Originally Posted by femurman2003
This is something I know a little about. Chiropractors can definitely help in certain musculo/skeletal problems, I can vouch for that. But I agree with swarmy, there is a certain percentage of chiropractors of are out to bilk their patients .... the chiropractor is great - just be on the lookout for the bad apples.
Well written:
I have worked with and supervised several Chiropractors who quit the practice and were working in the regular world. Most informed medical people recognize that in certain cases Chiropractors have their place. They are not recognized by many, including the US Navy where Chiropractors are assigned as medics. It is all about the total training, and the limits of the profession.
The training in the sciences are not the best: some of the books I have seen I had in high school. The depth of medical knowledge from the Chiropractor schools is just not enough to trust them with anything outside of their speciality. HOWEVER, I know some very good ones who can spot some very serious items; they do refer and order their patients to see the qualified MD specialist when needed. (PM me if you need a recommendation for a good Chiropractor. They tend to have the quiet practice that has spread by word of mouth over many years. Watch out for those who advertise.)
For those who use Osteopathic Doctors, many forgo the manipulation methods for the regular practice of medicine especially if they obtain further training and board certification in a specialty area. Osteopathy is a recognized field of medicine, Chiropractic medicine is not the same; as such, additional training is difficult to obtain for a Chiropractor.
In the area of manipulation and massage of the bones, joints, and muscles there are those who know what they are doing, and those that don't. The biggest rip off is those who try to give relief through massage. Most don't know the basic anatomy. I have a good massage therapist who really knows what he is doing. He is well trained in anatomy, and stretches that relieve the body pain. I have searched far and wide before finding one that knows what to do, and we get a lot of self adjustment moves from the massage visits. Most of us get stress buildup in the muscles. Rather than take drugs to relax the muscles, go to the gym, get a steam, or a hot tub. There are a lot of things to do. But, and I know the girls won't like this at all, most of the the girls in massage just don't know what they are doing. Six months of massage school and a high tuition does not give one the knowledge to do more than spread a little oil and charge for their time.
I have looked for years for help with a couple of old military injuries. The answer is try to stay in shape and keep the weight off. I get paid for my medical disabilities, but that is not enough. When you get injured, it is too late, the payments and the medals are just not a fair exchange for your health.
The health profession is full of people who are just drawing a check. You have to search to find the good providers, just like everywhere else.