Originally Posted by discreetgent
I'm a little bit confused with this statement. Take seat belts and motorcycle helmets. It seems to me that those who believe it is society's obligation to take care of folks who get injured because they weren't wearing them are also typically the ones who support the laws that require them.
While I think most folks have embraced seatbelts (at least here in the US), down here?...helmets for motorcycles is well short of a universal feeling (admittedly though, I do keep forgetting to include the damn yankee exclusion when talking with you.

I guess the essence is...my view (and if you want to call that conservative, that's ok with me) is that if you want more personal freedom...you need to take on more personal responsibility. The two go hand in hand. If you want more "someone needs to take care of me"...you need to sacrifice personal freedom.
I want to do whatever it is I want to do (as long as it does not overtly harm someone else)...and I'll handle all my own shit...and yes, nina...that is up to and including my own demise should that be the result. I want that same right for everyone.
There seems to be a point of view for some (and I would generally call that the liberal view)...that they also want everyone to be able to do whatever they want to do (again, as long as it does not overtly harm somone else)...but if they stumble, or fall in the shit as a result...and yes, even if their choices should result in their death...then it was somehow my shortcoming that allowed it to happen...or it is my obligation to make sure it does not happen or fix it. I don't agree.
Consequence for your own actions is a hell of a teacher. And if you don't learn it?...then fate will probably weed you out from the gene pool.
I've put my hand out to help someone more times than I can possibly remember...and I have been the recipient of a helping hand from others as oft as that. And for me, the former is a lot more gratifying than the latter. But it was my choice (not my obligation) to extend my hand to help those I have...and it was their choice (not their obligation) to those who have extended their's to me.
While living together as a society we can never totally let everyone stand on their own, we can give as much freedom to other's as they are willing to take on reponsibility...and require their compliance to rules and regulations for those things where they won't take on those responsibilities. Having a degree of freedom without an equal degree of responsibility...IMHO...just doesn't work.