Originally Posted by JRLawrence
Where did this come from? Republicans, servitude to Corporations? Sounds like a Damn Democrat line from the Idiot FDR. (The fireside chats did not stop the great depression, and neither did very many of his programs, but he gave the Democrats the antibusiness propaganda line.) Take a couple of courses in Economic History, and then come back to class in a year or two after reading about 70 books on the subject. I have, and you are all wet.
Don't get me started Mr. fake businessman; it is the corporations that make the jobs in this country, and about 85% of the jobs are created by what is defined as small business*.

*small business=fewer than 500 employees
500 employees is a fucking lot. Who do you think you're fooling? Make the definition less than 15 employees and we'll talk. Until then I can take you seriously.