Originally Posted by ryanisthesh.t
I’ve only been going to strip clubs for the last couple of years so sadly my only experience of the ‘glory days’ is through some of y’alls posts about the old Michaels and the APD days. But when I started, Treasures was good and reliable, then D Spot had it’s moment, but now all that’s left is the Ritz but it’s not the best for mongering unless you have a membership to go upstairs or get lucky. I hear from some people that it’s still a good scene but for the life of me I don’t know where to go and I’m afraid that after the new changes to The Ship, there isn’t a new place to take the mantle. I am afraid that the scene may never recover, let alone return to the heights of the good old days. Sorry if this was an incoherent ramble I’ve just had too many bad experiences recently. Let me know what y’all think.
Hi! Could you clarify what you meant by 'The Ship'? I've come across this term on other platforms as well, but I haven't been able to find a club by that name. I'm new to Houston and the USA, so I might be missing some local context. I’d really appreciate any insights!