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Old 03-08-2011, 11:19 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
Hi Guys and gals, I'm new here to the boards. Let me horn in on this. I have one client who I keep my rates especially low. The reason for this is because he has an odd fetish. He wants me to pretend I'm alseep, that I'm his sleeping beauty. I jsut lie there and he massages my feet, hands and body. Then he moves on to the deed. All while I'm "pretending" to be alseep. I do nothing. No foreplay. My eyes are closed. No talking....for this, I charge the low rate of $150 for the hour. My rates are higher for everyone else, but based on the services, or lack there of, he gets a discounted rate. I mean, I'm LITERALLY doing nothing.
Now that's a hell of a lot cheaper than one of those $7k Real Dolls and he doesn't even have to stuff you in the closet afterwards. Or does he?
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Old 03-08-2011, 11:42 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley View Post
Yup, but how would I get this information? I can't base decisions about my livelihood based on information I don't have. I think I am missing something with your last statement?
The thread was started on the premise that a provider fears opinions expressed in an area she shouldn't be privy to, so I think the question of having or not having said information is largely "hypothetical" to this discussion. The bigger point to the last statement is that one should be more careful about dismissing potential customers or even discerning who their potential customers are.
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Old 03-09-2011, 12:29 AM   #18
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Hold on a second. Was the original post specifically talking about a lynch mob in the Locker Room or Men's Lounge? Or just a lynch mob in particular?

There is a difference.

Lets not put words in anyone's mouth.
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Old 03-09-2011, 12:34 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Hold on a second. Was the original post specifically talking about a lynch mob in the Locker Room or Men's Lounge? Or just a lynch mob in particular?

There is a difference.

Lets not put words in anyone's mouth.
The Locker Room isn't the Lounge? Thought it was. If not then where is it?
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Old 03-09-2011, 02:08 AM   #20
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Pretty simple to me... set your rates for whatever you want. If your phone rings off the wall, or doesn't ring at all adjust them accordingly. If ya feel like making tons of extra money run a special every once in a while. Although, sometimes this can work against you, imo. I think any pressure would more likely come from provider competition. I set my rates to attract the caliber of gentleman I tend to want to spend time with. If someone doesn't like my rates they can move on. BUT, I am a part time provider, so I can afford to do that. Full time providers may feel more pressure. I am of the opinion that the market should be considered, but bbw, AA, spinner, well educated...doesn't really matter. There is something out there for everyone. The people that complain probably would't ever come see anyway, and wouldn't believe I was worth it. Having said that, why would I want to spend my time with someone like that? Good thread indeed, Sixx.
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Old 03-09-2011, 06:12 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Hold on a second. Was the original post specifically talking about a lynch mob in the Locker Room or Men's Lounge? Or just a lynch mob in particular?

There is a difference.

Lets not put words in anyone's mouth.
I wonder if she was referring to these guys?....

btw, that's the 80's band Lynch Mob....

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Old 03-09-2011, 12:20 PM   #22
incognito isis
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Originally Posted by Codybeast View Post
Now that's a hell of a lot cheaper than one of those $7k Real Dolls and he doesn't even have to stuff you in the closet afterwards. Or does he?

LOL I have no idea what this fetish is about. I was suspicious he was into some necro weirdo stuff, hence the "pretending" to want me sleeping. In the back of my mind, I though sleeping buety my butt. Your probably into dead people. But hey, it's harmless and all in good fun. When the time is up, I go home, He doesn't stuff me in his closet. And yes, $150 is ALOT less then those REAL blow up dolls.
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Old 03-09-2011, 12:50 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
LOL I have no idea what this fetish is about.
Incog, he has a thing for his x-wife, and is just trying to relive the experience.
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Old 03-09-2011, 12:54 PM   #24
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Actually, I rechecked another iteration of the post, and you were right OP. This was about "a lynch mob in the locker room."

That said, it wasn't a very smart comment to make considering that "locker room" activities are off limits to providers... allegedly!
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Old 03-09-2011, 01:12 PM   #25
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Default if large breated women

command more money than small breasted women [first being in more demand than second but not necessarily better] and young providers command more than old [first being in more demand than second but not necessarily better]would it be crazy to think that if white providers were in more demand than black that they would command more money. if many men desired black women and the supply was short that provider [perhaps you] would be swamped with calls and more than likely raise her rates.as a beautiful young woman [regardless of color] you are probably in high demand and garner a nice fee. turn the clock ahead 15-20 yrs and chances are you will likely be in a little less demand just because of guys tending to prefer younger and your fee may be a bit lower. if factors such as facial beauty, weight, age, bcd skills, menu options, hair color or geographic location effect price it is considered market forces if it is color it is conceived to be racist. just wondering
Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley View Post
For me it matters. I'm a black provider. I don't really put much stock into the opinions about my rate from guys who are not attracted to black women, or think black providers should charge less than market. So yeah, I do consider the source.

Great thread, Sixx!
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Old 03-09-2011, 07:16 PM   #26
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I don't piss and moan about price increases, but I do move on. The economy is too bad, and much too unsure to support many increases. There are women I would love to date, but if the price is too high or CBJ is involved, I just turn my attention to someone else.

Kara, this is one white boy who thinks you have a sweet showcase. You are what I would call Delicious Hot Chocolate.
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Old 03-09-2011, 11:23 PM   #27
incognito isis
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I'm a white provider. A client once told me that black women are like maniacs in bed. They are the best, better then white women. So if your one of the guys that won't see a black provider, you might be missing out on something. Again, I'm just going by what a client told me.
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Old 03-10-2011, 06:32 AM   #28
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Maybe I'm an oddball realist, but I have a different take on this.

If a girl feels she is in a position to raise her rate, then why the ell would (or should) she care what others think?? I mean honestly!!

Rates are about 3 basic things: Skills, TCB, and appearance. Lets take me for example--- I'm known for my skills and TCB, but lets be honest-- I'm a bigger girl and as a result, I attract a smaller share of the pie than the 19 year old spinner. And, since men shop with their eyes first--- I don't get as much "instant attention" as the cute little miss. So, I have to be more clever, both with advertising and with pricing, in order to maintain my "market share". Someone such as myself raising my rates to over $250 would be career suicide, IMHO. Likewise, a beautiful goddess who has lackluster skills or horrid TCB would soon not be worth premium rates either. What good is a beautiful woman if she never shows??

I recently started a "name your rate" type of deal, where a client who can be easily screened (P411 or good refs) can "make me an offer". It makes my current client base happy, because they know on a slower day they can get a kick ass rate. It makes new clients who were thinking about seeing me get off that fence. It also makes some guys who normally would never see me put that offer in for a quick "skills session". Some girls will look at me like I'm crazy--but to me, its simple economics. And if nothing else, it certainly gets people talking.

In the end, a girl should adjust her rate in a manner so that she makes the money she needs to make (base this not by the hour, but by the week/month) while not having to turn a vast amount of potential clients away. If your rate is $200 and you are getting so many requests that you cannot handle it-- then its time for an increase. If your rate is $400 and you are lucky to get one call a week and cannot make rent--- well perhaps you should re-evaluate your business plan.
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Old 03-10-2011, 08:26 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by petiteassman View Post
if factors such as facial beauty, weight, age, bcd skills, menu options, hair color or geographic location effect price it is considered market forces if it is color it is conceived to be racist. just wondering
Preference is not necessarily racist. Even racist opinions are part of the market pressure.
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Old 03-10-2011, 09:15 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by DecemberLove View Post
Lets take me for example--- I'm known for my skills and TCB, but lets be honest-- I'm a bigger girl and as a result, I attract a smaller share of the pie than the 19 year old spinner. And, since men shop with their eyes first--- I don't get as much "instant attention" as the cute little miss. So, I have to be more clever, both with advertising and with pricing, in order to maintain my "market share". Someone such as myself raising my rates to over $250 would be career suicide, IMHO.
Now, here's what I can never understand. I've seen your showcase. I'd put you and Maddie the Co-Ed in the same general body-type. She also at times mentions that she's a bigger girl and not a spinner, and I can understand putting the "no spinner" disclaimer since a spinner is especially petite. But under no circumstances would I consider your body type to be "a big/bigger girl." Quite frankly, you gals are about in the middle of the Gaussian distribution, clearly well within one standard deviation of the group mean.
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