/hr and the BCD was actually better then what I was expecting from reviews.
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Old 04-25-2011, 05:44 PM   #187
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Have to disagree. I've had the good fortune of being treated to meals that cost more then my rate. That isn't limited to 10k girls, you just have to attract men with 6-7 figure incomes that are happy to treat their ATF. I've been taken to many exclusive places. If he has the money, and you make him happy, he'll share his world.

As such, I don't have to spend my own money, or give questionable "extras" to have access to that world. When later down the road another wealthy person shows up, we can talk about those common experiences. They accumulate over time if a woman keeps her success.

Men with money aren't always willing to spend 10k - I've hear extremely wealthy people say it's ridiculous to pay that. He may have 20+ million and say no to that. Preferring to pay what he considers an amount that is respectful of his success rather than take advantage of it. The key is someone he adores that likely attracts fewer initial callers. Someone that can relate to his experiences, even make suggestions, and he can eagerly share more such experiences, withou fear of being embarrassed.

It would be foolish to see someone in similar social circles.

[QUOTE=ninasastri;1239741]That is true for the ones that charge 10 000 and up, but not for us peanuts :-).
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Old 04-25-2011, 05:56 PM   #188
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I thought some people were saying there is no correlation between fee and services and that some guys expect very little but will pay a lot for all sorts of reasons. In general, with the eccie crowd and with myself, the more the woman charges, the more I will expect for sure. If you charge 600, I will be expecting a complete menu plus all out passion and a lot of off the menu offereings to personalize it to me. That will require her to be erotically creative both mentally and physically.
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Old 04-25-2011, 06:02 PM   #189
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Its all so very magical and mysterious. Those HDH must be harder to find than leprechauns.
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Old 04-25-2011, 06:04 PM   #190
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Originally Posted by pjorourke View Post
Its all so very magical and mysterious. Those HDH must be harder to find than leprechauns.

That's because when they succeed they blink out of existence
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Old 04-25-2011, 06:05 PM   #191
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Originally Posted by whitechocolate View Post
I thought some people were saying there is no correlation between fee and services and that some guys expect very little but will pay a lot for all sorts of reasons. In general, with the eccie crowd and with myself, the more the woman charges, the more I will expect for sure. If you charge 600, I will be expecting a complete menu plus all out passion and a lot of off the menu offereings to personalize it to me. That will require her to be erotically creative both mentally and physically.
Okay, here is a hint. You and the general ECCIE crowd are not the target market for HDH ladies.

There used to be quite a few that posted here (and at ASPD), but they have been pretty much run off by the general rudeness. Hope & change baby!
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Old 04-25-2011, 06:09 PM   #192
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Originally Posted by pjorourke View Post
Okay, here is a hint. You and the general ECCIE crowd are not the target market for HDH ladies.

There used to be some that posted here (and at ASPD), but they have been pretty much run off by the general rudeness. Hope & change baby!
& When I conducted very in-depth, comprehensive, hands-on exit interviews with them ~90% of them blamed PJ........

Seriously this thread makes me want to throw in a DVD of Groundhog Day
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Old 04-25-2011, 06:16 PM   #193
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Originally Posted by atlcomedy View Post
& When I conducted very in-depth, comprehensive, hands-on exit interviews with them ~90% of them blamed PJ........

Seriously this thread makes me want to throw in a DVD of Groundhog Day
If you were conducting a hands on exit interview, they probably told you anything you wanted to hear just to get your hand off them.
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Old 04-25-2011, 06:22 PM   #194
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Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
Are you serious? WOW!
yes ..AND i wear high heels but its not always good being so tall. Most men like women smaller than them. :-). When i was in siwtzerland i had to wear flat shoes while working because swiss men are sometimes really small and they got scared looking up to me...:-((((.
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Old 04-25-2011, 06:27 PM   #195
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Originally Posted by pjorourke View Post
If you were conducting a hands on exit interview, they probably told you anything you wanted to hear just to get your hand off them.

it wasn't be the first time an escort told me how great I was in hopes I'd move things along and finish up......
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