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02-19-2011, 06:51 AM
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Originally Posted by M A X
Having been an idealist about what LE stood for when I was a much younger woman, I became disillusioned by the acts I witnessed first hand. However, I do realize that there are some good LEO's out and about and yes there are those who would move heaven and earth to protect you and yours from harms way. Thank God!
It looks like there are a lot of knowledgeable opinions and first hand experiences from both the right side and the wrong side of the law. I just feel that grouping a whole profession and being prejudice against them due to the actions of the bad seeds that somehow manage to get involved in that profession is the same as being prejudice against any other group of people. I'm an escort, but I sure as heck would never bait and switch, get caught in an alley, support a drug habit or many of the various things that bring negative attention to our profession. However, there are those who have grouped me into the same category as those who do these things. I get it.
Personally, I'm still very disillusioned and am wary when I first get approached by someone in law enforcement under any circumstances. That doesn't mean I think they are ALL overstepping the boundaries of their profession. I just assume they do, until I am certain they don't. It's a simple defensive mechanism many of us use to try and remain unharmed by those who we shouldn't have those fears about in the first place.
The problem, Max, is that if a man makes the mistake of trusting the wrong escort he just gets ripped off, but if a woman makes the mistake of trusting the wrong cop she can end up arrested, robbed, raped ( or dead ( And it's not like there are "cop reviews" that allow us to choose which ones we will deal with! It's just not worth the risk to trust ANY cops, especially since one can protect oneself more adequately than they can (
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02-19-2011, 07:33 AM
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Good Morning Angel! Obviously we have all seen the many videos and read the many stories of abuse by LE. I'm not trying to defend either side of this issue, just state that there actually are two sides to it. Some folks see one side, some folks see the other and there are those that see both sides. As stated, there are bad seeds in ALL professions, and LE is no exception.
I understand you have empathy for those who have had bad experiences with law enforcement, so do I. I also hope you have a high regard for the PO who goes out of his way to find a lost child, the one who puts himself in harms way to rescue a hostage, etc.
There are bad cops and there are good cops. Be wary and smart when dealing with them, especially if you are already breaking the law when dealing with them. They have Internal Affairs Divisions that polices them as well. While there shouldn't be a need for it, that type of department can be useful and helpful although many don't or won't report misconduct due to the fact that they might have been breaking the law when an incident occurred. Ya just have to stand up for yourself, even if it's after an incident occurs. The same as reporting a client for rape, assault or theft. I bet there are many more incidents of clients taking advantage of or even hurting us, then there are cops doing so, it just doesn't usually get the press it does when cops do something like that, for obvious reasons. Remember the lady from this board a while back, who was brutally raped and abused by a client she had seen before? I didn't see or hear anything about that in the news. Even though this occurred here, to and by individuals we were somewhat familiar with, we don't hate all clients and all clients are not out to hurt us. Same with LE. No need to hate them all, they are ALL not evil souls who are out to hurt us or the general public.
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02-19-2011, 11:51 AM
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Earned Beatings?
Originally Posted by pyramider
Just because some inmates get beaten does not mean it was not earned. I have seen how with minimal editing a video can be totally distorted.
What in your opinion is behavior that would qualify someone who has already been deprived of their freedom to be beaten, sometimes to the point of disfigurement and death? I'm sorry but if you are somewhere and you have lost your freedom, that's quite enough. I understand some methods used to control prisoners but just beating them? Sorry - no. And who decides? Do you decide? Should the cops start petitioning you personally every time before they beat someone to make sure that you think it's okay? If not you, who?
I can't believe the silly things that people think.
Does this lady deserve it?
See - that's the problem. When you leave this kind of decision to people who are predisposed to violence, people who have done nothing wrong get hurt. This lady is not stumbling, slurring, or exhibiting any behaviors that would make her seem drunk, now is she? She is hysterical, as she can see that she is coming closer and closer to violence.
Additionally, because the US has made the decision years ago to shut down most of our gov't run facilities for mentally ill people, and because people who are in jail are not receiving their meds and healthcare, there are a lot of people acting out in jail for a lot of different reasons.
I don't think those people who are already locked up, deserve to be beaten when they display emotions. I don't know - call me compassionate, call me me some other bad names (as it seems being a compassionate human has become a bad thing)....I can think of a few for people who believe we should treat others inhumanely when they are already locked up.
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02-19-2011, 12:41 PM
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Originally Posted by M A X
Personally, I'm still very disillusioned and am wary when I first get approached by someone in law enforcement under any circumstances. That doesn't mean I think they are ALL overstepping the boundaries of their profession. I just assume they do, until I am certain they don't. It's a simple defensive mechanism many of us use to try and remain unharmed by those who we shouldn't have those fears about in the first place.
We are being trained to fear them. They like it this way because it makes it a whole lot easier for them to force us to relinquish our rights as American Citizens - bill of rights, human rights.
The Bill of Rights is being torn to shreds. Slowly each of our 'inalienable' rights - are being dumbed down and destroyed.
I feel I already do live in a police state. Marshall Law is in effect.
We defend them while at the same time fearing them. They have us right where they want us, it seems.
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02-20-2011, 03:43 AM
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Just one more good reason to date only "mature" providers.
The whole thing about cops busting escorts is very complicated IMHO. Yes, there is a portion of "low hanging fruit" about it. And also a portion of "safe" arrests (ie no one shoots back). But from a public policy standpoint it's very complicated. We should be leaving the whole industry alone (except for exploitation of minors). But the pressure that comes from wives, churches, and politicians to root out "scandal" is also a part of it. It's complex from a criminal, ethical and financial standpoint.
Charles, BINGO! Thia is exactly what is going on.
Do gooders, mostly,trying to buy their way into heaven. Can see them at the pearlie gates explaining to ST. Peter " you didn't see how I campaigned against those wicked harlots".
In church on Sunday, all the dirty, unscrupules deeds they do all week are written off as " it's just business". Yea Right.
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02-20-2011, 08:35 AM
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Amusement, what do you think the ratio is of encounters with the police that end without any form of physical altercation vs. those that do? According to federal nationwide statistics it is 1,182 incidents to 1 physical altercation.
Guess which ones wind up on youtube? The extreme minority. You cannot judge an entire populace off of random outburst of violence. Did you the ratio of assaults amongst the general populace is lower, as in theres more violence in regards to civilian vs. civilian than civilian vs. police? You have your opinion and you are entitled to it but frankly it is not based on fact but pure emotional response and past run ins with LE most likely.
Of course these sensationalized videos get put up after typically extreme editing to capture the attention of soccer moms and an uneducated public that know nothing about the US legal system.
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02-20-2011, 07:39 PM
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White, middle-class people who rarely encounter the police never believe what they're really like, which is why it's nearly impossible to get police brutality convictions with majority-white juries. Poor people, black people and working girls tend to have a very different experience from white housewives and businessmen.
Today on Jezebel:!5765224/privilege-and-the-police
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02-20-2011, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by AngelOK
White, middle-class people who rarely encounter the police never believe what they're really like, which is why it's nearly impossible to get police brutality convictions with majority-white juries. Poor people, black people and working girls tend to have a very different experience from white housewives and businessmen.
Today on Jezebel:!5765224/privilege-and-the-police
That I agree with 100 percent. It is certainly bias many times. I just got out of a ticket yesterday because the guy assumed I was a nurse lol. I had my scrubs on and he asked....I lied.
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02-20-2011, 07:48 PM
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Come London,
I bet a sexy girl like you can talk her way outta many tickets from both guys and girls
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02-20-2011, 07:50 PM
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I did NOT have to blow him! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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02-20-2011, 07:57 PM
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Originally Posted by London Rayne
I did NOT have to blow him! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 
Surrrrrrrrrrre you didn't. Of course NOT.  lol
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02-20-2011, 07:57 PM
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Awww now there goes the fantasy
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03-03-2011, 01:31 PM
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Sources of Data
LOL - randomuser. Might I ask where you get this data? Since we're talking about police data, I'm assuming it's coming from the police themselves. Probably the worst place one could hope to find this data coming from, but very true I'm afraid. Who else reports on them and gets away with it? Now, if they are doing a horrible job of policing the citizenry, do you think they are doing a horrible job of policing themselves?
Oh no - I'm sure every cop who beats the shit out of a prisoner goes and gives himself a black check mark on the board next to his own name. This means he will get one less donut at donut time, and you get to add one more physical altercation to your 'physical altercations to arrests' column, on page 346 of your little tablet that is headed on page one, "Random User's Dos and Dont's for Use in Living The Most Self Righteous Life in the History of Mankind". What an idiot.
I'm having a hard time not making personal attacks on your person you are so retarded.
Oh hey - here's an interesting ratio for you! The united states is currently imprisoning the largest ratio of it's population in the history of the world. As far as we know, from right here to day, back to infinity, which I know is hard for some people to grasp, so let's say at least 2000 years for argument's sake - we are the cruelest, most callous, most violent, and hard people in the history of the earth. We hate everyone - ourselves, foreigners, poor people, black people, sick people, all kinds of people - we just lock them up and beat the shit out of them for no reason. We make shit up that they didn't do and kill them for it. We declare naturally occuring substances that have been used for thousands of years illegal and then jack people up for using them. We basically just think that we are like a collective God - and anyone who is offensive in the eye of this collective God better beware. Your time is coming.
And Randomuser....I can only hope that you will get caught up somewhere, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and that the pain you feel coming out the other side will quell your sense of self righteousness and give you just a little more compassion for humankind. After all, in case you forgot, you are one of us.
And for the record, I have never experienced firsthand police brutality. I can give you an accurate account of what goes on in jail, being of good whit and sound mind and having had the experience more times than I care to have had. No, I was quiet in there. I was lucky, but I have seen police act really badly. I have seen inmates fall out in seizures. The police have treated me both great and horribly.
Yes, it's definitely because I have chosen to do certain things (not even having jack to do with the hobby) that those contacts have been so frequent for me. I'm the first to admit to it. I am sober now, and have been for a long time, and I don't worry anymore.
Originally Posted by randomuser10
Amusement, what do you think the ratio is of encounters with the police that end without any form of physical altercation vs. those that do? According to federal nationwide statistics it is 1,182 incidents to 1 physical altercation.
Guess which ones wind up on youtube? The extreme minority. You cannot judge an entire populace off of random outburst of violence. Did you the ratio of assaults amongst the general populace is lower, as in theres more violence in regards to civilian vs. civilian than civilian vs. police? You have your opinion and you are entitled to it but frankly it is not based on fact but pure emotional response and past run ins with LE most likely.
Of course these sensationalized videos get put up after typically extreme editing to capture the attention of soccer moms and an uneducated public that know nothing about the US legal system.
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