Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
So if you found out a provider that you saw was known through back channels to keep drugs on her would you be pissed..... Would you be pissed cause you didn't know therefore your option to say no was taken away?
I started a new thread on my questions to avaoid hijacking OOB's thread here....lol.
No, I wouldn't be pissed. It's her life and what she chooses to do with her life is none of my business.
Even if she chooses to have a baggie with a measured oz. of a controlled substance in her purse... doesn't effect me either. Why? Is she going to be so bold as to whip it out in front of me and say..."looky looky at what I got!!"

I don't ask, she keeps her pie hole shut. No harm no foul.
Some of you are so worried about what other people are doing or saying, that you are as bad a bunch of old hens sitting in a quilting bee. If it bothers you that much, then go fishing! Collect stamps; take flying lessons.
Either accept what is involved in this secret little life we live... or get out of it. Do we need to remember that a key word that involves us all is...anonymity?