Originally Posted by ninasastri
Can you elaborate this for me. From my knowledge i don`t understand how this is possible. They dodge taxes how? BEcause they send americans to Geneva for work? The USA is in the lucky position to have the right to demand taxes from their citizens no matter where they work on the planet. I had europeans giving up their Greencard for that reason.
The dollar is same as swiss frank. But the taxes? are they not about the same. Sorry if i sound stupid, but i miss the logic here, so i`d like to have a long version for the short-wired people ;-)) thanks
See my post #16 in this thread...still a short version
Sure the US can tax US Citizen
Personal Income, but that is small potatoes for a large corp avoiding
Corporate Income Tax (just for Doove I'll bold both

Now as a disclaimer I didn't actually hear the piece as I was in a bar with the sound down follow the basketball game, but I think I got the gist of it...
If I'm not mistaken, the wrinkle here was 60 Minutes walked in on one of these "HQ's" and there was nothing but a bunch of junior employees as window dressing. (Read my other post and the following will make more sense) To be a legitimate (meaning legal, not making a right or wrong judgement) tax shield, the decison making actually has to take place there, it can't just be junior employees and a fancy office.
The Swiss love this and appreciate that a small % of a big number is better than a large % of a small number