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Old 03-10-2011, 10:57 AM   #31
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Barton springs pool reopens this weekend. Barton creek trail offers some lovely hikes. 360 bridge has some gorgeous hikes if you're even a little athletic. Lake Travis water level is 665' if you want to go cliff diving at Pace Bend park. SXSW, of course. I have a spare helmet if you want to ride 71 or 360 or Mopac to the wildflower center. Sorry to hear about the scary kook.
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Old 03-10-2011, 11:01 AM   #32
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Entirely Fucking Unfabulous. There's always someone ready to spoil everyone else's fun. You ladies are making the right call, though - safety and discretion first, for all of us.

Oh well, I probably should be working late tonight anyway.
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Old 03-10-2011, 11:13 AM   #33
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Damn it. It sucks. I was looking forward to this.
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Old 03-10-2011, 01:24 PM   #34
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I am really sorry someone was low enough to scare you ladies...I was looking forward to tonight. Some people just hate themselves so much they have to bring others down..
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Old 03-10-2011, 07:07 PM   #35
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Very sorry to hear....

ECCIE should ban Hunter Grace and TaylorMaiden29 IMHO... but they won't...........

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Old 03-10-2011, 07:24 PM   #36
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That is a bummer....

Ban multiple personalities.....Like that will happen.....
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Old 03-10-2011, 10:34 PM   #37
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Does this mean I should go home now? Is that why you won't let me in?
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Old 03-11-2011, 05:36 PM   #38
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Hmmm Sixxbach, do you know something that nobody else does? Proof before allegations. I would like that whole discussion about he said/she said/she said to disappear, too. EVERYONE needs to learn that life lesson about putting things behind them & moving on. Whether or not I'm friends w/ any of the players has nothing to do w/ my post here as this has been an often stated mantra of mine. You're just as in need of this lesson as TM/HG, Sixx. Enough already.

As for gatherings, I haven't said anything but between Whispers & his mention of a stripper pole offering being available for an event on an off-night, the lack of discretion in having CSI capable triangulation in pics & a public invite to a party, then pool nights are all opportunities for LE to stake out and get some license plates, etc... Maybe far-fetched to some, but those of you who DO have concerns, you should really think carefully about attending events that are clearly not well-planned.

A few of you had complaints about the events organized by the old board & they were MUCH more discreet & regulated than anything I've seen here. They were also not limited to clique attendees but were open to all VERIFIED/VOUCHED board members. Much more conducive to community building, IMO.

Sorry you ladies had ugliness to deal w/ as that's simply uncalled for whether meant as a joke or truly as harassment. It's just a lesson learned in regard to being more cautious in the future. This is not a "safe" place. There are MANY who would take any opportunity to out people - not just the obvious - and no better way to be undercover than to take advantage of a widely known dispute such as that between Nat & TM. Just another perspective to consider.

Better luck next time & perhaps we could consider a more private gathering sometime soon and include more members.

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Old 03-11-2011, 06:39 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Kit-4-Kat View Post
As for gatherings, I haven't said anything but between Whispers & his mention of a stripper pole offering being available for an event on an off-night, the lack of discretion in having CSI capable triangulation in pics & a public invite to a party, then pool nights are all opportunities for LE to stake out and get some license plates, etc... Maybe far-fetched to some, but those of you who DO have concerns, you should really think carefully about attending events that are clearly not well-planned.

Yeah LE sure could of done some serious Police work in the parking lot of Fast Eddies or even in the pool hall watching people play pool.....

CSI triangulation?... Come on girl.... Cops can build cover stories and insert officers into organized crime and gangs, it's a no brainer they can have P411 accounts and pass screening..... They don't need any high tech gadgetry to bring down a gal if they want to....

A few of you had complaints about the events organized by the old board & they were MUCH more discreet & regulated than anything I've seen here.

you've never BEEN to any of the 20+ events organized by us here but I have been to some of the other events.... Any of our parties are much lower profile than anything the other group is doing.... There is nothing to be concerned about with a bunch of strip club guys hanging out together in a strip club once in a while..... a party in a private location organized and screened by/for escorts for their ACTIVE client base.... now that's much more interesting.....

They were also not limited to clique attendees but were open to all VERIFIED/VOUCHED board members. Much more conducive to community building, IMO.

The Strip Club Luncheons are FOR the guys AND their guests..... Where the GUYS are concerned only a couple have been denied access...... So the only thing this "clique" has in common is that the guys request to be on the list

As to the ladies invited...... Only two were ever disapproved and that was at the request of other ladies that were attending..... Female Attendees have ranged in age from 18-45 from 94lb spinners to BBWs

So where is this mysterious "clique' you are referring to? Ladies not in attendance were simply not "invited". If people have been left out they should wonder why noone has expressed an interest in their being there. Not blame it on some "clique" that is shutting them out.

Sorry you ladies had ugliness to deal w/ as that's simply uncalled for whether meant as a joke or truly as harassment. It's just a lesson learned in regard to being more cautious in the future.

So is it your opinion that someone desired to teach them a lesson for perhaps being associated with the wrong group? Another provider recently did a very similar incall warming event that went off without any kind of threats or intimidation...

Better luck next time & perhaps we could consider a more private gathering sometime soon and include more members.

yeah... That gets talked about and talked about and talked about...... And the same old events keep coming up and the same old groups keep going.....

There IS a community here Kat and it is growing up and expanding in a variety of areas around you..... Sorry you haven't been a part of it but only you can ask yourself why that is......

EVERY lady that has shown a sincere interest in attending a strip club function has managed to be sponsored by one of the guys. EVERY guy that has requested to be invited including the one that called us racist and the one that called me an elitist asshole have been invited..... Both are friends now....

As to our events not being "well planned"...... hmmmm... well.. stay away then...... Most seem to very comfortable..... Then again... We are in a public place... open to the public.... eating food available to the public... ogling dancers available to the public...... spending money the same way anyone else does in the same setting....

The women that attend are asked to and have dressed in very respectable manners..... There are no middle aged or overweight providers in cages or shadow boxes or spankings occurring that would draw any unwanted attention to us.....

Hell We even have a problem with some of the girls in the clubs thinking we are some big business party they should stay away from because the group can be a little boring at times......

When some of YOU stop and think about BUSINESS a bit you'll realize that the 300+ guys that get invited to these parties include some of the most respected and prolific reviewers on the boards...... EVERY lady that has attended has improved their business... EVERY lady that has attended has found new prospective clients.....

But unlike some of those OTHER parties you seem to think are so safe..... There are no drunk after party sessions occurring with guys going in and out of a room..... no trains being pulled..... no girl on girl action in the middle of a dance floor...no spankings.....no men making fools out of themselves for some lady........

There is absolutely nothing occurring at our events that does not occur in a club every day.....

What happened to Nat and Kelli had nothing to do with the openness of the event or it would have happened at the last in call warming party..... What happened is not the result of them attending one of our parties either.....

Nat and Kelli are well thought of, well respected and well reviewed members of this community....... That party was undermined for some other reason......

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Old 03-11-2011, 11:32 PM   #40
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