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Old 04-06-2011, 02:26 PM   #1
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Default body smell

I am not sure if it is me or not but I have seen my shares of providers and even though most are awesome and really pretty, the things that turns me off the most is body odour, more specifically, the crotch smell, some have no smell whatsoever but so have a very lingering effect which can be a real turn off, or maybe it is the condom they use, i don't know, what are your thoughts? ever had that problem where the date is going nicely and then you get a whiff of the smell that turns you completely off?
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Old 04-06-2011, 02:41 PM   #2
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Try some alcohol...... drink some beforhand..
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Old 04-07-2011, 01:16 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by theasianview View Post
I am not sure if it is me or not but I have seen my shares of providers and even though most are awesome and really pretty, the things that turns me off the most is body odour, more specifically, the crotch smell, some have no smell whatsoever but so have a very lingering effect which can be a real turn off, or maybe it is the condom they use, i don't know, what are your thoughts? ever had that problem where the date is going nicely and then you get a whiff of the smell that turns you completely off?
Thats gross dude... if you smell some nasty swa, it would be a major turn off for sure. It can mean really only a couple of things.. One, the provider hasnt washed between screwing's... YUCK. Or, it could mean she has some bacterial infection, possibly yeast or worse. This has only happened to me once actually, and she wasn't cheap. It is a MAJOR turn off, especially if you enjoy DATY and 69'ing. And its the providers responsibility to keep herself clean. Man... that is just bad luck and a definite NO repeat.
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Old 04-08-2011, 12:23 PM   #4
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Sure. Goes both ways. Here's the deal. Natural smell you just don't like. Needs the outside cleaned (sweat, etc.). Needs the bum cleaned. Infection causes unnatural or bad smell and usually comes from the inside. If you are with someone who has an unusual odor, you should say something. If it is an infection, you and she will pass it on if neither one of you does something about it. You need to take responsibility for your actions now that you know a very unpleasant smell could be an infection. It's very embarrassing to say anything. Escorts usually just get a wet wash cloth and go from there but clients usually don't know what to do when running into this situation.

If you suspect anyone of an infection, go get std tested as soon as possible. Anyone who plays should get tested every few months anyway.

If you don't, everyone is going to get it. What comes around here, goes around here.
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Old 04-09-2011, 01:01 AM   #5
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Yes!! To condoms smelling.. I have experienced this. All these new flavors of condoms now a days.. I thought I had a bacteria infection. lol Its happened twice, used some new flavor. And none of that warming crap! Burns!

One of the only lady issue that smells foul really is BV a bacteria infection. Fishy odor. Most STDs dont really have an odor thats strong like BV. Its not spread sexually and doesn't make a lady nasty, dirty etc. Its very easy to throw the levels off and cause an infection.. you can throw it off from cleaning too much even.. and they can just sneak up on you overnight..

And well in this line of work not matter how clean you are a BV infection for us ladies is inevitable..

Ive had them and didnt realize it till I had sex with my BF.. I smelled it during, as there is minimal symptoms and the odor is only prominent during sex usually.

If you think a lady is stank because shes just dirty then so be it but dont rule out a good lady.. There is dirty and then BV smell. Be honest. If shes legit and not a dumb arse, she'll notice and fix it.

This hasnt happened during this job yet.. only with BF's in the past. I would sure notice.. at first whiff. lol Id say something to you.. Like I said I had that condom smell.. I said something right away. lol

I went and got checked to be sure it wasnt BV as the smell was very similar.

Also diet and body chemistry mixing can emanate odors from you..

Like Summer said get checked to be sure and if this happens be honest.. I get why it would be a turn off at that moment.. but shit happens in this "hobby".
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Old 04-09-2011, 06:08 AM   #6
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guys, always use the finger sample smell test, if the odor don't fit, you must ahhhquit!! can take some practice to pull it off nonchalantly during the first DFK make out session, some women may already be tipped off about this...UUmm.....AWKWARD!? when you head down there and it turns out to be some half hearted aborted quick stop,I mean, what you gonna say then?????, OOOhhhh baby!!!!, I just loooooove to kiss your upper thigh!!!! for 2 SECONDS!!! and especially if she begun the choreographed moan. OOhhh GOD!!! this stuff can really turn into a "Whole Thng"!!.Although, if your a trooper, you can dilute with alot of soliva, kinda like adding some sugar to the coffee..except, always go in hydrated, sometimes with all that spitting you can experiance dry mouth, that can also happen with viagra, accompanied by diahrea, constipation , dulling of the skin and hair loss... its all a fragile balancing act..it may be time for a you tube instructional video..or might be time to take up golf..OOhh Yah !it can work in reverse for the gals, they do the prepalmscoopundathenuts accompanied with the preeyank and LFK,don't let em fool you..
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Old 04-10-2011, 09:09 PM   #7
Ray Howard
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I've never experienced anything like that, with any partner. Bad smell? Never.

Never used flavored condoms or lubes, either. They're both a bad idea, and generally unnecessary, I feel.
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