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Old 03-23-2011, 06:39 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by GneissGuy View Post
I'd suggest to the mods that if it's not hobby related enough for Coed Discussions, simply move it to the sandbox with a comment that that's where it belongs. "
Agreed, but I think Space is asking for the community's input on where to draw the line, i.e. when is something not related enough to the hobby that it should be moved. Its not always crystal clear. There are a lot of threads about sex, that aren't necessarily about the hobby - Yssup's "AS PROMISED" thread is a recent example - should that be here or in the Sandbox? There are a lot of threads about and for the local hobby community; does that make them about the hobby? The thread on Kat's kitten, Nat and Kelli's announcement of their (cancelled) SXSW cocktail party, announcements and recaps of the hijinks of the GC luncheons are all fairly recent examples. Do they really belong in Coed? (And if not, then where?)

In my view, its all ok. There isn't a problem that needs to be fixed. Most of the obviously non-hobby stuff ends up in the Sandbox, the grey area stuff mostly ends up here. So what? I know it bothers a few people who prefer clear lines, but there isn't a clear line here.

Similarly, I know that the threADs and flirting that goes on here offends the sensibilities of some people. Again I say, so what? If you don't like them, move on to the next thread. Anything that encourages more hobbyists and providers to participate is a good thing. Those threads are certainly no more annoying than the "LOOK AT ME" threads that some hobbyists start. If you can't view these with a chuckle and go on to something that interests you more then you are in the wrong hobby, because this one isn't having the desired effect on you.

I think the better question is will the mods be quicker to shut down threads that are obviously intended to bait some member(s) of the community, or the ones that degenerate into name-calling. There haven't been many (any?) of the former recently, and the mods have been more aggressive with the latter, which I think is a good thing.

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post

I don't think we've had a decent knock down drag out whoopdedoo in the Locker Room or any other forum in a long ass time....
And nobody appears to be too disappointed....
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Old 03-23-2011, 06:48 PM   #17
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Looking back, maybe the controversial "AS PROMISED" thread should be been in the Sandbox, which might be where the jerking off should go. But I wonder what kind of mess it would make if we all jerked off in the Sandbox!

Seriously though. I think you're spot on with your post Fratelli. You are a wise man!
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Old 03-23-2011, 08:45 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
More threADs and useless drivel....IMO....
I would like to suggest that these so-called "threADs" are as hobby-related as all the other stuff that gets posted here.

Some guys can decide on seeing a lady solely based on her showcase, her ads (in the appropriate Ad forums), her website, her reviews, and information from other guys in the form of PMs or posts in the Men's Lounge. That's great, and I'm happy for you.

Others (and I'm in this category) really like to see how the lady interacts with others... I want to get a glimpse of her personality, her intellect, her sense of humor, and how she acts in a coed environment. (Sorry, I find smart ladies awfully sexy!) You might be able to get that over the phone, or in PM and email exchanges, but you don't really get a chance to see it until you have a track record of her posts in public. Does she hate men? Do her opinions change based on the day? I want to get as much information as i can to make an informed decision. I don't want to waste $$ or $$$ on a lady if we aren't going to "click" when we get BCD.

Take the recent case of BabyDollSnow (BDS) who was planning on visiting and was actively posting here. Yes, she was new blood with a provocative showcase, so all of us guys were interested in her and, yes, she had an engaging online persona and gave back much of what was thrown at her. Were all those posts "ads" or "threADs"? Yes, probably. But weren't they hobby-related? Did you get a better idea that you wanted to see her (or didn't want to?) Did she get to meet some new guys while she was in town? Yup (myself included.) Think she'll come back? Most likely. Think she would have been as popular and successful if she just posted a single ad? Probably not.

Originally Posted by Fratelli View Post
Similarly, I know that the threADs and flirting that goes on here offends the sensibilities of some people. Again I say, so what? If you don't like them, move on to the next thread. Anything that encourages more hobbyists and providers to participate is a good thing. Those threads are certainly no more annoying than the "LOOK AT ME" threads that some hobbyists start. If you can't view these with a chuckle and go on to something that interests you more then you are in the wrong hobby, because this one isn't having the desired effect on you.
I agree. Some feel obligated to express their opinion on every thread. Others feel obligated to read every post by everyone, no matter how loved or hated they are. Still others feel that they need to stand up for this group or that group and defend some other group. In the end, both "groups" are equally annoying for those of us on the sidelines.

If you don't like the so-called "threADs", don't read them. If you don't like the rantings of a fellow guy or gal, click Ignore.

I would think we should all be able to coexist as happy individuals here, but maybe I'm wrong about that.

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Old 03-23-2011, 08:46 PM   #19
Maxeen Monroe
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It is a grey area for sure. I, for one, do not see how the Dick Drug Use thread is any different from any Viargra threads from before and I found those here in CoEd. I don't think that's a big deal. If you ask me, it IS hobby related.

I don't think there is anything wrong with flirting. Show me where it breaks a rule. Sure, some may think it's worthless BUT lots of ladies and SOME gents love to be flirted with! Flirt = participation correct? So what? Atleast it's nicer than name calling and bullying. I am not saying every thread should be a flirt thread. But it certainly isn't breaking any rules. So deal with it! Lol!

Please define for me what "hobby related" is then because I believe threads like "my number has changed" "updated pics, what do you think" "What do you want in a website" "What enhances your performance" are hobby related. Perhaps, hobby related threads should be a much more streamlined discussion than I thought. I guess I am not above learning new things in this nice litte world of mine. But it seems these are considered "threADs". Please do tell. . .

I have talked about strip club times here in CoEd because I cannot participate in the other forum. So that is a problem for me. Where else can I discuss that hot dancer I wanted to take home? I'm just sayin . . .

And how do you define what is a threAD and what is fun? I've seen several from my "competition" and it still doesn't bother me. If it doesn't bother me why would it bother a hobbiest? You would think the ladies would be complaining more if it were a real issue. The goal in CoEd is for participation on both sides. How can someone say what a lady wants to add is worthless or just a "threAD". I figure that's a mod's decision.
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Old 03-23-2011, 09:37 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by ztonk View Post
Take the recent case of BabyDollSnow (BDS) who was planning on visiting and was actively posting here. Yes, she was new blood with a provocative showcase, so all of us guys were interested in her and, yes, she had an engaging online persona and gave back much of what was thrown at her. Were all those posts "ads" or "threADs"? Yes, probably. But weren't they hobby-related? Did you get a better idea that you wanted to see her (or didn't want to?) Did she get to meet some new guys while she was in town? Yup (myself included.) Think she'll come back? Most likely. Think she would have been as popular and successful if she just posted a single ad? Probably not.
Excellent example, Ztonk. I thought she was pretty ballsy but she most definitely owned the spotlight for a week or so. I think she did the same in Houston, too.

Didn't seem to remember a lot of bitching about it either. By the same token there was another girl at the same time who came into town, riled up the boys (yep, me too) and got rode out of town on a rail.

IMHO ain't nothing wrong with boys and girls teasing and flirting with each other on a hobby board. And if it's good for a gal's business, then great! We'll get more great gals posting on ECCIE without fear of being driveled on.
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Old 03-23-2011, 09:55 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Excellent example, Ztonk. I thought she was pretty ballsy but she most definitely owned the spotlight for a week or so. I think she did the same in Houston, too.

Right on man! She knew how to work the Austin and Houston markets. You can tell she studied what other gals have done to mixed results and did the opposite! She obviously put the time in and did her research. A true blueprint on how to do traveling IMO....

Didn't seem to remember a lot of bitching about it either. By the same token there was another girl at the same time who came into town, riled up the boys (yep, me too) and got rode out of town on a rail.

I don't recall but I wonder if it was because her TCB was bad or talked about why she wasn't getting appointments. That's a no no to most...

IMHO ain't nothing wrong with boys and girls teasing and flirting with each other on a hobby board. And if it's good for a gal's business, then great! We'll get more great gals posting on ECCIE without fear of being driveled on.
See Babydollsnow, allamericanjessi, and one more I can't get out my fingertips. Gals, the water is not very cold... jump right in!

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Old 03-23-2011, 10:23 PM   #22
Rand Al'Thor
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Shouldn't this thread be in Sandbox?
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Old 03-23-2011, 10:29 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
Shouldn't this thread be in Sandbox?
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:42 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe View Post
And how do you define what is a threAD and what is fun? I've seen several from my "competition" and it still doesn't bother me. If it doesn't bother me why would it bother a hobbiest? You would think the ladies would be complaining more if it were a real issue. The goal in CoEd is for participation on both sides. How can someone say what a lady wants to add is worthless or just a "threAD". I figure that's a mod's decision.
Yup... But here you have Mods asking for input and that is what is happening.

In the end... He's do whatever he decides to do with the input.

As to why ladies won't complain about other ladies advertising in CoEd.... well... it seems to be something more and more want to do because of the limitation of where/ehrn you can run actual ads.
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Old 03-24-2011, 12:49 AM   #25
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BDS was so overly fresh, open and honest in her approach while participating in threads in a logical and ontopic fashion while doling out wit that she really did own the place for a week or so....

I don't think any lady has done a better job of making herself kown prior to a visit before her.

Hannah is doing a pretty good job heself.... Not just here on the boards but I was picking up Chinese takeout earlier and saw an all chinese newspaper on the counter and although I couldn't understand a word I recognized her avatar and a pic in a 1/4 page ad.....
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Old 03-24-2011, 08:11 AM   #26
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The where/when a lady can advertise hasn't changed that I know of. So that wouldn't make a change in ladies being visible in CoEd.

Btw, anyone notice Sensual Sophia hasn't been posting much? I wish she would. I think she would have great insight on this topic.
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Old 03-24-2011, 08:38 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
Shouldn't this thread be in Sandbox?
Why?? This is hobby-related, is it not??

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Yup... But here you have Mods asking for input and that is what is happening.

In the end... He's do whatever he decides to do with the input.

As to why ladies won't complain about other ladies advertising in CoEd.... well... it seems to be something more and more want to do because of the limitation of where/ehrn you can run actual ads.
More than that, I am asking each of you to think about what you are posting and it's proper place in our commnity. I make my mind up about most threads here pretty quickly, however, if the population at large seems to be engaged, no matter what I think, I usually leave them alone. Some of the more recent ones, have made me go, HUH????? Hence this topic.

Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe View Post
The where/when a lady can advertise hasn't changed that I know of. So that wouldn't make a change in ladies being visible in CoEd.

Btw, anyone notice Sensual Sophia hasn't been posting much? I wish she would. I think she would have great insight on this topic.

The truth is, there are no right or wrong answers, just varying opinions. Much of this is subjective and subject to interpretation. Agree, disagree, or whatever, this gives everyone a chance to state what they consider to be Hobby-related, thought provoking, and entertaining!

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Old 03-24-2011, 10:28 AM   #28
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In other words, Space, you're telling us it's OK to have it BOTH WAYS!

Thanks for the insightful post. I think it's good management to throw topics like this out to the membership from time to time. Helps us all get a better idea of where people stand before wholesale moves are made by staff or the membership revolts... OK, say it!

Glad to see that ECCIE is still American! Freedom of speech, bitch, lynch, pissing match, etc.

Wonder if it would be possible to do a thread that was thought provoking and hobby related that didn't include a dick measuring contest?
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