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Old 03-03-2011, 07:48 AM   #1
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Default Who has the inside scoop on AMP's?

I was watching a news report from Tulsa news in Oklahoma http://www.fox23.com/news/local/stor..._C5W7wz6g.cspx

And I am wondering if the information reported is true.

They claim that the girls who work at AMP's are lied to when they are brought here and then once they are here they suspect the girls are forced to do the massages and are threatened harm to them or their families back home if they quit.

Does anyone know the real deal on what goes on at AMP's? Is this report correct?
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Old 03-03-2011, 07:57 AM   #2
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Many trafficed women do in fact work in parlors. Many are underage, beaten, raped, and have their families put at risk if they try to run. Would never have anything to do with them period. For all the legit ones, there are too many bad ones to even deal with it.
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Old 03-03-2011, 08:01 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by lifeontop View Post
I was watching a news report from Tulsa news in Oklahoma http://www.fox23.com/news/local/stor..._C5W7wz6g.cspx

And I am wondering if the information reported is true.

They claim that the girls who work at AMP's are lied to when they are brought here and then once they are here they suspect the girls are forced to do the massages and are threatened harm to them or their families back home if they quit.

Does anyone know the real deal on what goes on at AMP's? Is this report correct?
I used to work at a massage parlor and I was very happy being there. I was not forced to work/be there. When I worked there I worked with 6 other beautiful women that I became very good friends with. There was only two of us that weren't american. At the end of the day everyone got in their cars, drove to their homes and no one was forced to be there against their will. I have a girlfriend that works at an Asian massage parlor and she loves it. For someone to say that all massage parlors are fronts for brothels and that involved in sex slavery is a bit ignorant. That is like saying all escorts are addicted to drugs and get raped on a daily basis. I am sure that there are massage parlors that are involved with human trafficking but I've never came across one.. at least I don't think I have.
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Old 03-03-2011, 08:14 AM   #4
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If you are able to walk in and apply for a job, it's probably NOT a trafficked parlor. I doubt they would be that stupid to allow you to leave at the end of the day knowing one of the girls could have you call the cops lol. Parlors pimping underage girls don't normally take applications from civies.
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Old 03-03-2011, 08:38 AM   #5
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Wow, I am so naive.

I assumed that all AMP's were made up of girls who new what they were getting into when they decided to take the job and more importantly I assumed they would be free to leave if the wanted to.
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Old 03-03-2011, 08:48 AM   #6
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I think that is the exception rather than the rule London. While there fringe elements at work in all realms of this business, the vast majority are not underage and not forced into anything. I have "dabbled" in the AMP world for a long time all over the country and I can assure you that the ladies can leave at the end of their shift. There is a whole circuit of ladies that "tour" through various parlors and various cities but they aren't doing anything against their will nor underage.
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Old 03-03-2011, 09:33 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by London Rayne View Post

Many trafficed women do in fact work in parlors. Many are underage, beaten, raped, and have their families put at risk if they try to run. Would never have anything to do with them period. For all the legit ones, there are too many bad ones to even deal with it.
I am offended and disappointed by unbalanced posts used as an attempt to support and elevate escorts, in general, as "the" choice among other providers in the hobby.

Furthermore, attempts to utilize a reputable AMP/EMP website like http://eroticmp.com to support negative and biased views of AMPs/EMPs fall willfully short for any person willing to do some research on the site. In my opinion, that action constitutes fraudulent misrepresentation.

Being an active member of EroticMP for several years, I can tell you that for every post or comment relating to "forced servitude" of an AMP provider there are hundreds providing documented cases of those who are AMP providers by choice and for a myriad of reasons with the most common reason being to pull/support their family out of poverty in Korea, China, and many South American countries etc.

I am a frequent client of a couple of AMPs with highly-reviewed providers. None of these establishments would ever have anything to do with "forced servitude" of their providers.

In fact, I work very, very hard to seek out young Asian ladies who have been trained by an elderly Mama-san and trainer out of Flushing, New York. These ladies provide an overall experience unmatched by any other type of hobby provider. As one who has been in the hobby for 26 years, I have enough experience with all types of providers to know this comment is true.

Aside from that, AMP providers are no different than any other type of provider (streetwalkers, escorts, strippers, etc.) in the hobby; there is (and will always be) a certain percentage of these ladies (including escorts) who are being unwillingly forced to be a sex worker.

My final comment is this. I'm getting f*****g tired of defending a particular segment of the hobby to other segments. It's pure BS and self-serving. There is a place and a need for all types of providers in the marketplace. Regardless of what any provider thinks, she is no better than any other type of provider in the hobby as long as she does her best to provide her clients with an excellent experience based on his needs, desires, and amount of expendable and available income he has to pay for the service. Each type of provider serves a different segment of the market. Each have their own place and niche in the marketplace.

Attempts at badmouthing one segment of the hobby over another in order to "elevate" another is damaging to the hobby as a whole.

In my opinion, I have an obligation and responsibility to defend and support all segments of the hobby. It's not relevant that I choose not utilize the service in certain segments. That has no bearing, whatsoever, on my obligation and responsibility to be a positive representative of the hobby, as a whole and in its entirety.
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Old 03-03-2011, 09:50 AM   #8
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Agree with pj, though this board deals more with the more common provider/hobbyist scenario, so many, myself included, assume or have assumed we know what's going on in the amp's because of watching the news/tv shows/movies.

I haven't visited one but will be soon and am looking forward to the experience.
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Old 03-03-2011, 10:28 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by hd View Post
Agree with pj, though this board deals more with the more common provider/hobbyist scenario, so many, myself included, assume or have assumed we know what's going on in the amp's because of watching the news/tv shows/movies.

I haven't visited one but will be soon and am looking forward to the experience.
AMP intrigues me because it seems easier to experience for a first time hobbiest without a hassle of getting screened. I have been lurking the boards and considering making a visit to an AMP because of what I have read but of course the news report turned me off. I'm glad that the guys who have been around a while posted what they have witnessed because I really want to try it out as long as I know that I am sharing a moment with someone who is chosing to please me, even if she is motivated by the money, ha ha, but the thought of a girl being made to do that against her will is trajic to me and nothing I want to be a part of. It was the news who reported it though so I withheld belief until further information became available.

thanks for the input.
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Old 03-03-2011, 11:03 AM   #10
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For gents unfamiliar with AMPs/EMPs, please refer to the following thread on the ABCs of AMPs/EMPs I just posted here on ECCIE:


The rules and etiquette are quite different than in the world of escorts. Newbies need to do their homework to have any hopes of having a positive experience. Additionally, it's important to understand there two types of EMPs (Erotic Massage Parlors):

  • Happy ending EMPs (hand job only)
  • Full service EMPs

Do your research to find the type of AMP that suits your needs. FYI, do not disqualify an EMP just because it is a "Happy Ending Only" EMP. These ladies are highly skilled at providing a hand job that far, far surpasses what you can imagine.
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Old 03-03-2011, 11:14 AM   #11
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Like I said, there are unsavory elements in every segment of this hobby. From top to bottom. But that is just a tiny segment of each one and most semi-experienced guys know how to avoid them. PJ, AMP's are no different or thought of as lower class than the typical escort scenario we deal more with here. Same thing only different. As one who has seen this hobby from every aspect top to bottom, AMP's rank right near the top for me personally. There are advantages and disadvantages in every segment, it all depends on what you are comfortable with.
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Old 03-03-2011, 01:48 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by pjpenner View Post
I am offended and disappointed by unbalanced posts used as an attempt to support and elevate escorts, in general, as "the" choice among other providers in the hobby.

Furthermore, attempts to utilize a reputable AMP/EMP website like http://eroticmp.com to support negative and biased views of AMPs/EMPs fall willfully short for any person willing to do some research on the site. In my opinion, that action constitutes fraudulent misrepresentation.

Being an active member of EroticMP for several years, I can tell you that for every post or comment relating to "forced servitude" of an AMP provider there are hundreds providing documented cases of those who are AMP providers by choice and for a myriad of reasons with the most common reason being to pull/support their family out of poverty in Korea, China, and many South American countries etc.

I am a frequent client of a couple of AMPs with highly-reviewed providers. None of these establishments would ever have anything to do with "forced servitude" of their providers.

In fact, I work very, very hard to seek out young Asian ladies who have been trained by an elderly Mama-san and trainer out of Flushing, New York. These ladies provide an overall experience unmatched by any other type of hobby provider. As one who has been in the hobby for 26 years, I have enough experience with all types of providers to know this comment is true.

Aside from that, AMP providers are no different than any other type of provider (streetwalkers, escorts, strippers, etc.) in the hobby; there is (and will always be) a certain percentage of these ladies (including escorts) who are being unwillingly forced to be a sex worker.

My final comment is this. I'm getting f*****g tired of defending a particular segment of the hobby to other segments. It's pure BS and self-serving. There is a place and a need for all types of providers in the marketplace. Regardless of what any provider thinks, she is no better than any other type of provider in the hobby as long as she does her best to provide her clients with an excellent experience based on his needs, desires, and amount of expendable and available income he has to pay for the service. Each type of provider serves a different segment of the market. Each have their own place and niche in the marketplace.

Attempts at badmouthing one segment of the hobby over another in order to "elevate" another is damaging to the hobby as a whole.

In my opinion, I have an obligation and responsibility to defend and support all segments of the hobby. It's not relevant that I choose not utilize the service in certain segments. That has no bearing, whatsoever, on my obligation and responsibility to be a positive representative of the hobby, as a whole and in its entirety.
You seriously need to slow your role dude! No one insulted or PUT down anything. I happen to be "working" with groups to stop trafficking so until you take a look inside, you really have NO CLUE what you're talking about. I did not say all, but you are naive to think they don't exist!

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Old 03-03-2011, 01:54 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by London Rayne View Post
You seriously need to slow your role dude! No one insulted or PUT down anything. I happen to be "working" with groups to stop trafficking so until you take a look inside, you really have NO CLUE what you're talking about. I did not say all, but you are naive to think they don't exist!


But you STRONGLY implyed to a VAST MAJORITY being run as such, which is irresponsable on your part to say the least. Just as CC has said more than once on this thread:
Originally Posted by Chica Chaser View Post
... there are unsavory elements in every segment of this hobby. From top to bottom. But that is just a tiny segment of each one and most semi-experienced guys know how to avoid them.
Your assertion to the contrary in this case was not only caught, but called out...... No need to jump on PJ for stating the facts to the contrary.....



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Old 03-03-2011, 05:34 PM   #14
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The news agencies always provide an accurate description. Believe them. CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, etc would never sensationalize a story in order to get ratings.
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:30 PM   #15
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JAD I'm not going to get in a cat fight with you because it is obvious you need it Lol. As I said I have experience with this personally! I'm not some outsider making comments with no real evidence to support it! I will answer the
OP from MY experiences and if you or anyone else promoting 40 dollar blowjobs has a problem with it...I really don't care!
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