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Old 03-20-2011, 11:39 AM   #1
Yssup Rider
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Default Dick Drug Use -- Part I


This subject has been dragged around the co-ed forum since it began, but I'd like to pull it in a different direction -- if it's a shriveled up topic, please forgive me, I've just been hanging around and believe I've not seen it; of course it's possible I'm nuts.

All that said, I'd be interested in knowing how many of the brothers use ED medication for recreational purposes. In other words, do you take Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, TriMix, etc., because it improves your stamina, size, etc., and not because you've got ED?

I know a lot of 20-somethings who carry a Viagra in their pockets as certainly as a condom. (And no wise cracks ... I've got sons in that age bracket.) And those little horndogs will hump a tree if they think there's a honeycomb in it.

I tried a couple of them when they first appeared on the scene and they did make a difference in the wood department, even though I didn't need to take it then.

But I'm guessing a lot of guys take it even though they don't need it.

Anybody suffered the advertised side effects? That is except for the erection lasting more than four hours, because as we all know, EVERYBODY KEEPS IT UP FOR DAYS AT A TIME -- just read the reviews Drop in blood pressure? Myocardial infarction? Migraine?

Do you think ED meds are a cheat if you don't have ED?

Hell, I took Flomax for a while and NEVER DID GET A CANOE TRIP OUT OF IT!
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Old 03-20-2011, 08:12 PM   #2
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No, bring your gun, if you can "heavy load" the smoke pole more power to you. More than likely your back, heart, or dick skin will tell you when to stop.
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Old 03-20-2011, 11:00 PM   #3
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yssup, hilarious thread title. when I first read it I thought it was about dude's rolling their dicks in white powdery substances, not unlike raw chicken smothered in flour.

as for these pills, I don't need them so I don't use them. I only get limp if I lose interest or if other things in life are weighing on me.

I hope I never need those pills, but it sounds like a lot of older dudes eventually need them so that does suck.

I'm generally not a big fan of pills so I'll try to hold off on using those for as long as possible.

btw yssup, I hear you use Tri-Mix shots on your cock so much that your dick looks like Sid Vicious' arm. True story.
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Old 03-20-2011, 11:42 PM   #4
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Actually I've never used Tri Mix. Don't take the pills either. I've never seen Sid Vicious' arm and you haven't seen my cock.

But thanks for the kind remarks.
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Old 03-20-2011, 11:45 PM   #5
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i was just messing with you, i remember your reaction to the Tri-Mix description in another thread.

though it would be hilarious if your cock looked like Sid Vicious' arm.
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Old 03-21-2011, 01:32 AM   #6
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Prolonged recreational use of ED medications will eventually lead to higher resistence in later years. At that point, you may have other medical issues to contend with and be unable to combine stronger ED remedies and will be S.O.L. Your doctor should be consulted before using anything - especially Viagra in the case of those w/ high blood pressure - to avoid drug interaction problems or more severe issues such as heart attack or stroke.

Honestly, having a guy dripping sweat all over me before keeling over in cardiac arrest is a bigger turn-off than a marathon fucking is a turn-on. ;-) If ED is a problem for you, there are always alternate methods to enjoy each other: prostate massage for him, DATY/toys for her, etc... No reason to mess w/ Mother Nature or Father Time. Hehe

Play fair, Fellas... You'll have more years to enjoy if you don't cheat.
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Old 03-21-2011, 07:17 AM   #7
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I use cialis because of BP meds that suppress. Do not buy the Indian version. It doesn't work as well.
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Old 03-21-2011, 08:35 AM   #8
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Anyone considering ED meds for a real ED problem should make sure the testosterone level is normal first. Viagra will not compensate for abnormally low testosterone. And abnormally low testosterone could be a sign of something much more serious - the list is long.

But just for recreational use, without a real medical need, I'd heed K4K's warning. Long-term use could lead to problems.
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Old 03-21-2011, 09:23 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by mastermind238 View Post
Anyone considering ED meds for a real ED problem should make sure the testosterone level is normal first. Viagra will not compensate for abnormally low testosterone. And abnormally low testosterone could be a sign of something much more serious - the list is long.

But just for recreational use, without a real medical need, I'd heed K4K's warning. Long-term use could lead to problems.
I think there's a lot to be said for having a complete physical and then getting YOUR doctor to prescribe meds for you if you can handle them.

The side effects, as Mastermind alluded, can be long and lead to a house of cards health-wise.

K4K's comments lead me to another discussion topic. Probably needs to be another thread.
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Old 03-21-2011, 11:11 AM   #10
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Had my testosterone checked and it was fine. My Doc is conservative when it comes to drugs. He recommended taking a 1/3 of a pill every other day to avoid the dreaded 4 hour problem.

BTW - not the every day type.
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Old 03-21-2011, 06:31 PM   #11
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I've got the coolest doctor when it comes to sex and daddy's little helpers. He's got high BP, a bad back, and eye trouble. So when it comes to may issues, we are lined up:

Heart? Check
Manmones? Check
Blood ? Check
V-section? In force
Insurance? Covered

Ok, try these, let me know what works ! If you don't like this, I got others and coupons.
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Old 03-21-2011, 07:05 PM   #12
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I use them rarely, but I have tried them all. Well, Cialis, Levitra and Viagra. I do get sinus pressure and a stuff nose every time from them. But only for the first hour. I have had delayed backache, but my back is toast, anyway.
I only use them when I know the chance of a multi-hour session of private playtime is a sure thing. For 1 popper, never.
Oh, I have had intermittent ED problems since my late 30's. But very rare.
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Old 03-21-2011, 08:30 PM   #13
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I haven't used the pills in a good while because of the results of the T therapy..... The last provider I saw a lot of told me I needed anotehr girl in the rotation to satisfy my urges.....

Between my urges and her talents I was usually good for 3-4 pops with her...

she was very, very talented
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Old 03-22-2011, 10:07 PM   #14
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I have Cialis right now. Prescribed by a doctor because I told him I needed it, even though I dont and it is for recreational use. I have read so many reviews of guys getting 2+ nuts in one hour and it made me think that I needed help. After talking to several providers I have learned that it is very rare for anyone that they see to pop twice in such a short period of time. I thought that the Cialis would help me get 2+ nuts in an hour, but its just not happening. After my experience with Darien last week I now know for a fact that the 2nd nut will just not happen in that short of time.
Now I just reserve the Cialis for the girlfriend when I think that there is a chance for weekend long sex where I might need some help. Seems to be best in this scenero.
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Old 03-22-2011, 10:38 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by atxbrad View Post
. After talking to several providers I have learned that it is very rare for anyone that they see to pop twice in such a short period of time.
Glad someone else said that. I'm wondering if it's just 80% of us that are off on this or if EVERYBODY on ECCIE comes three times in an hour?

This calls into question the efficacy of much of the macho talk on this board. But then again, when I was in high school, I probably had a bonarski from second through sixth periods ... first period was band and DAMN!

You know, I've only had a "handful" of situations where I've had multipops in the modern era. Actually, I've had that happen twice in the past year and a half. But historically my multipops have been overnighters and was a long time ago with ladies (not all providers, believe it or not) with whom I wanted to spend the night.

I also found that when I did take Viagra, I didn't pop any more frequently, but I did stay hard for a longer time. I knew it was time for me to reassess the situation when I took a Viagra and the provider NCNS'd me. That was great fun ... lying in my hotel room, redfaced, sweaty, horrible splitting headache and with a boner that could be classified as a deadly weapon. All dressed up and nowhere to go. At least I was staying in a shitty hotel that night...

Ahh... the memories. WTF?

Thanks for sharing Brad.
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