Originally Posted by tman1847
You people that use the term "bone spurs" are funny. Biden used school deferments and when they ran out he all of a sudden had asthma even though he played football and was a lifeguard in high school. So I'll just refer to Joe Biden as "The Fucking Coward"
I am hilarious and supportive of your Biden position. Draft dodging often runs in families. Mad respect to Beau.
But since this is Trump vs Obama I'm focused on how this makes Trump look like the piece of shit he is. It speaks to a key reason his deportation #'s lagged Obama's.
He lacked the mettle and drive.
Obama had a liberal set of Supremes. He wasn't heavily stifled by courts. He started with strong support in the states. Made the tough call and took responsibility for driving the change from Day 1. Didn't spend 4 years blaming his predecessor and deported similar numbers in 4 as Trump and Biden's combined
Obama T1 walked the walk. Trump T1 talked, but ultimately shirked his responsibilities and ran faster than a man with bone spurs from his duty.