Originally Posted by LustyBustyGina38FF
Just may be she got some other guy to give her 800 a week!
1.There is a term I was told by a provider who was irritated things were slow for her...."Flavor of the week" you must remember that she is not the only provider out there and once something more appealing comes along guys usually will go for it, they most want to try a new flavor and most are not willing to spend extra to keep the old flavor around.Even regulars will scroll and see something more appealing than you and eventually flame out.
2 Why not keep me around and get an extra $600.00 with that $800.00 ? You're saying that she should basically throw money away? It just doesn't make fiscal sense,so her not wanting to date is a puzzling equation....in fact many providers reading this thread are probably like " Wait she didn't want to......huh?