Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
and "most Americans" believe what exactly on why Russia invaded?
inquiring posters want to know!
why? we didn't give any security guarantees in the fall of the USSR why should we now?
the only way Ukraine gets any security guarantees is when they fess up and bend over to Lord Donald and give up resources for our costs to provide said security
Lord Donald?
Spoken like a true serf! Got your king/dictator now huh? So do call him Vladdy Daddy too, like lord donald?
Well let me explain so that your tiny treasonous MAGA brain can comprehend who your Vladdy Daddy actually is!
I'll try to use small words so you can keep up, but please pardon the two really big words from the first sentence, feel free to use google we'll wait!
Putin is a Megalomanical Genocidal piece of shit! Americans watched his army of terrorists rapist and murders mass on Ukraine border, and if they were paying any attention at all they saw him invade in 2014 too! Nobody cares what that piece of shits reasoning is, except for Lord Donald and you!
And once again when your trying to use the kermlin talking points to justify this invasion of a sovereign country, please feel free to explain Georgia Syria ect, but I digress!
He needd to be contained and Russia need sanctioned back to the stone age!
Fuck him and all that support him!