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Coed Discussions - Dallas Both male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!

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Old 03-05-2011, 08:00 AM   #16
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My pet gripe is when a guy had a bad experience and has written a review indicating such, that is his right and I certainly support his opinion. But when he goes on a vendetta and post his complaint of his bad time on every review this woman has for the next 5 years, he is being an Assh*le with an agenda to disrupt this woman’s lively hood. These types of actions are upsetting to gentlemen who have written good reviews about the lady. Basically you are calling out everyone that has written a positive review as being untruthful and these men are quickly accused of being White Knights when they were honest.

Plus a millon on what you just said.
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Old 03-05-2011, 08:02 AM   #17
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Even bigger piles of bull do is when guys have never seen the woman chime in how she must be terrible and they have never seen the woman, never talked to the woman and basically make comments of which they really know nothing about but feel their opinion is wonderful.

Plus another million on this one.
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Old 03-05-2011, 09:34 AM   #18
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If all the ladies would post pics of themselves it would make it easier on everyone. The reviewer could then just comment wheather her pics looked like her , were a little flattering , or she looks better than the pics. That's why we have this board , information. If someone is misrepresenting themselves , we want to know. I agree that we should be tactful and not be mean in the reviews , NC/NS , rip-offs, bate and switch , dangerious activities the execption. Beauty IS in the eye of the beholder. The other option is to not write a review , but that defeats the purpose of the board. I must admit I have been guilty of the latter on occasion, and I apoligize. So ladies, how about some pics. , preferably current.
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Old 03-05-2011, 09:49 AM   #19
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Alot of comments get used here that are uncalled for period. Some people have no tact. They will say bad things about people they have never seen and certainly don't know at all. I figured out a long time ago. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SAY BEFORE YOU SAY IT. If someone said that about you how would you feel. If you put thought to it before hand you might not say it. If you do say it you may regret it someday too. I don't care who you are or what you do. People have feelings. What you say to them or about them may effect them forever. Be Nice it never hurts anyone! If I give good thought to what I am about to say I usually end up not saying it. Especially the negative stuff.
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Old 03-05-2011, 10:53 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Bannedito View Post
I've been reading a lot of comments from hobbyists in the Dallas forums about how ugly some providers are. I think its a safe assumption that most of the hobbyists on this site don't look anything close to Brad Pitt. I don't believe in calling a provider a 10 when she's a 3. But the insulting and hurtful comments must stop and stop now!!! If you don't find a provider attractive just don't say anything. Nobody likes to have their feelings hurt, providers included. Everytime a hobbyist posts an uncalled for unkind comment, someone needs to make a reply post calling their hand on it. If a spot light is turned on these rude unkind hobbyists they will stop.
I think there are tactful ways of saying things but to say that if you don't find a provider attractive, just don't say anything is pure wrong. This is a escort board, people are spending money. As consumers you have the right to say within reason, what you feel. How would you feel if you bought something from Best Buy and you felt the service sucked, etc and you complained on their website and they told you that if you didn't like their service just don't say anything???!! That would not fly. Why should it fly here? You are paying a business and/or escort for a service or product but with the escort, you should be quiet?

To hobby, you don't have to look like Brad Pitt. The looks of hobbyists does not matter. All most providers care about is if the guy is not LE, can pass their screening, can afford to pay, and their hygiene. This is not match.com

Originally Posted by lil_michelle View Post
I will add how hard it is to have your pics up and be compared to 1,000 other girls. I am SOOOO glad I don't have access to the ROS area. As women, we all have our insecurities and I assure you no matter how confident we act, we are much more critical of our bodies than most men will be. What is said in jest on a thread in public can truly effect not only the way a woman sees herself, but her performance as well. If it has been said that she is "on the chubby side" I can almost promise you if she was happy with herself before.. she won't be anymore. I just wonder if those things could be kept in "ROS" unless a girl just really did you wrong, there is no reason to make her feel bad about herself. This is her lively-hood, she really needs to feel good about herself. PLUS some men may LOVE what you think is ugly.
Just a thought.. thanks for reading
I see what you are saying but keep in mind that women are selling their looks and service. Guys are going to comment on that. Hobbyists have insecurities too. You should not have ROS access. I have to wonder if some of the issues are from some women having access to the ROS by a WK or by other forums. If that is the case, how can anyone complain about information in an area that you should not have access to begin with?

Originally Posted by Mariah Moore View Post
It's AMERICA freedom of speech.. Yes I agree I wanna know if she was a 3 saying she was an 8. Hey I've been called fat ugly etc. but hey look what industry your in? This industry can be very judgemental and if you don't have a tough skin to take ugly critisim then guess what wrong industry.. Who gives a rats ass how you think I look or how anyone one else looks. Looks are temporary it can all be taken away. REALLY!!!
Could not have said it better myself. I am a big fat guy and have no issues with it. Thank goodness there are women who will have sex with me for money and thank goodness I can come on a site with people in this business and exchange information and ideas!

Originally Posted by Tooly View Post
Alot of comments get used here that are uncalled for period. Some people have no tact. They will say bad things about people they have never seen and certainly don't know at all. I figured out a long time ago. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT TO SAY BEFORE YOU SAY IT. If someone said that about you how would you feel. If you put thought to it before hand you might not say it. If you do say it you may regret it someday too. I don't care who you are or what you do. People have feelings. What you say to them or about them may effect them forever. Be Nice it never hurts anyone! If I give good thought to what I am about to say I usually end up not saying it. Especially the negative stuff.
Is it okay for the comment IF he has seen her then or must he have tact there too?

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Old 03-05-2011, 11:53 AM   #21
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Without good, representative photos it comes down to he said, she said. . . and we all know where that can lead.
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Old 03-05-2011, 01:05 PM   #22
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The board has become a brutal place where a-holes with an axe to gring hurt girl's livelihoods and guys get chopped to pieces for writing a review that was different from other's experience. That just sucks because this started out being a pretty cool and safe place.

With that said, this can't become a hangout for nothing but white nights. If a provider's pics are way-too-flattering (or undersell her beauty) or her description of her assets or services is way off, that needs to be said.

Reviews, good and bad, are always going to be subjective, but a civil and honest review has to respected in here.
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Old 03-05-2011, 01:25 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Bannedito View Post
I've been reading a lot of comments from hobbyists in the Dallas forums about how ugly some providers are. I think its a safe assumption that most of the hobbyists on this site don't look anything close to Brad Pitt. I don't believe in calling a provider a 10 when she's a 3. But the insulting and hurtful comments must stop and stop now!!! If you don't find a provider attractive just don't say anything. Nobody likes to have their feelings hurt, providers included. Everytime a hobbyist posts an uncalled for unkind comment, someone needs to make a reply post calling their hand on it. If a spot light is turned on these rude unkind hobbyists they will stop.
I agree about the insulting and hurtful comments, UNLESS it is in the form of a review and the opinion of a reviewer should not be swayed by what others think, as long as there is some tact used. Also, if a hobbyist wants other opinions of a particular provider, there is no harm in stating their opinion, this is an adult review/discussion board. And if providers do not like that they have different opinions from different people, then they should go somewhere else so they can be #1 in every man's eyes, and when they find that website or board, I would like to know about it. If you do not like the way a provider looks in her pics, or some other reason(s) you do not care for her, DON'T SEE HER, no need to tell her she in unattractive in your eyes, or belittle her, be an adult, not a damn kid! If a provider insults you because you had a bad experience and want to share that with other hobbyists then she needs to grow up and realize she cannot be all things to all people.

We hobbyists may not look like Brad Pitt, but we are the ones paying for THEM to look good, which is one of, I am sure, the many reasons why we call providers when we want to to see them and make that initial contact, not vice-versa.
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Old 03-05-2011, 02:50 PM   #24
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But isn't WKing reviews even worse? One can be civil and accurate without being offensive, the hobby is about ymmv. Butt when I see a WK review of a provider who just had a negative review I cannot helping butt to look around and see where the quacking is coming from.
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Old 03-05-2011, 06:31 PM   #25
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Well there are such things as ugly people....some less than others. If a provider is going to SELL in the market place she has to accept criticism. Just because she WANTS to provide does not mean she will be ALLOWED to provide based upon market conditions. Pretty wins most days and if you are butt ugly then your services and pricing had better be so damn good no one cares.

I will always comment on the looks of a provider. I will be honest about it as I would her services. Members have a right to know what they are buying. I agree you do not have to say she has the face of a bulldog, but you should comment and say "her looks were disappointing, or she was a 4 out of 10 etc. But to suggest that if she is ugly that you should NOT MENTION IT is horseshit and is NOT in the spirit of what a review board is for. Put "her face will stop a Mack Truck" within BCD comments if you are so spineless you cannot be honest for the sake of other members. What a bunch of pussies we have become in this PC society. Some providers NEED to be told they are ugly.....but do it in a nice way. Bottom line is some providers do not need to be providers.

If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all does not apply on a review board. HONESTY is a fundamental basis for a site to survive.
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Old 03-05-2011, 07:50 PM   #26
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One person's "ugly" is another person's "beautiful". Just because a provider isn't your idea of perfection doesn't give you the right to make disparaging comments like a twelve year old. The poster just ends up looking like the ass he is instead of the innocent he pretends to be. Everything comes to light eventually. The truth can still be told but geez, be a man and employ a little tact.

Edit: There are a few hobbyists that I just don't care for. I don't bash them in private or call them names, instead of being childish I (*gasp*) don't see them. What a concept.
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Old 03-05-2011, 08:49 PM   #27
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Dharma - Are you talking to me? Not sure what you point is if you are. I didn't call anyone ugly nor did I act like a 12 yr old. I believe I suggested using tact.

You might want to clarify who you are directing your comments to in the future so one can explain, defend, or comment otherwise.
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Old 03-05-2011, 11:38 PM   #28
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Just read the post.. but you know.. honesty sometimes hurts..

as providers we put ourselves out there and want to LIVE by the reviews and opinions of men that are favorable..we have to be willing to "die" by those same judgements

there is such a thing as tact..but tact has been leaned on to much in recent years.. what happened to guys having the balls to post an honest factual tactful review? I will tell you...girls threatenign to blacklist etc etc etc.. if you are honest and as tactful as one can be.. thats all you can do.. if a girl has "baby marks" stretch marks..she has them..she knows it and if she is gonna get naked better live with it.. the guy has the right to comment on it.. if he thinks she isn't attractive..state it with some tact.. but be honest and don't sugar coat it

i understand the point of this thread.. he probably got or will get plenty of "ATTA BOYS" FROM THE LADIES.. im sure when he request a date there will be girls eager to see him because of post like this.. remember tho.. one shouldn't always post in a way to please the pussy.. in the end.. girls are here to make money..guys are here to share and provide info to help others have a fun time.. who would you trust more often?

just be honest..and some need to grow thicker skin.. tact is great.. but be honest
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Old 03-06-2011, 06:28 AM   #29
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DeAnna Luv - THAT is a provider who has her head screwed on straight
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Old 03-06-2011, 07:50 AM   #30
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Tact is always a usefull trait. Integrity is also another. If a provider advertises a visual aid, aka, "recent" photo, and has a definate change in her appearance, it shows a true lack of respect for the hobbiests. I'm not going to buy a car site unseen and I'm not going to see a provider who doesn't have enough integrity to post real and recent pictures. The same goes for providers who post there menu and when you get there, they say they don't provide that type of service.

This is a service related industry and I vote with my dollars. I won't see someone that doesn't provide or advertise with integrity, nor will I make a second appointment.
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