Originally Posted by Jacky S
President Trump made reference in his speech last night about the final capture of one of the mastermind terrorist involved in the murder of 13 US Servicemen during the disastrous Afghan widrawl.
Just listen to the interview. Trump means business, and he is unleashing the hounds of hell.
If he meant business, he'd have done the withdraw of Afganistan during his first term.
Originally Posted by Schwarzer Ritter
The democrats did not appreciate that. They are pro terrorist.
And what do you call donny for orchestrating the foundation of withdrawing by not including the Afgan government and dealing directly with the terrorist?
Maggies always tend to ignore that.
And donny 2.0 is doing the same in Ukraine. Classic exercising of Einstein quote about insanity.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
As I wrote here last year: This is not the Democratic Party of our fathers.
Bill Mahar agrees on tghat. He says that he did not leave the Democratic Party, they left him. . . .and I think that the progressive left have left behind many staunch liberals who just can't go along with all the perfidious BS of tghe Biden years.
The libbys definitely lost their base.
But it seem the people of the USA are fast losing the view of this country that donny promised them at the polls.
A whole lot of eligble people for the ballot box out there. Just ripe for picking.