I was just messing around. Thought I would give the new Mods some work or test. I think if they didn't do anything about, they passed my test! I know you weren't trying to break privacy.....
Originally Posted by vkmaster
Oh come on Sixx, I would have expected something better than that.
If my general comment was in violation, then I put total trust in the mods judgement to rectify my wrong. And I will acknowledge my bad.
I'm sure they are smart enough to see my post, and due the fair thing. Don't think they need your guidance in that matter.
The key point of my post was not to break the privacy of any Forum's specfics, but just a random thought as to the thought process behind some of your posts.
Let's face it, you appear to be someone who is very confident and comfortable in starting threads and making posts...COOL!
I really did not anticipate you even acknowledging my post. But I definitely did not expect you to act like some grade school kid complaining to the teacher that the kids were not washing their hands in the restroom.