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Old 03-25-2011, 08:22 AM   #1
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Default Animals buried alive in South Korea

I am beyond shocked. Some humans are a galactic pile of shit, really.

Here is the CNN report on that. I do understand that not everyone wants to become a vegetarian but i think we do have to fight for conditions that makes animals live good and well even when they are eaten.


Food and mouth disease is a disease brought a 100% to animals by humans because they did not offer them the right living conditions.
Outrageous. I have started to cry when i watched the original video (not the CNN report) and i could not watch it to end. Here is only the CNN report, its quite "harmless" as opposed to the original filmed by CARE.

Here's a link to a wonderful group of people in Korea trying to make a difference. We have to support them no matter where we are on the globe. All work locally, but network with other wonderful people like KARA, Korean Animals Rights: http://animalrightskorea.org/
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Old 03-25-2011, 08:57 AM   #2
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You can't claim that case zero is ALWAYS infected by humans...humans do not get the animal disease, and animals do not get the human disease...animals pass it to animals as well...
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Old 03-25-2011, 09:39 AM   #3
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Ok you might be right as well, but still - it is outrageous what humans do to animals just to be able to eat them. I think in slaugtherhouses nothing different happens. I am not a militant vegetarian, but i do think animals deserve more respect than that. BSE and all these diseases are something humans cause.

All i am saying. I think animals deserve to get slaughtered at the farmhouse they live. To put them into slaugtherhouses or make stuff like the above is cruel. I also try to refrain from eating meat most of the times. I eat meat seldom and with awareness. Its not necessary for humans to eat meat all the time. Its overproduction anyway.
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Old 03-25-2011, 09:44 AM   #4
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I was deciding what to give up for lent......my options were to give up meat, or to pound on my balls with a rubber mallet.........it still hurst to sit down.
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Old 03-25-2011, 10:41 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
I was deciding what to give up for lent......my options were to give up meat, or to pound on my balls with a rubber mallet.........it still hurst to sit down.

you`re such a meanie..... next time let me do the pounding then the giving up of the other option will feel like heave to you :-)
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Old 03-25-2011, 12:36 PM   #6
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Here is an article about that. I still can`t believe that is actually true. When i first saw this i was sure that this could have been only a hoax in the internet. It wasn`t. This is horrifying.


Four Million Animals and Counting Buried Alive in South Korea

When a disease outbreak strikes animal agribusiness, here is South Korea’s method for dealing with the problem: they dig an enormous hole, dump live animals into it by the thousands, and use excavators to push the dirt back over it. Over the past two months, to combat a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak, the country has killed more than a million pigs in this way.

Additionally, South Korea also ordered the killing of just over 100,000 cattle. As it set about killing all these cattle, the government showed staggering incompetence: it procured an anesthetic that can kill when injected in large amounts, but ran out partway through this effort—and proceeded to bury the remaining cattle alive.

In addition to the foot and mouth outbreak, avian flu has simultaneously descended on South Korea. And yet again, the country has responded by burying the animals alive: 2.7 million live birds have so far been bagged and buried.

If you consider animal agribusiness a desirable thing, then the bird cull can probably only be looked at as a necessary public health measure. There is, after all, no vaccine that could protect these birds from swiftly-mutating avian flu. And if the virus went on to infect many or most of the chickens in Korea, it would gain the opportunity to jump the species barrier and unleash the scenario every public health expert fears: a deadly, highly contagious human flu that could kill many millions of people.

Yet there’s no reason why burying animals alive should ever be regarded as an ethically acceptable choice. Between the use of an euthanasia drug and the time needed to make an injection, it needn’t cost much more than fifty cents per chicken to kill each animal prior to burial. So this is really a matter of South Korea and its factory farmers being unwilling to pony up about a million dollars for the sake of sparing these chickens the most horrific of deaths.

Where the pigs were concerned, the situation is even more unforgivable. In essence, the mass killing was a direct result of the government gambling that they could cheaply end the foot-and-mouth outbreak by killing just 12 percent of its pig population, rather than inoculate each of the country’s millions of pigs for against the disease. When this limited cull failed, it forced the government’s hand and they issued orders to begin a mass killing.

It’s not as if South Korea can claim they were caught off-guard and lacked time to prepare. They’d twice dodged catastrophe earlier in 2010, in January and again in April, by nipping two outbreaks in the bud—at the cost of killing 56,000 animals. What this means is that prior to the re-emergence of foot-and-mouth in late November, the government had at least a seven-month window of opportunity to implement a vaccination program throughout its livestock industry. Instead, it decided to roll the dice, and more than 1.4 million pigs and cattle have now been brutally killed and discarded as a consequence.

Unlike the United States and Britain, which have large and influential animal protection groups with the clout required to ban the most extreme animal abuses, there are no comparable groups in South Korea. So, despite the fact that South Korea is a member of the World Organization for Animal Health, the country has ignored the group’s guidelines forbidding the burial of live animals (Chapter 7.6, Killing of animals for disease control purposes, Article 7.6.1., Terrestrial Animal Health Code.)

So what we have in South Korea is a country whose leadership is incapable of acting with any decency where farmed animals are concerned. We’ve got no prospect of change from within, since the country lacks animal charities with the power to force quick reforms. And, given that little mainstream reporting has so far occurred, there’s little chance of international condemnation forcing Korea to remedy these abuses.

Stephen Bant of Korea Animal Rights Advocates describes the animals’ ordeal:

In the current cull, as in previous years, pigs in the back of trucks are simply tipped into a pit. These animals, many fully grown, would fall up to 4-5 meters into the hole only to have other pigs landing on top of them. We can assume that many are injured, perhaps with broken bones, or killed in the process. Hundreds of pigs would be crammed into the same hole. At other times pigs are herded near holes, then push in with excavator arms.

The animals are being buried alive at such a furious pace—about four million so far—that some rural Koreans are turning on their taps to find bloody water pouring from their pipes.

What we are witnessing in South Korea is unconscionable animal cruelty occurring on a massive scale, and no reliable way to prevent repeat this scenario from playing out again in the future. It’s a situation the entire world is ethically obligated to confront.
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Old 03-25-2011, 12:38 PM   #7
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People are more important than animals...people eat animals...people should be free and allowed to eat as many animals as they like without people brow-beating them about it.................unless they pay for it with one of those food stamp cards......
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Old 03-25-2011, 12:47 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
People are more important than animals...people eat animals...people should be free and allowed to eat as many animals as they like without people brow-beating them about it.................unless they pay for it with one of those food stamp cards......
How can you say that??
Who are you to say that people are more important than animals and who are you to judge what happens to them?

I don`t say eating animals is a bad thing ( i don`t like it for several reasons) but i think we owe another living being the dignity of having a good life and getting shot at an animal farm, wouldn`t you agree? I try to avoid eating meat as much as possible and being conscious about it is showing dignity. We don`t live in a third world country, we have a choice here. In the rare cases i do eat meat i know for fact its from a farm where its shot right there. And had a nice life. I have been vegetarian most of my life, just recently started to eat meat again , but seing this makes me refrain from it again.

“Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.”
Theodor W. Adorno

I think to raise awareness and be outraged by events like that is just normal capability to show empathy. Eat as much meat as you can digest but try to be conscious about it. And look how it is processed. And what conditons the animals catering towards your fat belly have been pursued. Just FYI all the dirt and the antibiotics and the hormons that are stuffed into animals for making them grow faster and bigger and whatnot WILL ultimately have an effect on your health as well.

So even if you are just doing it for selfish reasons - i would be VERY aware of what i stuff into my body. Just my 5 cents.
And i seriously can`t believe that you have nothing else to say towards such outrageous happenings. How do you sleep at night?
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Old 03-25-2011, 01:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by ninasastri View Post
How can you say that??
Who are you to say that people are more important than animals and who are you to judge what happens to them?

I don`t say eating animals is a bad thing ( i don`t like it for several reasons) but i think we owe another living being the dignity of having a good life and getting shot at an animal farm, wouldn`t you agree? I try to avoid eating meat as much as possible and being conscious about it is showing dignity. We don`t live in a third world country, we have a choice here. In the rare cases i do eat meat i know for fact its from a farm where its shot right there. And had a nice life. I have been vegetarian most of my life, just recently started to eat meat again , but seing this makes me refrain from it again.

“Auschwitz begins wherever someone looks at a slaughterhouse and thinks: they’re only animals.”
Theodor W. Adorno

I think to raise awareness and be outraged by events like that is just normal capability to show empathy. Eat as much meat as you can digest but try to be conscious about it. And look how it is processed. And what conditons the animals catering towards your fat belly have been pursued. Just FYI all the dirt and the antibiotics and the hormons that are stuffed into animals for making them grow faster and bigger and whatnot WILL ultimately have an effect on your health as well.

So even if you are just doing it for selfish reasons - i would be VERY aware of what i stuff into my body. Just my 5 cents.
And i seriously can`t believe that you have nothing else to say towards such outrageous happenings. How do you sleep at night?

If you think it's ok for people to eat animals, but not ok for animals to eat people, then you think people are more important than animals.....that's a judgment.....

it's a good idea to reduce the suffering of animals and not take more than you actually use, but suffering needs to be BALANCED against cost.....

I sure as hell wish those starving children in Africa had more animals to eat, even abused animals.......God, how horrible!....if only all of us here would dig a little deeper in our pockets and help the starving children, but I don't want to brow-beat anyone....only give if you care.......
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Old 03-25-2011, 01:34 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
If you think it's ok for people to eat animals, but not ok for animals to eat people, then you think people are more important than animals.....that's a judgment.....

it's a good idea to reduce the suffering of animals and not take more than you actually use, but suffering needs to be BALANCED against cost.....

I sure as hell wish those starving children in Africa had more animals to eat, even abused animals.......God, how horrible!....if only all of us here would dig a little deeper in our pockets and help the starving children, but I don't want to brow-beat anyone....only give if you care.......
Animals do eat humans. Happens too. Such is life. If people go into wildlife and then complain about the dangers . their problem. Killing animals for doing what is their nature is more than ridiculous and no wildlife reservoir would ever do that. Gotta watch your step and be prepared. Most animals though leave humans alone unless provoked. And most animals - sorry to say - are VERY efficient at killing. If a tiger kills you , you don`t struggle a long painful death. He breaks your neck. Plain and simple. So if i had a choice of being killed by a tiger as a human or being buried alive as a pig, guess what??

And for me its a difference to humans because humans CAN act differently if they use a brain. Doing such disgusting things to animals is beyond comprehensible. Its completely unnecessary except for financial profit. And that is not a reason. What happened to good old shooting if they can`t afford anesthesia? burying living beings alive is - incomprehensible.

And i also wish that starving kids in africa had more to eat - which is a problem easy to be solved if the western countries would not exploit africa but pay them the money they deserved for exploiting their countries.

But this thread is about animals. And you`re not helping with your cynical comments.
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:12 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by ninasastri View Post
And i also wish that starving kids in africa had more to eat - which is a problem easy to be solved if the western countries would not exploit africa but pay them the money they deserved for exploiting their countries.
What are you doing about the starving kids in Africa.....that's a better question......it's not the fault of Western countries because they did not exploit them.....I don't have time to go into this topic, but the late great Milton Friedman has lectured on this subject and totally destroys that argument [I hope you at least know who Milton Friedman is, if not what he says......go to youtube and punch in MF and get yourself educated rather than miseducated]

when you adopted your cat, did you give him a choice about being adopted by you or someone else? How arrogant of you to make the decision for the both of you without giving him a choice between you and somebody else who may have made him more happy........

YOU are the one who thinks it's bad to eat animals but does it anyway....YOU are the one who thinks animals have rights and should be happy but denies those rights to her own cat.....and YOU are the one asking me how I sleep at night.....

my belly's not fat BTW...........
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:14 PM   #12
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Milton Friedman's questioner is hysterically funny.........

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Old 03-25-2011, 02:19 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by ninasastri View Post
Animals do eat humans. Happens too. Such is life. If people go into wildlife and then complain about the dangers . their problem. Killing animals for doing what is their nature is more than ridiculous and no wildlife reservoir would ever do that. Gotta watch your step and be prepared. Most animals though leave humans alone unless provoked. And most animals - sorry to say - are VERY efficient at killing. If a tiger kills you , you don`t struggle a long painful death. He breaks your neck. Plain and simple. So if i had a choice of being killed by a tiger as a human or being buried alive as a pig, guess what??

And for me its a difference to humans because humans CAN act differently if they use a brain. Doing such disgusting things to animals is beyond comprehensible. Its completely unnecessary except for financial profit. And that is not a reason. What happened to good old shooting if they can`t afford anesthesia? burying living beings alive is - incomprehensible.

And i also wish that starving kids in africa had more to eat - which is a problem easy to be solved if the western countries would not exploit africa but pay them the money they deserved for exploiting their countries.

But this thread is about animals. And you`re not helping with your cynical comments.
Here and elsewhere you have made comments about animal instinct, intelligence, awareness and free will which I am not willing to accept......I do not know to what degree higher forms of animals have these qualities....it's quite arrogant of humans like you to think they know with the limited information available to us
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Old 03-25-2011, 02:56 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
What are you doing about the starving kids in Africa.....that's a better question......it's not the fault of Western countries because they did not exploit them.....I don't have time to go into this topic, but the late great Milton Friedman has lectured on this subject and totally destroys that argument [I hope you at least know who Milton Friedman is, if not what he says......go to youtube and punch in MF and get yourself educated rather than miseducated]

when you adopted your cat, did you give him a choice about being adopted by you or someone else? How arrogant of you to make the decision for the both of you without giving him a choice between you and somebody else who may have made him more happy........

YOU are the one who thinks it's bad to eat animals but does it anyway....YOU are the one who thinks animals have rights and should be happy but denies those rights to her own cat.....and YOU are the one asking me how I sleep at night.....

my belly's not fat BTW...........
Oh please . make up your own thread about starving kids in africa . and yes i do know who Milton Friedman is i have read several books by him. Which stil makes me believe that we exploit africa. There has been an austrian filmmaker (the same one who maked we feed the world) making a new movie about that topic.

you comparing how i treat my cats with the bullshit above is yet off topic. Can you not lead a discussion without personally insulting people? My cat has a good life. Your comparison sucks. So you think because i adopted a cat it makes it justified that pigs get buried alive?

I`d rather live vegetarian than eat meat. I am guilty of sometimes endulging in meat when friends of mine invite me for dinner. I think IF we have to eat meat (and some peple will eat meat - so i am realistic -. it has to be meat that is biological treated and with dignity to animals . stuff like that is out there. I rather prefer vegetarian or even vegan. But its not realistic. you are a fool to believe that a woman like me with my brain capacity would make such shortsighted statements like the ones you proposed i`d make. Get real.
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Old 03-25-2011, 03:28 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Marshall View Post
Here and elsewhere you have made comments about animal instinct, intelligence, awareness and free will which I am not willing to accept......I do not know to what degree higher forms of animals have these qualities....it's quite arrogant of humans like you to think they know with the limited information available to us
YOu are yet again misquoting me. I have never made any comments like the ones you stated. If you read correct you will say that i made exactly the comment that you are seeming to make here. I am the one stating that science cannot transform human experience to animals. Because we have not enough information available and can hardly ask them anout their opinion. Again, dear MarshalL LEARN TO READ - then COMPREHEND then judge or elaborate.

You are wasting my precious time with your misinterpretations of what i said.
And again, when you point out what kind of comments i made, then paraphrase them so i can relate to it. you are not discussing you are judging.
If you continue to do so i will ignore you in the future because i find it below myself to engage in discussion with individuals that are not even capable of reading before they judge what i have to say.
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