Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Sometimes a Great Negotiator will decline to negotiate when they’re holding all the cards. That’s why they are called a Great Negotiator. Trump has been using different reasons for tariffs, because there are many different reasons to use tariffs. What he’s doing is using them as a negotiating tool. As F4D pointed out in post 113, Canada has been fucking us for years with their tariffs on us and so have many other countries since WWII.
You’re over simplifying the use of tariffs as for taxation only. Are they a tax? Yes, on other countries, which does not necessarily mean a direct tax on U.S. consumers. Could they cause higher prices on U.S. consumers? Sure they could. But, if you remember correctly, Trump imposed tariffs in his first term and what was the inflation rate when he left office? It was under 2%…I think it was 1.4%. So, I’m not buying the argument that the Trump tariffs will increase inflation until I see it. Until then, it’s an empty argument.
As far as the tax relief for the rich, that’s another Dem talking point that’s worn thin. The tax cuts he’s wanting to make permanent are tax cuts for all of us, including you sir. If you think for one minute that billionaires don’t have the ability to hire the best tax accountants in the world to avoid paying taxes, you’re sorely mistaken. They will always hire the best to do their taxes regardless of what tax policy is in place. Something folks like us can’t afford. You’re ok with Biden’s Green New Deal that handed out billions of our tax dollars to billionaires tho? Take a look at the net worth of some of your fav Dems and stop being naďve.
Start with Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders.
The majority of what you write is almost a cut and paste from a GOP propaganda page….
So, here are some observations to consider…..
First, Trump is the same cluster fuck with no plan he has always been. Everything is transactional………as long as people kneel and fawn all over him, he is easily manipulated. Others write the agenda, and he shotguns it randomly against the wall to see what sticks. His own people are constantly either cleaning up his statements, or getting caught contradicting him, and then having to backwater……
While SOME of his goals are commendable, the execution is always wrong, and done to keep him in the limelight…..good or bad, he loves having the spotlight on himself.
The tariff baloney, he is caving already. Today came an exemption for Autos, and he will keep pulling them back until they are gone as people get angrier about prices rising across the board, and the markets trend down.
Trumpworld will do, soon enough, what it always does……they will end up eating their own……..the squabbling is minor now, but it’s going to scale up as they try to actually legislate as opposed to all these wasted photo ops for “Executive Orders”…….which have always been a pile of bullshit, because the next President simply cancels them out. Stupid.
Trump does have one superior talent, as a world class narcissist……he knows how to manipulate and gaslight people very well. He and Clinton are alike…..the only difference was Clinton knew enough to work with the other side instead of castigating them in every other sentence.
All that being said…….the real culprit in this chaos that is occurring is the Democratic Party as it is today. Just like in Obama’s first term, they got fat and lazy, and ignored the details of how to keep power once they had it. They were arrogant, and simply assumed that they could not be beaten.
If the Democrats can’t keep their rank and file in line, they will never be able to overtake the swing to the right that has occurred in the last several years. The are so many fragmented blocs in the party, and those blocs stop any real progress. Similar to what the Freedom Caucus does to the GOP…..which is why Mike Johnson has to rely on the Dems to pass any budgets or debt ceiling changes.
The Democrats have been consumed by their own factions. There is no leader at this time to grab them by the throat, shake the fuck out of them and change their direction. Love him or hate him, maybe Cuomo getting back in the game will help the Dems. He is actually the Trumpish personality of the left.
As far as the “protests “ at the Joint session, they were childish, petty and embarrassing. The Dems did more to make Trump look normal than he ever could on his own.
If I were Jeffries, or Schumer, I’d be taking names, and bitch slapping the ones who were being asses.
I am so disappointed by the Democrats in general. They are lost at this moment.
I am even more disappointed by those Republicans who have lost their balls to stand up for what is right, and not be ass kissers. The whole idea of a politician being terrified of “getting primaried” just makes me shake my head….if you are an elected official, and are doing your job for your constituents, WTF are you afraid of? I’d be saying “Bring it on!”
No balls. It’s disgusting.
All that being said……There is one thing that needs to happen to get our country right again…….the Republican and Democrat parties need to both be swept into the dustbin of history …. We need new political parties that can represent everyone, not minority fringe groups,
The No Labels party is trying to get recognition, and possibly on the next ballot, and yet another new party has recently been launched, as you can read about in the attached article.
We really need to return to the days of compromising together as a country……no more playing to a “base” and saying screw everyone else. I mean, look at all the viciousness in the posts here in the sandbox . It’s crazy that we attack each other the way we do. It’s not funny at all. No matter how many stupid memes people post.
Me, I am going to be hoping and helping where I can to usher in these new parties. It’s beyond time the old ones were done away with.