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Old 03-09-2011, 04:13 PM   #31
Rand Al'Thor
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I have to ask the guys that put zero to the value of a nut and say that they are paying for the experience, if you walked out of every session with 0 pops, but the girl treated you well, made you smile and laugh, gave you a great massage...in essence, gave you a great experience, how many times would you go back?

You guys and Whispers aren't arguing opposite sides, it's the front and back side of the same coin.

I'll ask Whispers this, if a girl could get 4, 5, 6 pops out of you in 2 hours, but she was a hood rat with a mouth that could make a sailor blush, lives in a neighborhood that made you worry if your wheels would be there when you came out (can only do incalls), dressed like she just got out of prison, and is drinking Boone's Farm every time you showed up, would you still give her the $80/pop?

We have different priorities, and there are minimum expectations that should be met for either side. Those that value the experience or the illusion, the minimum expectation for number of pops is around 1. Those who value pops have a minimum expectations of other things that have to be met.

Another point of view on this question is how much BCD time do you expect? I don't generally pop more than once in an hour so when I talk about number of pops, it's spread out over an entire night. Start at 6 or 7 with a quickie, go grab dinner, get some BJ in the car or secluded spot, catch a movie, grab ice cream at Amy's, go back and get a nice long session in. It takes me that long to get multiple pops, so couch the question to how much are you willing to pay to get enough BCD time (to get x number of pops)?

As much as we question guys who put down others for "paying too much" because they see value in something other than looks or menu items offered, let's not be guilty of doing the same thing by looking down on someone else' way to value what we do in the hobby.
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Old 03-09-2011, 04:51 PM   #32
Yssup Rider
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Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
I have to ask the guys that put zero to the value of a nut and say that they are paying for the experience, if you walked out of every session with 0 pops, but the girl treated you well, made you smile and laugh, gave you a great massage...in essence, gave you a great experience, how many times would you go back?

You guys and Whispers aren't arguing opposite sides, it's the front and back side of the same coin.

I'll ask Whispers this, if a girl could get 4, 5, 6 pops out of you in 2 hours, but she was a hood rat with a mouth that could make a sailor blush, lives in a neighborhood that made you worry if your wheels would be there when you came out (can only do incalls), dressed like she just got out of prison, and is drinking Boone's Farm every time you showed up, would you still give her the $80/pop?

We have different priorities, and there are minimum expectations that should be met for either side. Those that value the experience or the illusion, the minimum expectation for number of pops is around 1. Those who value pops have a minimum expectations of other things that have to be met.

Another point of view on this question is how much BCD time do you expect? I don't generally pop more than once in an hour so when I talk about number of pops, it's spread out over an entire night. Start at 6 or 7 with a quickie, go grab dinner, get some BJ in the car or secluded spot, catch a movie, grab ice cream at Amy's, go back and get a nice long session in. It takes me that long to get multiple pops, so couch the question to how much are you willing to pay to get enough BCD time (to get x number of pops)?

As much as we question guys who put down others for "paying too much" because they see value in something other than looks or menu items offered, let's not be guilty of doing the same thing by looking down on someone else' way to value what we do in the hobby.
EXCELLENT RAND! I don't care who calls you a homo! That was a great post!

There's also something to be said for the value of having a short-term tryst with a beautiful woman who isn't going to break your balls about the fucking air conditioner, or the cost of college, or why you use so much toilet paper or what kind of bitch your 90-yr old mother is...

Just for a moment, imagine you're boinking (great term) the provider of your dreams, you're digging the view, loving the atmosphere, the rhythm, the sound of her breathing, the feel of her touch against your TAINT ... and all of a sudden she looks up and says something like -- GODDAMMIT, DID YOU GIVE THE DOG HER HORMONE PILL?

You know, it might be worth a couple hundred bucks to edit that picture in your mind's eye.

Maybe that's what some of this is about...
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:02 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
So these reviews where guys come 20 times and the girls have 30 orgasms are not to be believed?

Dayum Whispers...Thats like finding out the Tooth Fairy aint real !! Thats just not right.....Thanks for destroying my Illusions. !!!!As larry would say.."Thats just FUNNY I dont care who ya are!!
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:12 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
I'll ask Whispers this, if a girl could get 4, 5, 6 pops out of you in 2 hours, but she was a hood rat with a mouth that could make a sailor blush, lives in a neighborhood that made you worry if your wheels would be there when you came out (can only do incalls), dressed like she just got out of prison, and is drinking Boone's Farm every time you showed up, would you still give her the $80/pop?
Of course not.... It is not remotely about the act...... But will you pay a gal to spend the night with you that is not giving it up? You don't have to answer... We both know how the other plays..... You get phenomenal mileage yourself....

I never said a single time that I don't care for the wrappings that come around the dates..... I'll pick up a lady for dinner in a bit.... After dinner we'll have a couple of drinks and listen to some music.... Then we'll go to the hotel for a few hours.... BCD I'm pretty old fashioned and tend to have a pretty good time with the ladies I see....

That's a very typical date for me....

I guess a few get it and a lot simply don't

If the gal I was planning on seeing tonight was a 1 and done..... I wouldn't be seeing her..... 2 pops and I would be offering her $150-$200..... I'm giving her $300 and know what I'm getting.....

I wouldn't repeat if it wasn't worthwhile and that's not a problem here.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:33 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
I never said a single time that I don't care for the wrappings that come around the dates..... I'll pick up a lady for dinner in a bit.... After dinner we'll have a couple of drinks and listen to some music.... Then we'll go to the hotel for a few hours....

If the gal I was planning on seeing tonight was a 1 and done..... I wouldn't be seeing her..... 2 pops and I would be offering her $150-$200..... I'm giving her $300 and know what I'm getting.....

I wouldn't repeat if it wasn't worthwhile and that's not a problem here.

IF you Factor in the price of Dinner and Drinks..and Assuming you are paying for the room.....and 4 pops later if you apply the math you used in your original post arent you over your $80.00 a pop max? Unless your getting her to pick up the Tab for
Dinner and Drinks and Hotel....Then my hats off to you...
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:36 PM   #36
Rand Al'Thor
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Exactly, it's a difference in priorities. Fact of the matter is, no matter how much you scream from the mountains, there wouldn't be a date is there was no sexual gratification. Some measure that by number of pops, others by amount of BCD time, or number of inches her strap-on is packing, then there are those who measure by number of kicks to the nuts...

I'm just surprised that while we defend those who pay higher rates for the experience, we fail to see that other metrics of a session are valid as well.

I voted $50, but I think that's my average rather than maximum. I tend to go outside of that when I see something particularly intriguing or enticing.
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:49 PM   #37
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Strange how this discussion is in Coed and not one lady has piped in?

I voted for $80, just because I can knock off a couple in a 30 minute session with the right lady, and 3 in an hour if the chemistry and service is right.

Regardless...Ladies? It's a Coed forum, what say you?
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Old 03-09-2011, 05:56 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Texasquest View Post
IF you Factor in the price of Dinner and Drinks..and Assuming you are paying for the room.....and 4 pops later if you apply the math you used in your original post arent you over your $80.00 a pop max? Unless your getting her to pick up the Tab for
Dinner and Drinks and Hotel....Then my hats off to you...
I'm going to eat and have drinks anyway..... Probably WITH someone so I don't actually factor that in.....

When I am alone and don't have someone that is free to go out with I drop into a club and eat and drink there, usually with someone....

But you are write in that I probably spend closer to $500 for the evening factoring in a room, dinner and drinks.... often more.
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:05 PM   #39
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Might be a bit of confusion here, especially since some of us are talking about SCs.

I would (and do) pay a dancer in club for dances even if I don't expect any extras. That's part of the experience. I'll pick up her drinks and make sure if she's spending the evening with me that she gets some dances out of it, which presumably I will enjoy (the degree of enjoyment driving how much of my evening she gets).

I would never pay just to take someone out for drinks or coffee or to dinner or whatever. I'll pick up the check, but without BCD time, it's two people spending time together, nothing more. I know some providers do charge for that (and I've declined meeting some when they make it known they expect to be paid for their time outside of BCD) but that's not what I'm looking for.

I would be in the list of folks who list "nut value" as lower than "experience value" (my brain is going to break if someone comes up with a formula for this), but there has to be some BCD time involved.
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Old 03-09-2011, 09:23 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Rand Al'Thor View Post
I have to ask the guys that put zero to the value of a nut and say that they are paying for the experience, if you walked out of every session with 0 pops, but the girl treated you well, made you smile and laugh, gave you a great massage...in essence, gave you a great experience, how many times would you go back?
I can answer that one because I have gone back to see someone 5 or 6 times while only experiencing a total of a couple of nuts. She was an ATF and I enjoyed the hell out of seeing her every time. Some guys have health issues that make it difficult to near impossible to nut like they did when they were younger but that doesn't mean they don't enjoy the experience. In my case, I'd guess I nut once out of every 3 or 4 times I see a provide so the bottom line for me is that I don't pay anything for the nut. I am, as they say, paying for their time.

ps: hint to fellow oldtimers wondering who ATF was - smokin' blond known for her vice grip.
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Old 03-09-2011, 09:45 PM   #41
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Based on all your reviews the only nut you have is the one that squirrel was trying to shove up your ????

Oh ya you don't write reviews. Paying for time, whatever you gotta tell yourself to make you feel justified....
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Old 03-09-2011, 09:56 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Wyldeman30 View Post

Based on all your reviews the only nut you have is the one that squirrel was trying to shove up your ????

Oh ya you don't write reviews. Paying for time, whatever you gotta tell yourself to make you feel justified....
That sounds like a personal attack to me. I'm surprised you're not bitching about a moderator only having one review. What's your point?
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Old 03-09-2011, 10:28 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Booth View Post
That sounds like a personal attack to me. I'm surprised you're not bitching about a moderator only having one review. What's your point?
I'd like to know as well. This is outrageous.

Must be tough to go from No. 2 Wyngman to being optioned outright for purposes of an unconditional release in merely 30 hours!

(ANOTHER BASEBALL TERM... If you boys don't understand baseball, please look it up on your XBox...)
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Old 03-09-2011, 10:29 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by saj1000 View Post
Strange how this discussion is in Coed and not one lady has piped in?

I voted for $80, just because I can knock off a couple in a 30 minute session with the right lady, and 3 in an hour if the chemistry and service is right.

Regardless...Ladies? It's a Coed forum, what say you?
I agree. But then again ... they've got to clean the jizz off their ceilings! I imagine if puss came to shove ...
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Old 03-09-2011, 10:30 PM   #45
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Kindly refrain from further personal slams. (Feel free to attack me for only having 1 review, though.)

Back on topic, please.
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