This is what I’m digging into today… stay tuned.
• One of the JFK Files still heavily redacted (not anymore) is the Testimony of James Angelton in 1975 to the Church Committee About the Secret Israeli Nuclear Program
• This document is categorized as an Assination related document that clearly pertains to Israel.
• Angelton controlled the Oswald files on the one hand, and he was a contact with the Israeli’s on the other
• It relates to what Angleton was doing in 1963, where there were profound conflicts over Israel and the Kennedy White House over Israeli’s Nuclear Program
—— JFK was pressing for onsite inspections of their facility, which the Israeli’s resisted, because they had a bomb making program.
• Was Angleton secretly supporting Israel against JFK?
—— that document may have that answer.
• When Lyndon Johnson became President after JFK was Assassinated, he did two things:
—— 1.) he almost immediately dropped the demand for onsite nuclear inspections
—— 2.) he dropped the demand for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee to register as a Foreign Agent (FARA)… which today is compared to AIPAC.
• The Israeli Dimona nuclear project refers to the construction and operation of the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research Center, commonly known as the Dimona reactor, located in the Negev desert near the city of Dimona.
Construction of the Dimona facility began in 1958 with significant assistance from France.
The reactor became operational between 1962 and 1964.
The project was kept highly secretive, and Israel officially maintains a policy of "nuclear ambiguity," neither confirming nor denying the possession of nuclear weapons.
• “Officially”, the facility is for nuclear research, but it has been widely reported to be a key part of Israel's nuclear weapons program. —— The heavy-water nuclear reactor is believed to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons, and there are facilities for reprocessing spent fuel rods to extract plutonium.
• Israel does not allow inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) at Dimona, except that time in 1965.
—— reports emerged that Israel used tactics like installing temporary false walls, or even creating a "fake control room," to mislead inspectors about the facility's true purpose after JFK kept applying pressure..