Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Didn’t read the book, nor will I. Nor is it an informed opinion regarding Lib Media, it’s fact.
Well, one thing I have learned in my short time here is that you are very careful with your facts. You NEVER "make shit up" to use a phrase (I heard that somewhere)
This is my favorite fact posted by you so far:
Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
....The wide open border allowing illegals to enter our country by the millions, the majority of which are dangerous and hate our country....
I won't ask you how you determined the fact you gave previously about Lib media (they hate the babies and deserve what they get). Besides, you also admitted that it was not an informed opinion (sometimes this is so fucking easy I have to pinch myself!)
I would like to ask you for the figures about the illegal immigrants, though. It is once again Friday and I need those numbers to troll my Marxist lib drinking buddies tonight.
So, please, how many millions of "illegals" are there? And how many millions of them are dangerous and hate our country, exactly?
Maybe you could break it down a little further too. As in:
X.A Million illegal immigrants
X.B Million of whom are dangerous
X.C Million of whom hate our country
X.D Million of whom are BOTH dangerous AND hate our country
A source would be extremely helpful. Because my friends are going to say I just made this shit up, I know it. Help a fellow hater out!