Originally Posted by justhangingaround
How close are her photos to her actual appearance?
AGE: I would guess Mio to be older but not a gross exaggeration
Where the Double looks 25ish, Mio 35ish
BODY: is fairly accurate with the model even having the same shape of natural tits, only a slightly larger version thereof.
FACE: Not similar at all. On the websight, go all way down the fold until you see the Mio/Color 2 girl combo. The girl positioned behind the other is Mio.
Justhangingaround, listen dick-weed, when a girl opens the door and lets you in, take that face to face moment as an opportunity to make a decision one way or the other if she fits the bill in the looks department .That 60 second window is plenty for purely assessing a girls scale of physical attractiveness. Myself, i can tell you in less than 2 seconds if I would fuck a girl or not. 60 seconds is a friggin eternity.
Are you still with me? Now, If the girl does NOT make the cut which happens, be a fucking gentleman about it and politely excuse yourself right then and there. Something along the lines of, “sorry not my style” OR… “my apologies, I was expecting something else” is perfectly acceptable in this instance.
My 2 cent$