Thanks for the well wishes in DMs and here. I will address concerns here rather than individually. I am on meds and all symptoms basically gone in like a day. Caught the outbreak early. Main downside is that I now have to disclose to future partners. I decided to move on to more productive endeavors rather than burn more $. Mental damage was worse than physical, but I have accepted it. Its really not possible to know who I got it from which is why I cant name anyone. No signs for a long time after last encounter.
Look up info on herpes. Every girl in any studio is guaranteed to have at least oral hsv1. You likely already have it if you kissed anyone at all, even LFK. Most already had it from kissing their parent as a kid or sharing a drink. Condom would not help in my case as it is at the base of the dick where it doesn't cover. Only way to be 99% safe is basically no contact with the girl except with a layer of rubber lmao.
As for the clap, symptoms showed weeks after last encounter so again, no way to tell. At the very least its gone with antibiotics. Basically, its pretty safe to assume that its made its way to all the studios.