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They didn't kick Al Green out for shouting something, they kicked him out because he would not stop when asked to follow proper decorum for a joint session of Congress.
The Democrats couldn't even follow Censor protocol, and looked like Jr High School kids throwing a temper tantrum.
I can’t believe anybody would expect that bunch of juvenile clowns to act any other way than the way they did.
Look at who, or better what you are dealing with. The more disturbing aspect of the situation is trying to figure out who continues to vote for these people.
The al green stunt will have long term
Negative effects. Magas don't even realize it yet! Trumpf shorely got his Huggins bunched up when green stood up to him.
The al green stunt will have long term
Negative effects. Magas don't even realize it yet! Trumpf shorely got his Huggins bunched up when green stood up to him.
It will have long term negative issues for Democrats, that is obvious to real adults
Oh, i'd pay anything to see a BDSM of Dominatrix AOC have Handy Bobart and Butch Dyke MTG do each other.
Originally Posted by winn dixie
How dare al green stand up against a tyrant. He gets censored from the maga pansies. Biden didn't try to censore the 2 howler monkeys mtg and Ms hands on. Magas have thin skin and take retribution against those who speak out against them. PROOF
Don't forget that Obama always allowed people who interupted him to have a voice and see would address them. Not bully them like a person who has no compuncture (sp) or well reasoned replies.
Originally Posted by Salty Again
... I can surely understand a mouthy protest, but there
at the Address is NOT the place to do it.
Seems all the Democrats "acting out" - as Al Green did,
is more to get CNN and MSNBC face time than anything else.
#### Salty
Come on NaCl-y. All you have to do is the googly for any libby and heckled. Obama had more than enough hecklers that if it was donny, he'd never crawl out from under the bed and stay in the fetal position. And the libbys seem to have a tougher hide than the melange one. Not a House floor episode but one that shows "diplomacy", not buffaloing.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
let's review shall we?
people blabber about freedom of speech but that doesn't allow disrupting an official session of Congress. remember boys and girls Al "Grandpa Munster" Green called for Trump to be impeached the day after he won in 2016, hadn't even been sworn in yet.
this clown made the Democrats look like anti-American clowns. which they are.
*I* think the House (or possibly the Senate) floor is the only place a person who is allowed to stand there can say anything about anyone and not have any legal reprecussions. (sp)
Now, i'm not for what al did. But he had others blaze the path for him. Didn't hear one maggie stand up and shame their fellow in party for doing such. Repeatedly doing such.
What you didn't see is donny do the libby thing and address the incident with reasoned, thought out reply that was open and transparent with any facts.
Did the shamed dog bit and got the guy out of there so that he didn't have show (like the whole speech) he had a big 'nuttin burger.
Originally Posted by winn dixie
Magas silencing their critics.
Bunch of things skinned hypocrits.
Next time it could be YOU!
They sure have a skin as thin as a fleas ass.
Originally Posted by Jacky S
I can’t believe anybody would expect that bunch of juvenile clowns to act any other way than the way they did.
Look at who, or better what you are dealing with. The more disturbing aspect of the situation is trying to figure out who continues to vote for these people.
Vote for which people?
Originally Posted by farmstud60
It will have long term negative issues for Democrats, that is obvious to real adults
Really? I mean old al took a page from the maggie playbook. Not that I condone it. But tell me when you pipe up about your fellow maggie doing the same? And when it comes to the libbys, tell me how many got the boot a la al green style from these people heckling:
Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Yeah. Nobody that isn’t already out there like Jupiter from tds (op) saw that as anything but a childish tantrum.
Boebart and MTG were true tds ragers.
Difference between al and them is when joey called them out, they had no well reasoned, factually correct reply for him. Old joey just gave them the rope and they hung themselves. He could have been merciful and had them expelled but he knew a bigger lesson was to be had for the American people to see.
Today (March 9) was the anniversary of Bloody Sunday when the democrats attacked peaceful black freedom marchers. I'm sure that Green likes to think he is one of those historic figures instead of the clown that he is.
Al green is now immortal.
A hero standing up against the fall of freedom.
No reason to remove him nor censure him.
Bottom line. It's clear that any that speak out against trumpf will be smeared and silenced somehow.