I'm quitting the hobby for good.
I've made the decision to leave "the hobby".I have not hobbied since 2023 and I kind of no longer feel like it fits me in terms of lifestyle. I have met many interesting people while hobbying, but no matter how you feel about it being legalized or not there are some dark seedy negative aspects which have bolstered my decision to leave.A top reason is that a good number of providers I have met did not want to start "providing" on their own free will, a lot were coerced,forced or tricked into it by their boyfriends in order to support them or escape a desperate financial situation.One provider who I got close to cried in my arms that she was forced into it by an abusive boyfriend who gave her a black eye,I'm not saying all providers are in this situation but many I met were.Another reason is scams, in the age of deposits it opens up a way for providers who are dishonest crooks to steal, or lying about an emergency to get money because they are slow and not getting calls. One more reason is that I don't want to get caught in a Vice prostitution sting, the worst part is that you're ousted as being a "John" and your face and name are published for all to see. Last but not least many clients are married men 😕 I look at my own married future and wonder would I see a provider knowing I was hitched? Too all those still hobbying stay safe and uhhhhh wear protection.