Alright guys need some more guidance on this one. Maybe I've missed something obvious so don't roast me too bad.
There's a girl - Bentley - that seems to post a TON and consistently on various sites, but I don't see any reviews. Here are links, and I'll explain:
Those are just a few. I checked the usual places even the seedier sites that crowd-source reviews, and pulled up various old numbers of hers and checked here as well as the broader web, I see nothing.
What baffles me is that with such terrible offerings in the 'burgh (not counting the higher priced gals), how she isn't reviewed at all and if there is a reason for it. Like maybe she has a bad rap, or has had trouble in the past? Even then, I see reviews here on ECCIE for girls over and over that you guys have said no to, and stay away from, and people keep going, and then give mixed reviews, like they were surprised.
On paper, it looks good, rates aren't that high, she's attractive, so what gives? What have I missed? Maybe she wants to stay UTR? but she posts so much, and with face. I know someone has to be the first to review, but she's been posting for years. Lol, no one's seen her?
Alright I already know you smarties have a good answer so I'll shut up and wait.
EDIT: i saw one review here, but you regulars quickly called him and his buddy out for shilling for the spa/provider: