Originally Posted by originalandanonymous
This. She really got her head in the clouds. Other girls of similar looks in other cities will give you a lot more for a lot less. Hell, Rochester Ivette is a babe and satisfies every urge for a big booty Latina, a for less than mercy.
Comparing the marketplace from different regions is useless. 20 years ago, trying to get a decent incall in Atlanta was 600 for an an hour. Ridiculous? Maybe. Typical for that city? Yup.
It's pretty basic. Donation rates that are not sustainable tend not to last. If they are sustainable, the market tends to follow. Sure, back in the 2010s the premium rate was around $3 for an hour. You can still find that here and there, but it's hardly the norm.
Value is a matter of perception. If the donation doesn't match your perception, that's fine. No harm done. See someone else.