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Old 04-06-2011, 11:25 PM   #151
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
LA LA LA LA LA LA! I'm not hearing you fookairs because you are on my ignore list. Please go find someone else to triple team who gives a fat frog's ass what you're doing.

Nothing like logging into a thread and seeing three straight posts from the "Snack Pack" under your name.

I'm sure it's little boys' "pop you with a towel shit."

Have fun. But don't get too crazy, or I'll have to call in the ladies to kick your dumb asses again!

PS -- please, nobody quote these posts to me. I've had a couple of hard days doing adult work and I'm saving my energy for an ATF tomorrow; someone who doesn't have to use surgical retractors to find my dick.

If the ignored and hidden threads are civil, intelligent and on topic and don't mention me, then I humbly apologize and offer to flagellate myself before all. However something tells me, three in a row from Number Two, Mini Me and Forrest just isn't gonna be an invitation to the next strip club fuckfest.

Good night sweet potatoes! Now make like the wind and BBBlow!

Don't you have some death march or something? We really hope you make it back!

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Old 04-06-2011, 11:30 PM   #152
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That didn't take long!

This is actually kinda like Luke Skywalker using the force. I'm blindfolded but battling three opponents at once.

How am I doing boys? Fuck, as long as this goes on, you can even call the girls round, old and lonely and I'll never know it. But I think I know y'all well enough to know you're all lying on the same floor in a circle around the same piece of Rainbo Bread... how much DO they charge at P10 for an hour in the circle jerk room?

Bring IT. The force I will use!
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Old 04-07-2011, 12:04 AM   #153
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
This is actually kinda like Luke Skywalker using the force. I'm blindfolded but battling three opponents at once.
I think you're really misunderstanding, and possibly abusing, how the ignore user function is supposed to work.

If you're going to ignore someone, ignore them, don't blithely bait them with "nah nah nah can't hear you" comments.
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Old 04-07-2011, 12:16 AM   #154
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Originally Posted by Vyt View Post
I think you're really misunderstanding, and possibly abusing, how the ignore user function is supposed to work.

If you're going to ignore someone, ignore them, don't blithely bait them with "nah nah nah can't hear you" comments.
Amen Vyt!

It's hilarious that a man about twice my age would act like that.......

Yssup needs a new avatar...

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Old 04-07-2011, 12:33 AM   #155
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Let everybody say what they want to say.

If you're on my ignore list, you can't say anything about me. Otherwise I'm abusing the ignore function.

This place is a loony bin. Period.

I'm going to sleep and get some pussy tomorrow.

Though I'm sure one of you already has a problem with that.

Sorry mods -- I never read the rules for "abusing" the ignore function.

Guess I'll have to get back into the deep shit again.... sigh.
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Old 04-07-2011, 12:44 AM   #156
Reya Sunshine
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Maybe you shouldn't take this stuff so seriously babe? No one is really out to get anyone here...we're all just playing around. We're all here for similar reasons. Frankly, you sound like you're starting to lose it the past couple days and I'm a bit worried about you. Just relax!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
OH? Is hat how it's done? In other words, when I post and instantly three consecutive posts are made by the ECCIE=TERROR squad that I should assume that has nothing to do with me?

If I look at what they post am I violating anything?

If I don't look at what they post am I violataing anything?

Is the solution you're suggesting that I just go away anytime that these august and eloquent posters enter a thread?

If so, then I'd have to take that as a suggestion from you that I neither defend myself against three or four schoolyard bullies or BAN myself because I've chosen not to read what we ALL know is being written in those banal threads.

I'm confused. I'm doing a lot better with these guys on my ignore list. I know they're sniping and griping at me. Common sense indicates that. So a generic response to that - coupled with a "just in case they're discussion the Lybian Conflict" apology -- means that I'm in violation of something?

What would you have me do? Go back to duking it out with these douchebags three against one? Even though you, yourself, have expressed how this behavior is eroding the very fabric of our dysfunctional community. I'd rather not do that -- these guys are really dumb and have upset a large portion of the Austin community -- your constituents.

I could take them off ignore and react to every ignorant, personal attack they level at me, at you and at the ladies. Or I can just "guesstimate" the tone of the hidden posts.and make general comments based on a history steeped in transgression deeper than an Aggies' goat's asshole.
Or, I can leave things the way they are. The boys on the ignore list have gone out of their way to find a way for me to see their jabs and slams even though they're on the ignore list. Disrespectul shit.

What do you say to them, bro? Don't try and tell him what he doesn't want to hear? Because you've seen how each of them has someone who'll quote an ignored thread so I can see it.

It's a conundrum indeed.

I figure these guys are saying shitty things behind my back THAT YOU CAN SEE. I figure I'm not out of line responding to the fact that they're trying to bait me and are committing libel, knowing I won't be responding to direct slams, playing it by the book. YOUR BOOK. They're looking for their latest rape victim and you seem to be protecting them because they won't leave me alone.

I guess I have only two options: 1) Take these douchebags off the ignore list and respond to them one at a time -- possibly bringing in a friend or twenty to help me deal with their banality, or 2) Continue taking the ignored comments - and translated to my vision and post simple threads like this.

I DIDN'T MAKE THE RULES VYT. But their abuse of even that action demands that an honest member of ECCIE be allowed to defend himself.

Fact is, this bullshit is gonna ruin our community. It's IN PROGRESS. I HATE ERAPS! I want ECCIE to flourish. But this particular issue is the sign of a failure in leadership and the harbinger of demise.

If I can do anything to help you make men out of these brats, let me know....lunch is on me. I do more for bigger groups on a daily basis.

Meanwhile, don't do anything arrogant or overly heavyhanded until this conundrum is solved.

Thanks for listening. I hope you understand that I want to help. And I want to see this adult entertainment board return to the adults.

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Old 04-07-2011, 12:55 AM   #157
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I can't believe Yssup used the word rape in his now edited diatribe...................

"They're looking for their latest rape victim and you seem to be protecting them because they won't leave me alone"

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Old 04-07-2011, 01:42 AM   #158
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Now comes the period of reconciliation. Whispers disappears, Sixx makes nice and Wyngman is sent to the closet. It'll get good and quiet and then theyll go after a lonely provider.

Make nice everybody.

Tomorrow's another day.

This is like playing RISK! Only when I was in the U.S. Army, the VC were honest in their intention. I cannot say the same for ECCIEs enemies.

Good night boys. Hope you get paid tomorow. Mama needs a new pair of fishtank platform pumps!
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Old 04-07-2011, 07:53 AM   #159
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Originally Posted by Hannah Heresy View Post
Maybe you shouldn't take this stuff so seriously babe? No one is really out to get anyone here...we're all just playing around. We're all here for similar reasons. Frankly, you sound like you're starting to lose it the past couple days and I'm a bit worried about you. Just relax!
You are not the only one with those thoughts.
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Old 04-07-2011, 10:36 AM   #160
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To anybody who I offended last night by being too serious about this, I apologize. To anybody I offended because they felt I was taking shots at them last night, I apologize. To anybody who misunderstood the tone of my comment last night, I apologize.

To everybody who took a shot at me because of them, I got your back. Er, I'll get you back.

I would like to see the rules for violating the ignore list, however. Can't seem to find them anywhere. I might just have to put the rules on ignore.

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Old 04-07-2011, 12:47 PM   #161
Rand Al'Thor
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Originally Posted by vkmaster View Post
Now let me make sure...this site is about hobbying, sharing info with others about
the hobby, and having fun with the hobby.

So now we have a bunch of 5th graders talking about homos, dicks and other BS.
How utterly pathetic. And oh yea, another 5th grade tatic...let's all gang up on 1 person to show how "manly" they are.
If someone says something silly, others are bound to disagree, it's not always ganging up.

Actually I need to immediately apologize to the 5th graders of the world, as comparing their behavior to 5th graders is an insult to the integrity of 5th graders.

Come on members of the Panic Attack Mob, I thought you guys were suppose represent the big, bad men of the hobby community in Austin???. Sure seem to be spending a lot of time playing like a bunch of silly kids trying to kiss up to your leader.
I'm still unsure of who is in that group, but you may want to double check who's been throwing around dick and homo jokes. It sure isn't any of the possible pack members.

And Whisper, come on, this is your triumph return, after your April 1 post...and if that was suppose to be an April 1 joke....weak man, weak! This combine with your "big annoucement thread of coming attractions...which turn into one big yawn. And your other thread, where you whining to the Mods. And then your totally uncalled for comments regarding the Provider of the Day??? Then your reaction to some of the girls pulling your chain with fat people pictures. HELL, YA CAN'T even figure out how to use the delete button. I could go on, but......

Thought you were suppose to be the "Big Man on Campus" with all these connections to girls in Austin???

Never was, probably never will be, a fan of yours....but your really losing you mojo lately! And the one thing, I used to admit, did not agree with you, but at least you used to be able to bring it...as for the rest of the gang...YAWN!!!

Question for mods....this site is about the hobby, right???
So are you complaining about the existence of drama or that the drama is not up to your standards?

You've come into this thread pointing out to people (who you think are acting like 5th graders) that they are acting like 5th graders. What response do you think that will generate? Was the purpose to educate, enlighten, and cause introspection or was it to stir it up some more and inspire better insults?

Originally Posted by Vyt View Post
I think you're really misunderstanding, and possibly abusing, how the ignore user function is supposed to work.

If you're going to ignore someone, ignore them, don't blithely bait them with "nah nah nah can't hear you" comments.
I'm a bit confused.

There was a thread a few days back about what is and isn't considered an attack or name calling.

Is it ok to call someone a fucker if I misspell it?

Number Two, Mini Me, and Forrest aren't exactly complementary names, and at this point , I think we can dispense with the notion that it is humor. Then there's the circle jerk at P10 comment, I think that would be about the 5th..10th(?) gay joke in this thread alone. I can't make up my mind if the guy is a homophobe or a closet queen. It's pretty obvious that he holds homosexuals in pretty low regard, but at what point does it become hate speech?

Can you clarify for me if these are name calling, personal attacks or just baiting?
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Old 04-07-2011, 01:42 PM   #162
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I think everyone can agree, without pointing out specifics, that the general atmosphere at this point has degenerated to the point that there are no angels or demons, merely a lot of caustic back-and-forth that is spilling out of bounds.
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Old 04-07-2011, 02:58 PM   #163
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wow, I was gone for a few days & this thread has grown to 11 pages. Interesting & entertaining..... if one has the time and the gift of the gab.
I have met a few of you, not all, so will not pass judgement. We are who we are ....and are here for the hobby

I will just say that not all cultures are this quick to argue. The Israelis, more than the American's even. In Asia, they would look at this exchange totally wonderstruck!

Individualism is rather like innocence: There must be something unconscious about it. ~Louis Kronenberger, Company Manners, 1954
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Old 04-08-2011, 02:58 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
SORRY FOLKS. This is probably the last time I'll address Sixxbach. Once I push "Post Quick Reply," I'll add him to my ignore list ... and he'll be fucking with YOU!

Tell me about it.
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