Originally Posted by Anthonylewis50
I think you all put a little too much faith in markets to work themselves out. I think ladies take pride in their rates. Lowering it after raising it is hard. People aren't cold economic actors. They are people and other considerations come into play. Markets also lie. They fuck you over. They give you bad quality. The market isn't your friend. So don't trust markets, trust yourself. People can charge whatever they want. Just as people can do Anything they want. But.. Not everything is a good idea
I hear you-- but ultimately, if a lady is not making any money-- she will either adjust her rate or location-- or she'll move along to other things assuming she has the ability to do so.
Yeah-- its an oversimplification on my part... but ladies are going to charge what they're able to get. If they aren't getting it-- they won't continue charging it. This debate has gone on for years-- even back when AnnMarie was charging 24k for a weekend (and getting it). FannyHillUSA was charging 1k for an hour as a BBW-- 20 years ago.
I charge what I charge because when I decide to tour somewhere-- I don't want to have a lot of dead time-- plus I have a lot of long time regs that I don't want to "price out". My rates HAVE gone up over the years-- but I've tried to keep them relatively in line with the cost of doing business. That's me. I can't speak for others. I only know what works best for me and keeps me and my clients happy.