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Old 03-10-2011, 09:43 AM   #1
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Smile Who are the real provokers of Negativity here?

Who are the real provokers of Negativity here?

Are they the ones that everyone talks about as being negative and stirring up the pot?


Could it just be the few here that perceive certain members as being negative?

I am just hoping when I am old and dried up I do not become a bitter person. I am talking really old (insert number here).

I have always thought that there are just some people that are not happy unless they are bitching and complaining about what someone else is doing. It is sad very sad I pray that God will give them inner peace and that they too will one day be able to laugh at themselves.

Thoughts and Opinions are welcome! Complainers and Whiners well you just will not be happy and less you do what you do.
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Old 03-10-2011, 09:57 AM   #2
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People who think it's a primary metric. The first question to consider, several times more important than all other considerations combined, is: Is it true? Drama about mean, rude, tactless, ungentlemanly, et cetera is usually just weaseling to avoid addressing the primary question. Answer first, then explain to your heart's content.
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Old 03-10-2011, 04:05 PM   #3
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What I find funny is the ones that start threads and polls about the one that they think is a negative....

It looks to me as if they love keeping the name alive even when they are not around. It looks like a stalker in love with his nemesis...

Their are a few here that think it is OK to have an opinion as long as it is in line with their opinion. That kind of attitude promotes negativity and should not be rewarded...
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Old 03-10-2011, 04:43 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
It looks to me as if they love keeping the name alive even when they are not around. It looks like a stalker in love with his nemesis...
I am just loving all this man love on the board lately

Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
Their are a few here that think it is OK to have an opinion as long as it is in line with their opinion. That kind of attitude promotes negativity and should not be rewarded...

I strongly agree with this..Those who think their word is golden so all must fall in line and or be disregarded... really need to grow up.
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Old 03-10-2011, 05:28 PM   #5
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Man love!TFF!!! I think this one poster gets a tingle up his leg every time Sixx or Whispers puts up a post. It is kinda like a teenage crush. He has no idea what I am saying I am on the ignore list. What age range of maturity does this fall into?
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Old 03-10-2011, 05:32 PM   #6
Rand Al'Thor
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I am actually the source of all negativity around here. It's a bit embarrassing, but I have this condition... that makes me emit concentrated evil out of my backside.
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Old 03-10-2011, 05:36 PM   #7
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They have pills for that now...
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Old 03-10-2011, 06:55 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
Man love!TFF!!! I think this one poster gets a tingle up his leg every time Sixx or Whispers puts up a post. It is kinda like a teenage crush. He has no idea what I am saying I am on the ignore list. What age range of maturity does this fall into?
Yeah and the funny thing is that is he is now the biggest post whore on the austin board. Sure, I have many posts but alot of that was from being a mod. Anything you do in the mod area counts towards your posts.

Plus the person you are talking about thinks they are funny. He tries to add humor to all his posts. A second rate John Kelso if you ask me...

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Old 03-10-2011, 07:03 PM   #9
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Rand Al Thore... your avatar makes me hot... sigh... lol
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Old 03-10-2011, 07:17 PM   #10
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Lil michelle your avatar makes me warm and fuzzy. A little lite headed too!
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Old 03-10-2011, 07:22 PM   #11
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Yep and this guy thinks he is such a brilliant poster that he told me I could have studied under his wing. WTF is that about. I am not a follower especially not of someone I have never met in person....This is a prime example of when parents buy their kid a computer so they will have someone to talk to....They have social anxiety issues.
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Old 03-10-2011, 07:28 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post
Lil michelle your avatar makes me warm and fuzzy. A little lite headed too!

aww.. thank you.. that made my night... my day was sucky...lol
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Old 03-10-2011, 07:36 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by lil_michelle View Post
aww.. thank you.. that made my night... my day was sucky...lol
Please tell us it wasn't as sucky as this thread.
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Old 03-10-2011, 07:46 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by sixxbach View Post
Yeah and the funny thing is that is he is now the biggest post whore on the austin board. Sure, I have many posts but alot of that was from being a mod. Anything you do in the mod area counts towards your posts.

Plus the person you are talking about thinks they are funny. He tries to add humor to all his posts. A second rate John Kelso if you ask me...

I believe what happened is he got a little bit of praise and encouragement for his semi-wit and "Won't back down for Nobody" attitude and it went straight to his head.
Now he acts like Buffalo Bill on a runaway train feeling entitled to take the occasional pot shot at whatever buffalo he passes along the way just for the sport.

When he first made a splash I thought "How cool. Someone with wit willing to keep the board dominators in check and who speaks his mind regardless".
Now he appears to have become worse than those he targets and is clearly starting to get bored with only targeting the usual two subjects of his disdain.
Should be interesting to see what he blossoms into in a month or two. He'll make you two look like friggin board saints.

As far as board negativity goes I think words are relatively harmless. Even the fun back and forth potshots can be a source of enjoyable entertainment as in that good ole show "Cheers". Miss that show.
It's when the obvious intent behind the words is just plain ole venom diluted with wit that one can quickly poison the well.

Obviously there's more than enough blame to go around for using that tactic. Some are just much better at it so they do it far more often mistaking it for being a positive contribution to the board.

Originally Posted by Booth View Post
Please tell us it wasn't as sucky as this thread.

... I agree this thread totally sucks but here we are. Sort of like posting on AP about how lame the 1000th Sheen or Lohen article is yet that doesn't stop one from reading it all the same and then posting about how lame it is.
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Old 03-10-2011, 10:17 PM   #15
Hope I haven't bored you!
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I gotta admit that first day I was banned I got a pretty big kick out of the fact that all anyone wanted to talk about was me......

For a couple of days the view counts on threads from me and about me were the highest read threads on the board....

Then it continued throughout the week..... Sure you had a thread here or there... but noone wanted to forget me and just move on.....

I looked in from a variety of different strip clubs and hotels as well as while a prospective secretary was auditioning under my desk in the office.....

The thread that GOT me banned really had far more negativity in it from others than me and was totally misinterpreted........ I still don't agree with the ruling but it is done and over with.....

Some have contacted me asking me to reign in the pack.....

I laugh a bit at that as I have no control over any other posters here on the board....

It's just become fashionable for anyone to be allowed to speak their mind.....

Even those without a lot of "mind" as many recent posts by one of those attributed to me seem to attest to....

It is one thing to attack an idea or concept...

This thread though is an attack on a person.....

It is not a thread attacking ideas, concepts or really even about anything hobby related.....

I can recognize it for what it is because I have been the subject of many of these kind of threads..... I've also initiated threads like this in the past as well..

Love or hate those of us with loud voices but the constant loud voices over a year ago led to a change in moderation and the Austin forums and NOW threads like this are tolerated.... whereas much of the bad an a lot of good info was squashed in the name of a kinder, gentler place in years past....

I can't say for sure, but I would lay down a few thousand bucks in a bet that more people have been pointed for attacking me in threads than I have ever received... that more people have been banned in threads debating me than anyone else here in Austin.....

I kind of like being on the right side of the line....

Do I like the fact that many attribute the ability to speak out to me and the efforts I put into posting first on my own and over time growing to where it is now?


BUT..... I wish more of the "Attack Pack" as many are known....... would take a lesson from my posts or those of Rand'Al Thor's who, like me, can cut you to pieces without so much as catching a finger waive from a MOD.....

Free Speech and Free flow of information does NOT have to be negative.....

DecemberLove has a great Avatar.....

It says..... "Tact is for people not Witty enough to be sarcastic"....

Leave the trash talking to the Professional Trash Talkers Please..... Some of you are lacking in the "wit" department....


At the end of the day though....


Attack PAck.......


These are all just harmless words on a SHMB and you need to simply grow a set and realize that there is some pure entertainment value to some of this.....

With that in mind..... Regarding the subject of this thread....... Yssup Rider...... I say to all of you........

Back up offa my bitch!....

He doesn't realize it yet but he's in line for conversion to the GC group as he gets exposed to a few more of the ladies I know in coming weeks.....

The battles I can't win on the board with words will be won in the clubs with pussy.....

I'll own him before this all over.... Instead of posting he will be in a corner booth at Sugars sucking on the tit of some feature dancer that well be patting him on the head saying.. now now.... it's OK.....

This thread may have been needed..... 'Sup has been a bit vocal....

Ya'll had a chance while I was gone to deal with him but here he is still.....

I think he's a lot like me......... That's why I want him for a new sidekick....

Ya'll need to learn that for some of us..... These are just words on a SHMB...... Your screaming at people with headphones on that just are not paying attention.....

We are busy listening to those Self Help and Personal Awareness Cassettes!
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