Can you make it possible so that someone can NOT "like" their own post? I've seen it done on some sites where you can't give yourself "reputation". Can we have the same thing here for the like button?
It seems that every post in a lot of threads has at least 1 like on them. Most are not worthy of a like. I have a feeling that someone is either just "testing out" the like button or "liking" their own post and thus, it's not an accurate count of whether that particular comment/or post deserved a "like".
With every post being "liked", it makes the button useless unless you can post the names of whomever LIKED that particular post. This is done on another site where you're allowed to THANK the poster for his post. Your name is displayed. You can always remove your THANK YOU if you change your mind. I like that system because it eliminates someone THANKING or LIKING their own post. I'm sure this alone would help eliminate the unnecessary "liking" and make the system less of a joke.

What do you think?? Is it possible?