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Old 04-21-2011, 01:43 PM   #16
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Simpsons???? Are they tea baggerz too?
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Old 04-21-2011, 01:43 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by catnipdipper View Post
Lilliana; you have forced me to the brink. You have made consider the worst I can think. I have no choice and I must now brand you in the most horrible way. I have no guilt from this as you are the cause of your own branding.

Henceforth ye shall bear the name.....Galt'sWoman.

If I were you I would buy a set of good sunglasses and a burka.
Darling, Dagny is Reardon's woman.
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Old 04-21-2011, 02:26 PM   #18
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Ok you two ease up - This was a thread about the movie. I will let you know my thoughts after the weekend.

As far as Galts woman my assumption is that she would see that as a compliment.

As far as the book I for one say read it and beleive her version or not. Its still a great story from beginning to end. It has everything a great novel has, i will admit that when John's speech starts up it does get a little hard to follow the first time. But both of my oldest have read it and they are 18 and 15 and really enjoyed the story as much as the points about life that she makes.

Just remember this:
I swear by my life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine
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Old 04-21-2011, 04:28 PM   #19
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I saw it last week on opening day. It is not a great movie but then again it is the first one. Small budget, uncertainty, and hostile Hollywood. Being the first movie the characters have to be set up and the climate explained. It does hold your interest and I would call it a good movie that is entertaining. I look forward to the next two.
It only opened at 300 theaters across the country and averaged about 5,500 dollars per theater which made it the third most profitable movie last weekend.

I also read the book several years ago and it is faithful with a few necessary changes.

The Howard Roark trial defense written by Ayn Rand spoken by Gary Cooper.
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Old 04-21-2011, 05:36 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by john_galt View Post
I saw it last week on opening day. It is not a great movie but then again it is the first one. Small budget, uncertainty, and hostile Hollywood. Being the first movie the characters have to be set up and the climate explained. It does hold your interest and I would call it a good movie that is entertaining. I look forward to the next two.
It only opened at 300 theaters across the country and averaged about 5,500 dollars per theater which made it the third most profitable movie last weekend.

I also read the book several years ago and it is faithful with a few necessary changes.

The Howard Roark trial defense written by Ayn Rand spoken by Gary Cooper.
You mean you used books on tape, because the book has words that you simply could not understand.
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Old 04-21-2011, 07:46 PM   #21
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cat please don't go too far with the ladies say your peace let them say theirs. my 2cents baby please take my cape now I am tired.
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Old 04-21-2011, 10:04 PM   #22
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[quote=john_galt;1228970]It only opened at 300 theaters across the country and averaged about 5,500 dollars per theater which made it the third most profitable movie last weekend.quote]

Hate to prove you wrong, but it didn't even crack the top 10 of box office rankings for the opening weekend.


For those who don't wish to click the link:

Box Office Charts

Weekend Box Office Actuals (U.S.)
Apr 15 - 17 weekendThis Wk Last WkTitleDist.Weekend Gross Cumulative
# of

1-Rio20th Century Fox Distribution$39,225,962$39,225,96213827

2-Scream 4N/A$18,692,090$18,692,09013305

3HopUniversal Pictures$10,715,205$82,157,60533608

4HannaFocus Features$7,282,546$23,282,85822545

5Soul SurferEnticing Entertainment, TriStar Pictures, FilmDistrict$7,268,502$19,865,12922214

6ArthurWarner Bros. Pictures Distribution$6,755,340$22,163,75723276


8Source CodeSummit Entertainment, LLC$6,209,058$36,898,58032557

9Your HighnessUniversal Pictures$4,019,710$16,077,47522772

10LimitlessRelativity Media$3,660,104$69,589,32251885


12The Lincoln LawyerLionsgate$2,884,979$50,454,64051702

13Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules20th Century Fox Distribution$2,081,944$48,122,77341849

14-Atlas Shrugged Part IRocky Mountain Pictures$1,686,347$1,686,3471299

15Win WinFox Searchlight Pictures$1,276,196$5,033,5674384

16Jane EyreFocus Features$993,232$6,605,0356274

17RangoParamount Pictures$715,526$118,775,7317975

19Sucker PunchWarner Bros. Pictures Distribution$606,242$35,292,2864555

20Battle: Los AngelesSony Pictures Releasing$507,452$82,193,2666554
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Old 04-21-2011, 11:28 PM   #23
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As if anyone here cares what I think, but I thought the movie was fabulous! I hope the next two come out soon. Ayn Rand escaped from communist Soviet Union and it is almost eerie how she is able to describe our current society. She and George Orwell should be mentioned along with Nostradamus.

Lilliana - I've heard you are gorgeous, but your brain is the hottest part of you! I hope to learn about the rest next time I get to KC.

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Old 04-22-2011, 05:42 AM   #24
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You're looking at the gross which is not what I said. I was talking about the take per theater which made it number three.

Rio, 3,827 theaters, $39,225,000, per theater $10,249
Scream 4, 3,305 theaters, $18,692,000, per theater $5,655
Atlas Shrugged 1, 299 theaters, $1,686,000, per theater $5,638

Yes, I did look and here are the numbers I was talking about.
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Old 04-22-2011, 06:54 AM   #25
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Hollywood has never been known for scruples.

If this is such a hot property then why did some of the conservatives in Hollywood(there are some) buy up this and get it made before now?

If this is such a hot property then why is the distribution so small?

Hell if there was that big of a following and demand for this I would have funded it and given the profits from it to the DNC.

WWJD........He would not go.
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Old 04-22-2011, 08:18 AM   #26
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I haven't seen the movie or read the book but this quote made me laugh.

"Two novels can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other involves orcs."

I've heard the book is a good read, whether you like it or hate it, so I may have to pick it up and read it. As for the movie, I'll wait for it on DVD.
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Old 04-22-2011, 03:54 PM   #27
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NO, I am not going to try to explain the Hollywood distribution system to someone like Catnipdipper

This was all about one of our friends asking about a movie and whether anyone has seen it. A couple of us had so we left our opinion and the rest are such goons that they think that have to piss on anything and everything if they don't like it.
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Old 04-22-2011, 05:43 PM   #28
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The more I read Lilianna's posts the more amazed I am with her. You go girl!!!!
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Old 04-22-2011, 09:05 PM   #29
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I agree Super, Lilliana is sharp!

Thought this was interesting:


Apparently the distribution is increasing as more people become aware of the film. I have no idea why Hollywood didn't embrace this movie, but I have seen it twice now, and I think it is Oscar quality. Hollywood has made some mistakes. Sylvester Stallone couldn't find anyone to produce "Rocky" so he produced it himself. How would you like to be the exec who said "No one is going to go to a movie about an amateur boxer." Or the guy at a record company who turned down the Beatles?

Anyway, this is a fantastic movie, with some eerie similarities to our current situation.
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Old 04-22-2011, 11:25 PM   #30
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So I am noticing a trend here: The only ones who bash Rand's work are those who have never read her work.


COG: Sling Blade is another movie Hollywood overlooked. Oops. Just because Hollywood cold shoulders a movie doesn't mean its worthless by any means. Hollywood has an agenda of its own, and anything that doesn't fit that agenda - and Rand's work certainly doesn't, gets trashed.
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