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Old 03-02-2011, 06:58 PM   #1
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Default College Educated Sex Workers

Some time ago I posted a couple of comments on the Survey of Adult Services Providers that was conducted by Scott Cunningham of Baylor University and Todd Kendall. This was a survey of 685 sex workers conducted in 2008 and 2009 with 265 questions. Actual data about our favorite industry is rather rare so the resulting series of papers are potentially worth a look. I promised another post on the paper devoted to college-educated sex workers and now, while there seems to be a little break in the ego wars, here it is.

The source paper, www.toddkendall.net/moonlighting.pdf, is 44 pages long so this is necessarily a bit of a condensation. Summary points, usually quoted directly but occasionally paraphrased by me in less “academic” language:

College graduates, conditional on working in the last week(before taking the survey), earn roughly 31% more than non-graduates
Even though they are substantially less likely to work in any given week, when they do work, they see more clients and provide longer sessions.
A 31% earnings premium is consistent with the literature on the returns to education more broadly, which finds 5% - 12% annual returns from an additional year of schooling
However college-educated sex workers do not earn higher hourly wages for most sessions.
But college education is associated with longer sessions with higher total pay.
And therefore a college education is associated with a roughly 15% wage premium resulting from longer sessions.
College graduation is associated with a nearly 13% increase in the likelihood of a session 60 minutes or longer
Conditional on working, college-educated workers see nearly 25% more clients.
College-educated providers appear to be able to attract 32.4% more regulars.
Regular clients generally involve lower violence and arrest risk; moreover, “sex workers may be able to form warmer, less ‘transactional’, relationships with regulars. Hence, a higher share of regular clients may represent a valued job amenity, which college-educated workers are better able to attain.”
College-educated sex workers rate the attractiveness of their clients higher, roughly 0.37 points higher on a 10 point scale, which corresponds to a 6.3% increase over the mean value.
College-educated sex workers are 6.7% more likely to kiss their clients, “potentially reflecting a more intimate relationship.”
College-educated sex workers are 6.4% more likely to travel out of state to meet clients.
College-educated sex workers perceive significantly lower risk of arrest associated with their work.
Interestingly, college does not seem to be correlated with individual women’s perception of the danger of client violence or discovery risks.
College-educated workers are 24.6% more likely to have an outside job.
College-educated workers appear to work roughly 12.2% fewer weeks in the prostitution market.
One percent of sessions involved a physical assault by the client.
Finally, the survey found college-educated workers appear to be 22.9% less likely to provide fellatio without a condom

That last is the only item that strongly contrasted with my personal experience. Like many, I avoid those who do not provide the semi-sacred BBBJ but the dividing line around here lately seems to have moved on to CIM, yes or no.

The paper asserts,
”Previous theoretical literature has largely ignored education as a determinant of prostitute wages, because sexual labor is intrinsically physical. We show that, in fact, there are large pecuniary returns to education among sex workers, as well as substantially better job amenities in the form of higher-quality clients, lower arrest risk, and the ability to bundle sexual services with companionship and other non-sexual services.”
This appears to take the view that less sex in a session is a positive thing from the point of view of a sex worker, which is certain the belief of many Customer Guys. That “higher-quality clients” might potentially provide “better job amenities” in the form of better on-the-job sex appears to not have been a possibility that occurred to the academicians. They take the reported increased propensity of college-educated women to kiss their clients and rate them a little more attractive as “potentially reflecting a more intimate relationship”. Unfortunately there is no way to know if the customer guys in question are actually any better looking or better kissers. However, education is a proxy for intelligence and there is a lot of evidence that, in general, when people are pairing off with the thought of making a little whoopie they do tend to pick partners with similar intelligence. Might that be happening in the sex business as well? On both sides of the selection process? That is a Really interesting possibility.

BTW, looking over the last 15 ladies I have seen, most have at least some college although it is not always clear who has a degree. At least two or three have Masters, in Something. All of them are clever enough to be able to appear not Too smart to men who are frightened by smart women.
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Old 03-02-2011, 08:30 PM   #2
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I have always been attracted to ferociously intelligent women. Thankfully the hobby has had its share.
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Old 03-02-2011, 10:17 PM   #3
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Default Interesting study.

Howdy, Folks!

I would also be very interested if the study shows the following(I have not read it in its entirety yet, but have searched it):

- the debt loads carried by college educated sex workers in comparison to non-college educated sex workers

- the overall length of career in sex work for college educated sex workers in comparison to non-college educated sex workers

With college folks coming out of college with MASSIVE debt, it does make one wonder about both points.

[I have a friend who has a daughter that works as a topless dancer(and possibly a provider; though we have never been informed of this, the daughter did confide in me one time that she woke up after going home with a client from the club to find $500 under her pillow the next day), has a college degree, and at the age of 49 has been dancing for over 20 years.]
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Old 03-03-2011, 08:11 AM   #4
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Best paid marketing internship ever.

(Sadly, there is a bit of a hole in my resume and no mention of my 16 months spent as a small business owner of sorts. Whoops!)
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Old 03-03-2011, 09:11 AM   #5
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Ugh... Oh that I had only a 16 mo gap instead of 5 years to fill on a resume and no GED or college education.

Jenn... Smarty pants! Good to see you!

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Old 03-05-2011, 09:32 AM   #6
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As part of their core curriculum, most universities require at least an introductory course in economics, business, health, and psychology or sociology, as well as advanced courses in English and literature.

The academic requirements for a college degree provide an excellent foundation for an upscale provider. The aforementioned courses give way to well-written websites, correspondence, marketing and advertising, knowledge of supply and demand, costs v. benefits of sex work, and evaluating what the market will bear at a given "price point." Health education ingrains a bit of knowledge regarding nutrition, exercise, STDs and caring for your body, and courses in communication, psychology and sociology help a provider recognize specific behaviors in others and adjust to suit the needs of their clients.

The same can be said for many professions, but in talking with Cunningham, who teaches at a very religious university, sex workers are uniquely suited to have their business and long-term success rates boosted by a post-graduate education.

All that said, we should not discount the value of life experience or the lessons learned from the "school of hard knocks." Book smarts are wonderful, but without common sense and street smarts, few people would survive, much less thrive, in this profession.
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Old 03-05-2011, 11:56 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by greymouse View Post

Finally, the survey found college-educated workers appear to be 22.9% less likely to provide fellatio without a condom

That last is the only item that strongly contrasted with my personal experience. Like many, I avoid those who do not provide the semi-sacred BBBJ but the dividing line around here lately seems to have moved on to CIM, yes or no.

BTW, looking over the last 15 ladies I have seen, most have at least some college although it is not always clear who has a degree. At least two or three have Masters, in Something. All of them are clever enough to be able to appear not Too smart to men who are frightened by smart women.

Firstly, thank you for this thoughtful and insightful post. I participated in this study, but never knew that the paper had been published. I see a lot of accuracy (at least in the case of my experiences) in the statistics, but before I delve into a little more detail, I'd like to offer this quote:

"Statistics are like bikinis--what they show is suggestive, but they don't reveal is vital."

With that said, I think many of the college-educated sex workers who were questioned about fellatio, may have fibbed some, lol. These girls know the risks of BBBJ (which are practically negligible), but also know that particular act is one of the most condemned because of the two extra B's.

A college educated escort typically wants to separate herself from the pack and prove that she's "different" from the others. So when a researcher (who obviously has been to college) asks her questions, she's eager to answer in a way that sheds positive light on a dark world. She probably doesn't want to admit that she participates in ANY uncovered activities because that admission will place her in the same category as the girl walking the track.
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Old 03-05-2011, 12:29 PM   #8
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Surveys of all types always have a question hanging over them, is the respondent telling the truth? For forty years Gallup has asked people "Did you go to church last Sunday?" and a very consistent 40% of them have said "Yes". Comparing the the attendance reported by all the churches collectively, half of the survey takers are lying, presumably because they feel they should have or that the survey taker expects them to have done so or will think better of them if they did.

Since you participated in Dr. Cunningham's survey you know it was mostly done by logging onto a website and did not usually involve talking on the phone although the Professor says he spent a lot of time on the phone assuring potential respondents that he was not LE or IRS (the latter was a bigger concern, according to him).That is quite a contrast to Kinsey's studies which were all face to face interviews.

WIth 265 questions and nearly 700 respondents there is plenty of material for a book. I hope to see it some day.
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Old 03-05-2011, 01:24 PM   #9
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OK, now I'm all for intelligent banter and such, and I'm also for bettering oneself thru higher education, but I must say this thread gave me a headache.

Can't we really just go back to flirting and talking about fucking!!
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Old 03-05-2011, 01:49 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Vyt View Post
I have always been attracted to ferociously intelligent women. Thankfully the hobby has had its share.
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Originally Posted by Natalie Reign View Post
As part of their core curriculum, most universities require at least an introductory course in economics, business, health, and psychology or sociology, as well as advanced courses in English and literature.

The academic requirements for a college degree provide an excellent foundation for an upscale provider. The aforementioned courses give way to well-written websites, correspondence, marketing and advertising, knowledge of supply and demand, costs v. benefits of sex work, and evaluating what the market will bear at a given "price point." Health education ingrains a bit of knowledge regarding nutrition, exercise, STDs and caring for your body, and courses in communication, psychology and sociology help a provider recognize specific behaviors in others and adjust to suit the needs of their clients.

The same can be said for many professions, but in talking with Cunningham, who teaches at a very religious university, sex workers are uniquely suited to have their business and long-term success rates boosted by a post-graduate education.

All that said, we should not discount the value of life experience or the lessons learned from the "school of hard knocks." Book smarts are wonderful, but without common sense and street smarts, few people would survive, much less thrive, in this profession.
Damn, I love to read your work!
Originally Posted by eglrdr View Post
OK, now I'm all for intelligent banter and such, and I'm also for bettering oneself thru higher education, but I must say this thread gave me a headache.

Can't we really just go back to flirting and talking about fucking!!
whoa! wasn't that oral sex??
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Old 03-05-2011, 04:06 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Metal Smith View Post
whoa! wasn't that oral sex??
Maybe eglrdr wants us to say all of these things in a sexy voice to him in person. You know, a combination of oral and aural sex.
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Old 03-05-2011, 04:29 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Natalie Reign View Post
Maybe eglrdr wants us to say all of these things in a sexy voice to him in person. You know, a combination of oral and aural sex.
See, now that's what I'm talking about!
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Old 03-05-2011, 05:19 PM   #13
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The Reader's Digest condensed version of the opening post:

College-educated sex workers are a lot of fun to spend time with.
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Old 03-05-2011, 05:21 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by ztonk View Post
The Reader's Digest condensed version of the opening post:

College-educated sex workers are a lot of fun to spend time with.
Damn, thanks z..
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Old 03-07-2011, 10:03 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by ztonk View Post
The Reader's Digest condensed version of the opening post:

College-educated sex workers are a lot of fun to spend time with.

Do you (as in all hobbyists) feel this way? And if so, do you actively seek out girls who mention they are college-educated?

Why did you (ZTonk) change your hot ass avatar? If you don't change it back, I'm reporting you to the mods.
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